Dear Veeky Forums it's been a very unfortunate day for me and I don't know where to find help aside from this place...

Dear Veeky Forums it's been a very unfortunate day for me and I don't know where to find help aside from this place. I lost a huge amount of my money over something I trully regret, it's not bitconnect or whatever shitcoin but I'm very depressed right now, it's about real life and I can't mention what's the case. I know that this is phrohibited, but I believe that some little of your wealth are very helpful to me. I will be very thankful to anyone philanthropist who would send me 0.2 ether to my address . Don't send me if somebody have send that amount to me, I sincerely only need those money. Please don't bully my unfortunate, I'm very depressed right now. I'm very embarrassed of myself and I'm very sorry to beg you this money, but it's very important to me and my mental health. Sincerely, the stupid user.

End your life nao

Reported and saged.

Enjoy being poor faggot, also kys.

Sorry I meant 2 ethers, I am very depressed can't think clearly :(

Sincerely, the stupid pajeet.

mods get rid of this shit jesus

OP kys


If you dont say what happened youll have no chance. That sucks though man im sorry to hear it.

What did you expect people would say?

1/10 troll.

Post bobs and vagene dear sir

OP is 100% a pajeet, don't even waste emphaty on this subhuman.

I'm not a troll, sorry I'm depressed right now


Die you piece of shit begging animal

Sent, be happy with me boi

Hey mate I'm sorry you're going through a rough time, but asking for money from strangers is not the answer.

It all begins with training your mind and overcoming challenges that will only make you stronger

did you sent me 2 ethers? I would be really thankful if you didn't troll me and I will remember this moment my entire life...

thank you for your kind empowerment. really appreciates you

No i just sent 100k

What is your native language?

Nah don't expect anything free here.

Just work on yourself and move on, money isn't everything.

Your health is more important than your wealth.

rare merchant

Indonesian language

thank you very much!


Sent ;-)

sorry everybody for begging, it seems that nobody have or will give me 2 ethers, it's still 0. But thanks to user lZT98RYU for his kind empowerment. For those who thinks I am a troll, I am not, and I'm very sincere right now.

>Can I have 100,000K?
Thanks just begged for 100,000k.

sorry, it feel really different right now...