Bitcoin's finally bottomed out, I think. From here on in I think the uptrend has started

Bitcoin's finally bottomed out, I think. From here on in I think the uptrend has started.

Lemme here from my Veeky Forumsnessmen. What do you think?

Bump faggots, c'mon now


Not until 5000.

W u t


What the hell makes you think it'll go down that hard?

Solid support at 5k. Bitcoin will go down for weeks yet, not fast, but very very slow. and even then I'd expect a long sideways crawl before we see gains in any of the top ten coins. Honestly I think the best advice is to come back to crypto in the summer.

Ugghhhh noooooo

I've tethered up, but all this FUD about tether is making me nervous to keep it that way.

But now that I look at it I think you might be right.

Might swap to Nubits instead. Seems to always be the inverse of whatever trend bitcoin is following

>come back at end of Q2
When everything is mooning because of so many main net launches? You're absolutely retarded

Thanks for the laugh.

I'm thinking at least March until recovery.
I mean look at the volume this shit is pumping out just hovering.
See you at 10k again later.

10-12k will be the norm for awhile. the hype and new money is over.

>goes up 1k after 100million tether injected

Every time BTC has a bear market it drops to at least 1/5 the last high if not 1/10.

What makes you think the bear market will only be 3 months?

You think

This is terrible advice

Collective memory lasts exactly 2 seconds.
And all it takes to put your money into crytpo is a couple clicks.

Looked bad this morning, going up afternoon time. Best go up soon got sell orders waiting to be filled.

because this isn't a bear market. This is a necessary shed of bloat before an organic, healthy second year of growth

Whats the moniker for deluded bitcoiners?

It will bottom out at about $8,500, but it will last a literal second then shoot up to $12,000 within 6 hours. Screencap this.


bump in time for crash

>implying the mean is that low
BTC’s mean would be around right where we are.

The opposite. In summer everybody will realize that 99% of ICOs were complete and utter moneygrabs without skilled coders


its going to 3k lol


Mempool is dropping hard in the last days, transactions are cheaper than some weeks ago. The news will be that segwit/LN is a success, which is of course bullshit, but BTC will pump and Altcoins dump anyway.

Why not cash to real fiat on an exchange like kraken?

Tax laws here.

He said at least. Bitcoin may be experiencing an acceleration of boom/bust cycles now that is getting more media and normie attention.

doesn't mean total market cap won't keep growing


BTC just had a correction to the mean line.

i dont think so

sub $5000

It's just a correction, just like every time before, it's going to return to the trend from August and continue on it's merry way up.