The elites are using bitcoin to condition people to have no long term memory

>Bitcoin is sub-10k for 11/12 of last year's months
>bitcoin spikes to 20k for just 1/12 months
> goes back to the highest it was for most of last year
> it craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaashed

You guys are worse than the fucking proles in 1984. Fucking goldfish attention spans.


are you one of those delusional faggots who keeps posting the log charts which make a 50% dip look like all the other 20-40% dips?

you sound like one of those faggots.

kek the only ones crying about it are the newfags who bought at 19k.

You're implying people had long term memory to begin with.

There are actually people on Veeky Forums right now who support banking and buy XRP.

Reminder that the NSA was writing reports on how to use and exploit crypto currency back in 1996

1984 was a satire of contemporary Britain. A more well read gentleman would have used the mob in Shakespear's Julius Caesar as a better example.
Thinking you are smart because you have read a book on the high school curriculum unlike the "proles" you are surrounded by is ridiculous

yfw satoshi nakamoto is a british weebo

be honest with me, its never going back up to 20 k right? i mean it seems like its on life support and tether has to be pumped every day just to get it to stay around 10k - 11k

tfw all the 1984 kiddies don't realize Orwell was a communist

>not real gommunism :DDDDD

well that's what George Orwell would tell you, yes

yes, just like Chavez was not a real communist

He definitely wasn't a communist.Its not like its a secret he was a socialist but he would hate the label communist, If you haven't read the Road to Wigan Pier he makes the point that their is no real consensus on what socialism is and he is really only in favour of improving the working conditions for the working class. You could arguably say he is more in line with modern day blue collar trade unionists than modern day socialists.

That's what every communist will tell you... Don't you know its never been tried?

Yes spike tops are fast
Shocking developments

name some classless stateless moneyless societies

Exactly. Such a thing doesn't exist, because it can't. When communists say "not real communism" they're correct. Doesn't validate the concept in anyway.

as a minerfag, this crash brought hope to my heart

are you the Veeky Forumstist I had a chat about communism earlier today?
>le tabula rasa

tankies say orwell was a snitch and libs hate orwell
and conservatives only quote half his shit
so i think it's safe to say by the principle of universal hate that he was swell fella

well said

Wasn't me senpai.