Daily reminder if you don't hold any of these in 2018 you are not going to make it

Daily reminder if you don't hold any of these in 2018 you are not going to make it.

Are you going to just ignore the obvious eng aion icx wan knc lend superempire?


wats the top right

only good one is QASH

None of those is LINK

Komodo is alpha as fuck

>lets you build a coin from start to finish
>atomic swaps

why dont you have this?


inferior to eng, which is pajeet


inferior to ven

dont need cuz zrx and kmd

inferior to ELIX

more like pajeetpire lmao

I'm in a /comfy/ state of ZEN.



You forgot one faggot. Might as well replace DASH with LUX considering it will make it obsolete.

> inferior to eng, which is pajeet
inferior? already outed as a retard

>icx is meh
Great argument

> wan is inferior to ven
entirely different models. Apples are inferior to oranges too man, totally agree.

> KNC not needed due to ZRX
one is normie friendly and one isn't, hmm

> lend inferior to elix
one is complete vaporware and one is already processing millions in loans, has real partnerships and audited code

> HHHHHHHHHNHHH muh pajeetpire

enjoy your pumped dumps

great point man, sold everything and buying VEN

Dash is the only one that might actually moon because there's commercials for it now

That's because in this thread we are talking about 'making it' , not ; quickest way to commit seppuku

KMD also generates you 5% a year for holding in their wallet
enjoy the easy profits faggots

hoh boy, 5% per year

ARK gives you 10%

Daily reminder if you do hold any of these in 2018 you are not going to make it.

Dash is poised to explode this year, many do not even take the time to understand what is about to go down.