The state of Veeky Forums explained in a single graph

The state of Veeky Forums explained in a single graph.

BTW Koko the gorilla has an IQ around 70-85

>Salty boomer, the thread.

Relates to this huh.

That's racist, user

Average lq is meant to be 100. Are you retarded.

her trainers fudged the numbers

>this kills the liberal

Now compare the graph to % of white people in the world.


/pol/ was right again

I wonder why

how do we get rid of niggers

more niggers included in the testing pool

Why is this shit in spanish? it's actually funnier saying la creatura lol

Simply a coincidence, you stupid goyim.
Now you better let millions of those savages into your white countries or we'll call you racist again.
>just not Israel
>we'll be fine preaching ethnic purity from behind our giant walls

Went autistic one day and posted both of these pics on my friends Facebook post. He wasn't too excited about the correlation i made.

>mfw 1%
im the 1% in something boys fuckin yeah


This is more true. All the normies show up now.

You should try being born into the 1% like me

It is an /int/ meme where they refer to Americans as monsters in Spanish

el chupacabra...

What did he mean by this