Disclaimer: Strawpoll has a max amount of voting options so I couldnt add as many as Weiss, but I added some popular Veeky Forums coins instead.
Bonus: I will buy the top three coins for 1 eth each.
fucking trash poll.
you are literally missing a fuck ton of coins. shitty attempt.
OP doesn't even include the king (XLM).
Its impossible to include all :(
I already did this with a better poll website
Everyone shilled tron
Do it again, yours is better than mine
>adds bitcoin
>no link
>no OMG
>no XLM
fuck off m8 im gonna make a better one this sucks vagina dicks
Actually no, the website I used grabs your IP like Veeky Forums would flags and there were no indians
Just trolls
If there's anything I'm getting from every poll following the review and the Weiss review itself, i should just continue to deathgrip my ETH
Fine. Be careful though, this still is Veeky Forums and a good chunk will be trolling
> trying to choose the best coins based on a majority
the majority of people here make shit gains. So the most upvoted coin is just going to be the most popular coin amongst losers. Just dyor
This is the worst poll I've ever seen.
You list a shitton of absolute trash but don't bother putting big names?
interesting. there actually arent any indians on /biz. not sure where the pajeet meme sprang from desu
>no LINK
>no REQ
>no VEN
Die in a fire, retarded cunt.
Where are my OPISAFAGGOT bros at? We're certain to moon this year.
it's a meme, bro. I seriously doubt there's all that many poos on here
> nowhitepapercoin
why do people even buy this scamshit?