Bought $200 worth of XRP at $3.50 hoping it would go to $5

>bought $200 worth of XRP at $3.50 hoping it would go to $5

Who else here /retarded/?

You might be a special kind of retarded. Even all the retards on biz knew it was a scam. Honestly, every respectable person in the space was calling it out for it's many flaws (not even a cryptocurrency, permissioned nodes, corporate structure, no actual case, if ripple is an effective system, they will just copy the code, etc), but I guess you thought you were smarter than they were.

Just you, bud.

I wish all XRP and TRX niggers would fuck off back to Twitter.

paging Railblocks holders

>still third largest crypto
holy fuck you guys are so dumb. Its like your little brain can only comprehend black and white, its either a scam or new paradigm. How do you go through life while being this dumb?



Yeah they've got me too, 100$ at 3$. But i dont care really, its not that much.

oh shiet nigga, are u me? i'm all in on link now tho, and xlm

thanks for letting me know that you don't know what crypto means

I also recently bought $300 worth of raiblocks when it was at $24

At least you're correcting your mistake

Man, you must be really smart. You should def tell Peter Todd that he's wrong and to do his homework a bit better.

bought 2k req at .90

Lol, so you're suggesting that if a coin is a scam it can't have a big market cap? And that therefore all scams are somewhat unsuccessful qua marketcap?

Man, you're really on top of things.

You fell for the altcoin meme. If you don't want to get duped again, there's one simple fact you need to learn. Every single altcoin is useless. Anything except BTC is garbage. You will learn this in the coming months.

ok then brainlet tell me how is ripple a scam and who exactly is getting scammed?

>charges you outrageous fees
>delays your transfers
Heh, nothing personal kid

you mean anthing except eth

You mean anything except XMR.

Look at these fresh little retards. Adorable

>le 34% dominance face

>Who is getting scammed?
People that are listening to Ripple's shit claims like "banks luv us and are makin dealz w/us guyz" and then buying.

>How is it a scam
Let's refer to Peter todd's work, since I'm a brainlet. First of all it's not a blockchain and it's not decentralized. The ledger is only given the thumbs up by a handful of centralized nodes permissioned by Ripple. Why do they have to centralize all their nodes? Because the structure of XRP is an abortion, where if more than 20% of Ripple's network nodes do not agree, the system's ledger would effectively fork.

Secondly, Ripple--the corporation (who you should totally trust, rite guyz?)--owns most of the coins, leaving them free and clear to flood and choke the market with coins as they wish.

Third, Ripple was created by a scammer, Jed McCaleb, of Mt. Gox. (But again, you should totally him guyz)


at least it was only $200. I put 1ETH (at the time $1300) into UFR at $2.40.

>people that are listening to ripple

lmao you dumbass, ripple never targeted any investors or speculators, ripple has a product and its targeted at banks, banks are the main people that make the volume of ripple. Just because you are dumb and thought you could ride along the banks isn't Ripple's fault.

Fuck you Ive been here for years and TRX is my #1 boy.

I’ll never understand why get anons get angry and insulting when someone confesses a mistake.
Sorry for your loss OP, learn from it

Here's a quick rundown.

>goes from 20 cents to 3.50
>crashes and normalizes like the rest of the market
>found a new floor 7x from where it was last year
>going to do it again
>consistent and dependable coin with actual team and announced partners
>Veeky Forums hates it

Tells me all I need to know desu. It's funny all Veeky Forums does it cry about pajeets, but at the end of the day Veeky Forums is just chasing the next pump and dump as well. My point? When all is said and done, you will all realize you were the pajeets all along.

>le evil jewish guy wants to steal your money
fuck off back to >>/pol/

so any coin that cant be mined is a scam to get eth and btc?