Are you the 1% user?

user- as long as you hold 1,000 OMG tokens you are part of the 1%.

>he doesn't realize that staking will be paid in any currency
>he doesn't realize Staking goes live Q2 on Tendermint
>he doesn't realize that there is going to be a rush to buy as many OMG as possible to collect passive income
>he doesn't realize he doesn't need to run a full node- he can just join a staking pool
>he doesn't realize OMG is THE coin for Plasma


who else comfy?

Other urls found in this thread:

stop shilling OMG. it's been shilled enough here. retards who haven't bought in yet deserve to be poor


Kek, bump faggot.

you such an annoying faggot
go back to reddi+


I have 105 OMG and 1100 ZRX on my portfolio (3k euro poorfag).

Hopefully OMG picks up some steam soon.


Confirmation that only the 1% gets to stake?

OP i am so comfy as fuck, igt 1300 omisego and i'm fucking ready to go, any user in here that doesnt buy omisego now is FAKING RETARD

-The end

i lost 2600 OMG by mistakingly sending them to the smart contract... since then have accumulated 1023.... hearing 1k puts me in the elite makes me happy. thanks anons

i just sold my omg guys thanks

if i hold 250 can i be part of the 25%? :(

1k OMG here. I can't decide if I want to sell when it hits $1k or live off the passive. I've been stressing out all week over it.

Is there a point in holding this if you can't get enough to stake tho

50 OMG here
I'm ok fomoing in once they actually deliver something... anything

You guys are smarter so I'll ask. Do you guys own any VEN/ICX? Or are we all in skateboard here

Yes, when the prices goes sky rocket you can still sell it.

dude I hold 1k+ and after reading the last update about staking I have no fucking clue If ill even have enough to stake

live off passive... you ever wonder why people go bankrupt after winning the lotto? or NBA players go broke when they retire? the same will happen to you user unless you are savvy with money and plan to re-invest. OMG is like a planting a money tree and were waiting for it to bear fruit

You're welcome.

Nah, i will get my passive income from chainlink in future

yeah, hope its not something like 10k needed


Omisegods feelin comfy

will i make it with 4k omg

will omg 100x this year? asking for a friend

This year doubtful. Next year absolutely