Swing trading?

Thinking about peeling a little of my REQ stack to chase the coming XLM and VEN pumps over the next week or so and buying back in with the profits? Is it worth it? anyone else doing this out there?

I wanted to do this but at the same time since im a burger I dont wanna get taxed/ missing the req moon that ive been bleeding so long for

I tried to do this with VEN and Stellar and ended up losing part of both stacks

Same. I lost like 15% of my XLM trying to play games. I'm so sad.

You do realize more trades don't mean more taxes right? Aside from holding out for the long term rate, net gains are net gains, no matter how many trades you make.

Hmm, I heard that every crypto-to-crypto trade is considered a taxable event starting Jan 1, 2018... Is this not true?

Learn what a taxable event means for capital gains.

Could you just summarize it for me in 1-2 clear sentences so I don't have to google it?

>cashing out ever

In a nutshell, the combined gains and losses of all your trades in a year (net gains) is what you get taxed on. Taxable event just means you recalculate that number every time you make a trade (as if you cashed out and bought in with fiat).

Thanks user! that is good to know.

user, VEN and XLM are already priced in. There won't be pumps this weekend are you daft? Fucking crypto normans.

No problem. At the very least, everyone should be aware of the tax implications of what they are doing. It is surprisingly easy to fuck yourself over.

Please do it, i would enjoy the moon that would surely follow.

But seriously, there is something strange going on with Req. just look at the subreddit, 30k subs with 3k online, ethtrader has 130k subs and 5k online, req numbers are astounding.
Their move to singapore and the close ties with kyber and, rumors has it, other partners, have been noticed in the east.
I think that we will see some big movement as soon as monday. Usually mondays of update weeks have always seen a little pump, but I feel this one will be something bigger.

I did this for a few days and gained 500 REQ, was pretty happy. Then in december it has a big run and I fomo'd back in -1000 REQ. I'm glad I fomo'd back in btw because it went from 60c to $1 in a day. Not worth doing imo.

ya they're pretty much priced in, maybe sell xlm like minutes after the roadmap comes out, if req is successful it will grow to a much higher pricepoint in the long term compared to something like xlm

Thanks for this! Helpful info

Just deleted my long as post because this is way more concise.

I would add that as of now cashing out of coins without a fiat pairing is always a short term gain because you need to trade to a fiat paired coin to do so. Fucked up IMO but that's the way the law sees it.

If you're a burger I mean

Sure, but that doesn't actually matter either. Buy Req, hold for 1 year, sell for eth. You pay long term rate on that sell at fair market value. Then sell the eth to fiat at a short term rate which would be an insignificant amount of gain/loss.
It gets more complicated if start talking about partial stacks and first in-first out.

That's a relief; already daydreaming about cashing out in 2025

We just need a good fucking update.

The last 2 updates have been trash. Combine that with the whole market shitting itself it's been a bad time to hold REQ (and many other coins).

Part of me knows that the devs are working hard on the product but they should also know that this market runs on hype and the best way to get more people involved with REQ is to deliver solid updates with substance. We all knew about the $30m REQ fund, we've seen the technical mindmap 50 fucking times and nobody cares about it. Show us partnerships, show us progress photos on the product, show us an internal version working with kyber since they are both co-working together in the same office.

Was there an actual reason it ballooned up to $1 back in december?

Peeling my req stack to chase moon mission is the best thing I've ever done, never get attached to your coins, they are there to make you money

You'll pay the same amount in taxes holding and daytading considering you made the same amount of profit in each.

It was all random, seriously. It just came out of nowhere. Then the extended pump came from the Huobi listing.