Why isn't the roadmap getting publised?


big if true
prepare your pink wo then

Thats not a rocket, its a submarine. Only way is down. SELL SELL SELL

Another pajeet try to fud. kys.

its 7AM in california. they are based in Cali. sorry you gotta wait till we wake up pajeet


>lazy American NEETS probably sleeping until 4 pm every day


Noon, thank you very much

Sure. Look at this leaked photo from the roadmap then...... idiot.

Eurofag here. I unironically do this. except 2pm

U don't fool no one. stay a pajeet.

I tried to warn you....

>tried to warn me haha
Aaaand... we're going back up.

Sell now and buy in at 0.48

U should have sold before and buy now.

Truly the most... STELLAR recovery i've ever seen. sorry i was so wrong.

Because it's 7 fucking am in San Francisco where Stellar HQ is located?

>buying before a dump

user no

Sell now and fomo in later

I see the dump hahaha lame dump then.
Anyway i'm in since 4100 sats.

Nice dive stellar submarine

A pajeet would always stay a pajeet. don't come crying later.

I dont think you even know what a pajeet is. You are probably one yourself

No, but keep telling that to yourself if it make u feel good.

Typical pajeet mistake. Have fun holding my bags, i dumped at 5798sat :)

wow i forgot a letter. noooooo!
shut up faggot i bought in 4100 sats.

get a load of this guy

So you are planning on holding until you can sell at a loss. Got it. Stay poor moron.

literally said its 7AM and used the term "we"
>this means I am in PST and am currently awake fucktard

don't worry for me i'm pretty good at trading (although u wouldn't believe, but who cares?)

I hope for u that u wouldn't miss the next pumps.

Because HQ is in San Francisco retards.

No worries. Think of me when u see the big green dildo on the chart

But when i'll see it i'll get worry that u didn't buy at time.


Which exchange?


I swear this thread is fucking pajeet central


>pajeets XD

1min candle?
nice try.
you can try again later