An hour ago they tweeted an update to their platform. Everytime they tweet news the price doubles

An hour ago they tweeted an update to their platform. Everytime they tweet news the price doubles

Has been on a nice dip this week because of the Robinhood news. Once people realize that Payfair is launching sooner (next month) and that Robinhood is only offering crypto trading in 5 states, Payfair will skyrocket


The update doesn't even work.... $0.08 by end of February

this is such an obvious moon it's not even funny. one of the top 3 most FUD'ed coins on Veeky Forums. ive been buying all the way down just so I can post my order history when it hits a dollar.

Same here user. Trust Node ready

>mfw im a nigger who doesnt understand how to use technology

Some user said this reminded him of minereum, and after i did some research, you know what? He was right.

This reminds me of the minereum scam.

>some research
>same minerium kid finally learned how to spell minereum

Same pajeet fudder every thread

lol this $0.08 pajeeter is so salty

got my 10k PFR ready for node. Bring on feb

>implying only one person is smart enough to see through this Russian scam coin.

Does anyone have info when they actually plan to implement the trust and escrow nodes?

thats the same shit you wrote in the last thread
it's so obv that the fud is coming from a salty kid who missed out

What last thread?
Get your head out of your ass and open your eyes!! You basically bought turtle coin. U r dumb. They took your money. They will take more. Dyor

February will be the full platform launch and subsequent launch into nebula fucking 9000

I seriously want to complete my node, but I'm afraid of it being a scam. How can I verify it's not?

Pls sir this reminds me of mimerium scam sir.

Nigger all the updates and community interactions with the devs points to the opposite, join the Telegram. The reason for the transparency is for your and my peace of mind

You act as if it's so weird to ask these kinds of questions, as if you're trying to push something.

When are they planning on getting on the real exchanges?

Every brainlet that has like $200 in this asks the same questions, why not DYOR

I am, but you'd think people who are into this token have good info to share.

Not sure what you mean. There's no way to "verify" any coin isn't a scam. You have to DYOR and determine the risk-factor for yourself. I would start with checking out the telegram, twitter, demo platform, github, discord, ICO details, coin distribution, etc.

Personally, I've already researched all of those and didn't find any red flags but there's no way to 100% verify anything.

>sir this is key loger scam sell sell sell!!!!!

My one major concern on this is how low the volume is. How do they expect to continue to get recognized if no one is buying even with a good platform?

this hasn't properly mooned yet it's a nice natural chart, don't worry the best i still to come.

It's a good sign it isn't a PnD and that people are buying and holding.

Cool. Think I'm gonna throw 1 Eth at it and see what happens. That about all I can afford. I really need a win here...

Reminds me of the minereum scam

True, I don't know why I'm so weary about this one maybe because the chart atm reminds me so much of UFR.

Reminds me of the typical FUD



UFR was a concentrated shill effort ran from a few discords. PFR has had an all-natural growth over the course of 2 months.

The reason you see a dip in the PFR chart isn't because it was a scam, it's because of the Robinhood news. The big draw of payfair is the fiat to crypto service; with a large, established company like Robinhood offering essentially the same thing as payfair but already having reputation and security, the point of payfair becomes non-existent.

Or so the initial thought was. People just see "Robinhood offering Crypto trading!" and assume it's as simple as that. The problem with that line of thought is that Robinhood is only launching crypto in five states in one country, with a release date of late February. Now compare that to Payfair which launches sooner and will be available in every state (and country); PFR has the clear first-movers advantage.

Also I forgot to mention that Robinhood will only be offering a select few cryptos (

How do you buy this shit?

What exchange can I get it?

I have like 9 ethers on coinbase I bought in september. I'm new to this alt coin shit.

etherdelta, try watching a video of how to buy on etherdelta because it can be very confusing. once this shitcoin gets listed on another exchange the price will explode so try to get in early.

user thank you bro

>Inb4 this is a fucking scam like link.

Look into MetaMask to make the process of using Ether Delta and Idex

EtherDelta is confusing as FUCK at first. A lot of people end up putting the amount of a token and the price of it in the opposite places: meaning instead of paying 1 eth for 10000 tokens you would be paying 10000 eth for 1 token. Make sure you absolutely do not do this.

What you'll want to do is look up how to use Etherdelta and also MyEtherWallet / Metamask. There's a good vid for Etherdelta by some english or australian cunt on youtube.

Also, Etherdelta is decentralised so it doesn't auto match buy and sell orders. You'll have to manually click the sell order and buy it that way (also circumvents the chance of swapping price and amount)

People are now so desperate to dump their bags they are teaching normans how to use etherdelta in this thread.

This reminds me of the miremium.

by your logic I should buy LINKS

Give me a basic gestalt of your findings. Im seriously interested. Im not going to pretend like this coin is the hottest shit since sliced bread just because some user is shilling it without something to back it up.

2x in the near future?

Payfair is going to be the answer to cashing out tax-free behind the jews backs

I suggest you update your logo

well put user. sitting on 2 trust nodes and comfy as hell

Dude you’ve been pajeeting all day, you’ve used the same price in every thread, same wording, everything. You missed out, just stop being such a shit pajeet

Behold the filthy street shitting Pajeets.
Let's go over their usual FUD some when they post 5+ threads a day like the last few days we can report
>Biggest regret you've bought!
>it's a Russian scam!
>it's a Russian exit scam even though the tokens are locked so that means they just bought their own tokens!
>devs can't code! Demo doesn't work properly!!
>haha robin hood and fairx / coinbase!!
Now it's "reminds me of x scam project!"

as a payfair holder, stop shilling. this is gonna work against the coin.

if anything just have discussion threads but don't encourage buy-ins

just sitting here waiting on MUH TRUST NODE