Holy FUCKING SHIT over on reddit they're making money hand over fucking fist. this guy just made a 87% gain after 2...

holy FUCKING SHIT over on reddit they're making money hand over fucking fist. this guy just made a 87% gain after 2.5 years of holding. he turned 53k into 100k.

why don't you fuckers on here ever give me good advice?

>spoonfeed me to make money
You could just head over to the robinhood general and stop being a soggy cunt.

If you didn't double your money in the longest stock market bull run in history, you are out of your god damn mind.

lol 80%

I made 80% this week.

2.5 fucking years are you kidding.

IN CRYPTO??? that's almost impossible. You'd have to be actively trying to not make money,

>didn't even get 2x in 2 and a half years

HAHAHAHAHA what is this faggotry. In 2.5 years you can 100x easy in crypto

Very bad, this guy was obviously braindead and had to lose money on purpose, people made 2x only in few weeks doing nothing in early january

I've made $30k in 2 months from $7k. At this rate I'll be at 100k by May.

I 100x'ed my initial investment in crypto from back in May when ETH was $50 and I feel fucking JUST'd because I made next to nothing during the December bull run

VERY impressive in terms of stocks. he should go interview at a hedge fund.

Pump group with 40k members will be having a pump on Binance in at 7pm EST. You don't want to miss it!
www.discord gg/4gQsHam

Bro I turned 5k in may into 450k (with a peak of 900k) without ever going on fucking plebbit!

Veeky Forums will always be the place to make it

t. has only ever experienced bull market of 2017

>87% over 2 ½ years
I'm 192% in 8 months and all Ive done is hold ethereum

How? Were you holding the shitcoin king?

the december bull run was literally the shitcoin run. Only the worst shitcoins (xrp, tron etc) got pumped. So anyone holding anything decent got justed

>this guy just made a 87% gain after 2.5 years of holding. he turned 53k into 100k.
>holy FUCKING shit
This is satire right?

uh, that's amateur around here it's 500% gainz in a month or bust we trade only the shittiest of meme shitcoins

I’m 28571439337% in 2 weeks and all I did was buy a lottery ticket

2.5 year ago that's June 2015 when btc was bellow 300$
that guy could have made well over 4 million buying BTC

wtf how? how mcuh do u have now?

>In 2.5 years you can 100x easy in crypto
you forgot three zeros

Yea same here, fucking normies

check my le filename

I would but you said "le filename".
Go back to 9gag

Me too, I even partially exited after seeing all the retard money that is a sign of impending collapse


What ICOs did u buy


what are you talking about?
is literally the advice people say the most. Unless your actually good at day trading Holding is the winning strategy in crypto for returns.

>If you didn't double your money in the longest stock market bull run in history, you are out of your god damn mind

Be me
Buy google, Tesla, Facebook 2 years ago
Gains nearly 100%


The absolute state of stock picking...

Tell me something As a non US resident/citizen you are obliged to file a W8 and pay withholding tax on US stock investments Robinhood mentioned this no where So I think it is a scam/Ponzi As soon as the markets run a short bear it will fucking collapse and people with money in it will discover they are the last to have rights to any assets. Not that you faggots will listen while some sewer cunts shill this crap
t Actually real oldfag who help options in the 90s in tech and owns property in a few countries

Have to be retarded to believe this
Learn a little TA and actually figure out how to take profits instead of bleeding money in bearish periods

most of biz are basically autistic pol or confused pajeets, you expect too much

im genuinely impressed thats why i asked retard

Somewhat Playing an index is Can look similar but its not.


>Learn a little TA

Why did it predeict the end date of the nasdaq tech boom rise or the 2009 crash? Did it predict anything of all on commodities or gold?

The answer is no Keep drawing lines on charts you stupid bastard.

lol... it took him 2.5 years, whereas it took 30 days to me... did x150 in a few months... :D lol

I am speaking very generally and that HODL can yield good results which is why people scream it. I do know TA but I didnt want to rant abou my dude. yeah if you can like swing trade you'll definity make more money but that would require being a "good" trader which was my point that holding is good for retards.

I made 400k from 14k in three months thanks to biz. Fuck you.

>2.5 years

kek, brainlet. i bought at the peak during november's bullrun and i'm still +1200% right now