If one of you retards bought into this speak up now so we can laugh

If one of you retards bought into this speak up now so we can laugh

Other urls found in this thread:

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:hBCML46LmYUJ:https://www.prodeum.io/ &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca&client=firefox-b-ab

It was me.

>but my magic coins will make me rich

holy fuck

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:hBCML46LmYUJ:https://www.prodeum.io/ &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca&client=firefox-b-ab

Cached version so you can see how it is a scam

So many red flags. I have no sympathy



I did. FUCK YOU.

The guy in the bottom right of fist tweet is from Veeky Forums, he posted his pic here


Gotta take risks to make money.
Fuck. You. OP.

How much did you lose?

so, did they exit scammed with the ICO money or was the token already released?

Damn, i went all in with 10k, i was sure thst this was vechain killer




So what red flags were there?

>Gotta take risks to make money
>'Investing' in an obvious scam
Doesn't mean you have to go full retard tho.

>pays camwhores to shill their shit on social media
>pic related
>caters to ICO FOMO-ing burgers

Forgot pic


CTFU at the camwhore sign pics

Visited the page today, was looking for a bounty on BTT since I can't get into any ICOs (all full and sold out) saw the ''Penis'' and thought of Veeky Forums

Poor Veeky Forums

Why this when AMB exists?