Buy coins now because they're all really low and then they'll go up again and you can sell them for lots of monee

Buy coins now because they're all really low and then they'll go up again and you can sell them for lots of monee

You're too smart for biz

they are going lower, wait for 100-200 mcap

wow never thought of it like that...

who is that shes a gorgeous gipsy bitch

I think "she" has a penis, user

u..u..uh..fuck you bitch



this it's SO EASY

Even more reason to have her name.

helena donahue i stopped looking for proof of gender after that i got too scared

>God is less than cum

wow so edgy

This is a bad lady

Read it the other way.
Cumming is greater than God.

I read it as God > cum in my head because
A. I'm a little dyslexic
B. I'm at least nice to God

God don't give a a fuck what you spray paint or post on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.


I dunno man, if I were God, I probably would


Why would I buy cheap things like some poor beggar

You got the entire universe (and whatever is beyond that) to play round with. Why care about words from primitive beings? After all they have a million years of evolution left until they can even truly comprehend.

>Of a nation that starve us for salvation
>But clothing is the closest approximation
>To God and He only knows that drugs
>Are all we know of love