Now that we know crypto is dead, can we focus on the Jew problem?

Now that we know crypto is dead, can we focus on the Jew problem?

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Too late now

Crypto is not dead. We need to make crypto video go viral for round 3!!

Crypto is part of the final solution.

But user, crypto IS focusing on the Jew problem.

How about we try and gas them all? This time we actually use poison instead of laundry detergent.

Sup nigger are you the famous one they speak about on those link threads


Heil Hitler

Crypto was supposed to bust the Jew money system...the Eternal Jew seems to be winning...again

Jews Jews Jewish JEws

muh jews


cant beat them at their own game. They are shekel masters after all

This goy gets it.

A fellow man of refinement, I see.

But user, Hitler would hate crypto too.

National socialism is still socialist faggotry.

What if the burgers will go to jail for not being able to pay taxes. We will be made an example of to warn future generations to never attempt to fight the jew!

mein sojourn in Crypto hath induced 'pon me a growing dislike for shylocks

You know German National Socialism was crushed because they issued their own currency backed by 1 hour of German labor, right? If blockchain existed in the 1930's autistic efficient Germans would have implemented it.

I guess, I imagine if you take out the anonymous and free market aspects typically built in it's just another tool for use.

ReichCoin sounds pretty cool too.

>thinks they belong in the superior white caste.
Lol. You'll hang with the rest of them once we get some steel wires to support your weight.

>German National Socialism was crushed because they issued their own currency

>What is XRP
>What is Korean Real Name System
>What is exchange registration

Blockchain can easily be implemented to be free of privacy even without government coercion.

>registering on an exchange is an invasion of privacy

Crypto is literally the answer to the Jew problem

Bittrex and coinbase asked for my ID. Thanks craigslist and Binance.

you missed the point but I'm not really surprised

Three empires teamed up to crush a nation the size of Texas, and they barely won.

Then they made up the lolcaust to fool you ignorant goyim into supporting Israel

Well you didn't make one so it's kind of hard to grasp.

8pol here.

Listen up noobs.

The story of the 20th Century, very briefly:

Jew killed UNTOLD MILLIONS of goyim to preserve Jewish control of banking.

Jews killed goyim directly, as in the Bolshevik Revolution, Soviet Government, Holomodor, etc ...

Jews killed goyim by proxy, as in WW1, WW2, Cold War, Vietnam, etc ...

Jewish control of banking relies on one central feature: Jews control the money supply.

What does that mean?

It means that Jews always have access to a 'lever' they can pull to print more fiat currency.

When they print more money at a central bank, they give it DIRECTLY to other Jews, who control the retail, investment, and business banks.

This is known to you as 'quantitative easing' and 'bank bailouts'. But in reality, this is just Jews printing money to rescue other Jews from their greedy and reckless actions, so they can continue on with their massive scam. This is what happened in 2008, and from 2009-2014 we printed enough money to finally bail them out.

Where does crypto come in?

Cryptos with PROOF-OF-WORK MINING (BTC, BCH, etc) do not have a central lever that any Jew can pull to create more coins. Literally no Jew on Planet Earth, no matter how powerful, can pick up a phone and demand that a few million more bitcoins be created in order to bail out the Jewish system. Proof-of-Work Mining means that the money system has to be honest and fair. It means that Jews do not control the money supply. This is like poison to Jewish banking.

And so now here comes the epic insight that I bring you:

When you participate in the crypto wars, you are standing on the same battlefield that all those millions of goyim did before you. This is what every war for the last ~200 years has been about. This is the same war fought for the same reason.

Except this time, we have a chance to WIN.

How to win:

Make sure that a centrally-issued coin does not win the crypto wars. For example, Ripple is LITERALLY Jewcoin. Literally Jews literally 'pre-mined' all of the coins with zero difficulty. Then they 'issue' them as needed. This is no different than printing fiat currency, no matter what a Ripplefag says. The same applies to any other coin that is issued instead of proof-of-work mined with difficulty.

Jews understand this. I understand this. And now I am teaching you this.

Don't say that name here. You're going to ruin that board too.

he said backed by labor, which at the time was a new economic model. Not backed by gold, or more money (fractional reserve).
Printing only when true wealth is being produced (like railways and food) means little to no inflation, and therefore stable prices

seeing another person come to this same conclusion, gives me hope that humanity may end the jew's control someday

Hitler dubs confirm

Crypto is the answer to the JQ...

there is a problem with your theory. PoW relies on electricity and hardware, and jews already control power and hardware companies, so they can monopolize mining very easily or at least profit massively from it

i hate the kikes and their normie centralized coin XRP so fucking much

he also said it was the reason there's no third reich which is patently retarded

China man has those resources as well

assuming btc was invented by the agencies and they hold 1/4. could they deliberately crash it, because it got too powerful?

well then its not liberation at all. We are freeing ourselves from banks.. only for tech and power companies to become the new overlords.
You dont think jews thought about this? lol

am I even fighting the Jew holding alt bags or do I need to hold Bitcoin?

Tell me what to do so that we beat them I don’t even care about riches

this fucking newfag using biz meme thumbnails in his video

Would also like to stress that PoS is a rich get richer scheme to keep only those with the largest stack remain in power forever. Keep an eye out for Core to switch to this in the future as they steal Satoshi's coins in the process.

Own and mine as much ETH as possible before the switch to PoS in that case.

Sorry guys but the rich always win out eventually.

back in 2011 everybody involved knew but didn't even have to say.

Sadly for the last 3-4 years we've been losing the mind war. We already lost bitcoin.


There is no problem with anything I wrote.

No Jew on planet earth can pick up a phone and demand that 1 million new BTC be created out of thin-air to bail out the Jewish system.

It takes time and a large investment to create bitcoins, no matter who controls the majority of mining operations.

For example, in the case of bitcoin, 2.5 new bitcoins are created every ~10 minutes. Reliably. No matter how much hardware anyone throws at it.

This is what is known as a DEFLATIONARY CURRENCY.

By contrast, every fiat currency you have ever handled in your life is a shitty Jewish INFLATIONARY currency.

I don’t get the pic

bitcoin core is literally the jewish takeover of bitcoin.

if you mean bitcoin cash, then maybe. Personally I've found skycoin to be the most red-pilled of all crypto. And i've been around for over 6 years.

well said user, PoS has been a ponzi a scam from the start

soon user, soon


Furthermore, I want to drop this on you guys too:

SATOSHI NAKAMOTO understood everything I wrote above about Jewish banking.

There is simply no way he didn't.

He made every decision correctly.

>bitcoin genesis block
>Satoshi links to this exact paper and date
>literally says second bail out for banks

Why do you think crypto was created my man?

bcash go away

*typo: 12.5 bitcoins not 2.5

fuck off joo

so what if they cant print btcs or it takes long to mine they can either
a) buy most bitcoins and control the market or crash it as they wish,
b) control most mining operations
or do both

>By contrast, every fiat currency you have ever handled in your life is a shitty Jewish INFLATIONARY currency
You seem to forget modern fiat is a relatively new concept in history. Jews used and control GOLD for centuries. A deflationary currency was their de facto method of control for most history.
Bitcoin in economic terms is something they are very used to, and they are adept at manipulation markets which is what crypto is now, a market.
You underestimate jews, they didnt get where they are now being dumbasses.


If you aren't an engineer, then you probably won't understand why you're wrong.



dude.. jews love scarcity they thrive on it. I would go as far as to say BTC is jewish invention.
Decentralization will never solve the JQ, they also thrive on it. Centralization can be useful to them if they are on the center, or it can be their worst enemy like in Nazi Germany. There is a reason NatSoc centralizes power and Hitler was against Federalism

I'm Jewish. You'll never defeat us. Reminder that Hitler was Jewish. Go back to pol.

Where can I buy one? I need it.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong site, the /pol/ is two boards down.

kek you even brought out your bill "more than 2 genders" nye image. cute

>Everybody is tanking
>It is completely obvious that anyone smugly LARPing success is bullshitting
>The one moment where people on this board can reflect on the actual substance of this whole gambit

It's not even the Jews in particular, it's just how people will spam instead of even doing the tiniest amount of self-reflection, because that makes you a cuck or something.