What happened with this shit. I fell asleep during the stupid JUST fiasco and i never saw an answer...

What happened with this shit. I fell asleep during the stupid JUST fiasco and i never saw an answer. Am i going to get my ETHER!!! Is whale bro gonna get HIS!!!!!!????

Other urls found in this thread:


Anonymous (ID: dfbwjkhC) 01/31/18(Wed)04:46:28 No.7132527 ▶
>Original Developers and Discord make a Ponzi Scheme as a proof of concept
>much more successful than they expect
>decide to make another Ponzi so rake in much more profits
>fuck up the code
>Original Discord Group loses close to 1 Million dollars


sorry user.... whalebro is dead

The altered sell code (the part that gets 10% of your cash out as dividends) had an integer overflow. Basically they changed like 2 lines and managed to fuck it up, and didn't use safe math or properly test it or anything.

To be fair, the error wasn't obvious before the fact unless you're familiar with solidity etc. I know I certainly didn't catch it, I'm out $2.2k.

Basically all smart contracts are fucking landmines because if it errors out your money is gone forever. The devs and Discord group lost something like 200eth, and there was a whole that lost 232 eth. I only lost 2.1eth, which still hurts.

That's what you get for buying scamcoins, at least you still have your turtle stack, right?


>tfw ill never have enough money to lose $232,000 in a pyramid scheme and still be level headed

I bet the dev is shitting himself right now.

Yeah I gotta admit that was a pretty good way to secretly put out a hit on the dev

What I mean is that he's a dead man walking. He will sleep with the fishes.

RIP King Pajeet

>play stupid games, win stupid prizes

>hey guys whale here I don't care about this at all I'm not angry or anything I just want to meet the devs or find out who they are and where they live I'll give 50k to anyone who can get me information I'll even give it to the devs who already lost me money REALLY I'M OK I'M NOT MAD AT ALL JUST WANT TO SHAKE HANDS WITH THE DEVS REALLY

Yea sounds real level headed

what were the comments in that thread?

The error was found and discussed in their discord. They were well aware of it and didnt change the code.

nvm found it

Dumb faggots calling him out

Pretty much what you would expect of plebbit


The fuck? Was it just a miscommunication or what?

>without even enriching a scammer
Why the fuck would he rather a scammer get his money than it simply being destroyed? I know I would gladly choose burning my money right in front of a dirty thief's face rather than to hand it over to him.

how i know its a shitcoin is because its in that Veeky Forumscord discord server ran by that faggot shinobi

He is gonna kill them once he meets up
Lmao, or set a hit on them

Also wtf, i hate scammers more than anything in the world. Would rather have my money lost to the void

Whalebro is cool as fuck. He is going to murder them.

All they have to do is put a refund state in the contract like the McGregor vs. Mayweather betting contract. If something goes fucked with the contract then the owner switches to the refund state and then people just signal the contract to get their dosh back. It's not that fucking diffficuuu;llllltttrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee

this, basically they just deflated ETH and now everyone's ETH is worth more by the amount sunk in the smart contract, distributed their wealth to every ETH holder including themselves

this is a lot better than distributing it all to a sole scammer.

>including themselves
*assuming they still have ETH left and didn't go all in to the smart contract

I thought I was rich for a second. I had never been so happy.