when does this bear run end?

will the bulls ever come back out of their dens?

>bulls live in dens

Yes user it will end.

Bulls don’t come out of dens



Once Bitcoin returns to it's pre-Tether inflated (April '17) value of 1000 USD then you know we've hit the new ceiling

then were do they hibernate?

literally kek'd so hard i started drooling

Never faggot

They don't mong.

what about those cave man drawings of bulls in caves?

no until the streets are flooded with the blood of the innocent

They were drawn by humans, not by bulls.

fucking kek, almost spat out my drink

Bulls come back when you finally sell the bottom. So please go on do us the favor.

but the bulls are dipicted as living in caves

>this happens every january


Idk I just always tell myself at least we aren’t where bitcoin dropped 80% during the yearly dip. Imagine losing 80% of your ATH? You’d suicide

ya i'm pretty thankful i sold my bitcoin at the ath and went into link


lol i'm pretty disappointed in Veeky Forums for not picking up on my word play and only being able to interpret it literally

They just stay in there forever?