You can have multiple ETH wallets on the same ledger, right?

You can have multiple ETH wallets on the same ledger, right?
And no-one will know they're on the same ledger?


Still trying to wrap my head around this.

Do I use MEW or Metamask? Or both?

Or you could buy your self an SD card and put a single encrypted file on there that holds all your wallets and hell, you could even keep it on your phone and send a copy to your email account on yahoo.


>SD card

I wouldn't recommend NAND flash memory for safety-critical storage

I would, because you can keep a million fucking backups of it.

>not willing to spend less than a hundred dollars for high portfolio security
How are those gains going brah, reached four figures yet?

Do do know that every blockchain and the reason blockchain even works is because its encrypted?

>Waste my gains on a stupid piece of shit accessory.

I bet you also have to have the latest iphone, kill your self.

Ok dude, keep your backup on a fucking email account if you're not worried about it, there's no reason for me to convince you otherwise

Ok dude, keep your money on a public blockchain if you are not worried about it, there's no reason for me to convince you otherwise.

Just encrypt the file and store it in multiple places. Send it to a buddy somewhere or put it on some cloud storage.

By the time computers can crack the file, crypto will be a thing of the past

These are all frontend interfaces to access the Ethereum blockchain (just different types of them), which is a distributed p2p network.
BTW, whoever fuck coined this a "wallet" deserves a brain surgery. There are only addresses in the blockchain otherwise known as public keys. Your private keys allow you to manipulate the data in those addresses (e.g. send coins, tokens, or any other data is stored there).

So MEW and Metamask do the same thing?

brainlet thread?
brainlet thread.


Holy fuck, you're actually retarded.

You are literally a brainlet.

Apparently you can't use metamask with the Ledger.
The hell?

no dude, you are the retarded one

Remember to lock in your prices.