Goodnight cryptofags

Sorry lads, looks like the crypto train has come to its last stop. Esteemed economist Paul Krugman predicts a slow painful death. Sell now or cry later.

I am surely not the only person experiencing a fair bit of bondfreude -- pleasure in watching the bond etc bubble deflate. Keynesian cultists tend, after all, to be nasty as well as crazy; not all of them, but surely above the average


>they make 10% per year
>their stocks ponzi just went down 2%
idk whos laughing here

Ah yes, Krugman. The same guy who said we should kill off old people because they're bad for GDP. Keynesians are worse than pajeets.

Good call.


Kruggles is also noted for saying that the internet wouldn't amount to anything, and that the economy would crash the day Blumpf took office, right? Why take him seriously?

(((Blue Check-marks))) have a special knack for absolutely pissing me off like nothing else

The guy says he's experiencing a cryptofreude.

Freude meens happiness in german, so I think it's all good.

Krugman is wrong about everything, which is an accomplishment in itself because it means that he did found a pattern in reality. It's just he sees it "inversed," so to speak.
So you can rest assured that everything he says, the opposite will be the truth.

In addition to that, he has an extremely punchable face.

top kek


Esteemed economist who isn't rich. If he actually knew anything he wouldn't be a poorfag

Kek. This dude embodies the term Boomer.

>implying he's not FUDing so he can buy in

absolutely BTFO

Wow terrifying, now I need to check my Faceberg and see what (((Robert Reich))) thinks about this crypto thing

daily reminder

also someone post that krugman house on fire pic


This guy is a complete moron

100% fade whatever retarded nonsense he spews

Paul Krugman:
> Attention whoring because he "predicted the financial crisis" (alongside 100,000 other doomsayers including Ron Paul and David Koresh)
> Darling of the left because when nations started to tighten their budget and implement austerity he said they would never experience economic recovery. Lefties loved him because he was a noble prize winner (kek - economics) who agreed with them
> 5 years later when those nations (like the UK) did experience economic recoveries (the UK having the fastest recovery in Europe) he re-adjusted his predictions to say that the recoveries would have been better if there was no austerity
> Lefties still love him

>Austrian memeonomics



Confirmed to be mooning
Krugman is a retard, he said stocks would crash if Trump got elected.
Imagine being retarded enough to think that the most pro-corporate president in recent history would crash the stock market.
It's like saying that announcing partnerships in crypto will tank the price.

>sucking jewish dick


you remind me how terrible it is when they try to meme on twitter

>John Maynard Keynes was a Jew


Old man that has no real understanding of new technologies that will shape the future economy giving a lecture about said technologies.
I doubt he even knows what the blockchain is and I'm certain he thinks is worthless for the same reason buffet thinks is worthless ''YOU CAN'T BUY STUFF WITH IT''
like that's the only value of blockchain technology.

Who this?

Oh no a blue checkmark bugman has just OBLITERATED my chance at wealth. Welp, time to commit to 40 years of slowly crawling up in inflationary currency wealth and just pray that a black swan event doesn't cancel out all my hard work and then some.

>Listens to a Boomer
>Thinks anyone else cares about what they have to say
>Doesn't just kill themselves

>paul "fax machine" krugman

it did happend tho once,
Einsteinium kek

>Paul Krugman
yeah don't listen to this guy. He is basically a joke and none of his theories are based in reality.

I don't disagree that this guy's an asshole, but wait until the end of Monday trading before you assume the stock market won't crash

Don't get me wrong I hope the market crashes, it's an obvious bubble right now.
But back then it was still at 16k, it was retarded to assume that trump would crash it.

I knew this guy was worthless when he started talking about Greece during the crisis and nothing he said came even close to the truth.

He was so dead wrong I learned to take the opposite of everything he says as true.


i'm going to reply this on his twatter.


I agree crypto investors are in whole, pretty insane, rude, a bit delusional. However the science behind this technology cannot be denied. Anything can now be tracked, decentralized, streamlined, anonymized. It doesn't matter whether $$ is involved. Money(in any form) coexists with value and good blockchain technology is valued.

No, no you got it wrong. Keynesians love "blockchains" (even though these old cunts don't really understand it) they just hate bitcoin in particular.

You know, because they're not printing it themselves. And also because it doesn't require actual printing to work.

Fucking OP blown the FUCK out of the water. Absolutely no contest.

>trusting anyone with a check next to their name
nice try shadow government

kikes mad the goyim are raking in the money LOL

>bathing with a full face of make-up on

Wait a sec, does this means in 10 years or more crypto will be part of eveyone's life?

killing off old people would unironically be good for the gdp and national debt

Keep in mind that the average crypto critic doesn't even know what the fuck a blockchain is.
They fell for the 'le internet monopoly money' meme hard and think that every altcoin is just a copy of Bitcoin

People are replying with fax machines

An old kike calling for a white genocide? What a completely coincidentally coincidental coincidence. Coincidentally.

>mfw my undergraduate-economist-ass understands crypto better than this guy

He was bullish during 2008 crash, what are you talking about? He was so late on it, it was embarrassing.

Honestly since some old faggots like him bash crypto, i know we are on our way to change the world. I never really had anything against the financial jews because it didnt affect me, but their FUD affects media and this can not be it. Reporters who also do this regulary can only be bribed ... Why are they so greedy ? Crypto has no use? Tell that people who dont even get a bank account. Tell that the chinaman hiding his savings in monero. Tell that the fucking lending firms which only get money because of peoples bad situation. Fuck these old bastards.

Nice, just bought 100k BTC.


Kruggles has become the meme of the economic community.

God, wouldn't that suck? To be some wage cuck with almost zero savings, a mortgage and to lose your 401k and be underwater right before you want to retire. Trusting any system, wholly, is such a fucjing gamble.

Vote up all the fax machine posts

make him look really stupid

That guy is a clown.

Ok Kruggs is irascible and I like him but he's just preaching to the rich boomer choir. I've been talking to this cohort IRL and they are clueless.

Cryptofreude is a play on the word schadenfreude which is happiness derived from the misery of others, he's happy that crypto is tanking you absolute american

Killing off diabetics would actually be most beneficial + other diseased (by poor choice) people.


Now you're starting to get it

don't forget killing off niggers and "undocumented immigrants"

>people have nothing to say to each other
>he literally bet on humanity, a social animal, of having nothing to say
Holy shit the insanity.

It means the dot com boom of crypto is just starting.

So in 10 years there would be a massive boom of MORE crypto startup? Holy fucking shit

I love that normies keep using the "bubble" excuse.
It's a correction.
BTC went to 20k. Anyone invested for over a year knew it was coming.
What's even more hilarious is normies fail to realize BTC has had far bigger % drops than this.
They refuse to acknowledge it because it doesn't fit their narrative.

Jessica clements

>"if we killed every human being, then every problem could be solved !"

Fucking this.

You really didn't think $700 billion was the top of the entire crypto market? A single stock market company has bigger market cap then that.

Top fucking kek. Stupid boomer.

>paying attention to the guy who said economy would tank under trump

>Esteemed economist Paul Krugman

too much fud here

>talking about crypto
>calls crypto bitcoin
>admits to be emotionally invested
>why crypto is finished this time for real
wow just sold everything

>(((bank without nations)))
Don't kike crypto isn't a means of transferring wealth to Jew vaults in Singapore.

another out of touch boomer fag

Daily reminder: blue checkmark=bullshit propaganda

>blue checkmark = jude star checkmark