What is a good net worth at age 24?

What is a good net worth at age 24?

Mine was negative.

Just being debt free is pretty legit desu

if you have no debt you're already ahead of most

Anything above 0.

29 and still negative.


if you earn more than 30k a year you already are top 1%

10 jnt. If you hodl you'll be a multimillionaire by 27.

I had 10k. If it makes you feel better 2 years and a Vegas trip later I only have 4k

I'm 19 and on track to be a millionaire within the next few months from crypto lmao. Then again, that's certainly not the norm. Most 24 year olds have tiny net worth and fuck tons of debt.

Yeah at 24 lots of people are still at uni/ recently graduated so honestly if you're debt free then you're better off than many

15k net worth at 23. My parents are rich so I never paid a dime for college.

Early ETH investor here.

$2,800,000 USD net worth. I turn 22 in a few days.

how much u cashed out?

None. I've been buying alts with my paycheck every week. We ain't shit yet user.

Crypto is literally fucking nothing compared to traditional markets, and we'll reach those levels.


>on track to be a millionaire within the next few months from crypto lmao

Only a 19 year old would say something this fucking stupid

this wasn't a humblebragging thread, you mongs.

go to reddit to circlejerk

What are you in now that's not established? VEN? ICX?

5 million
own a company that is profitable or be working on a project that can reshape the world
dont compare yourself to the norm unless you are a braindead cockroach like the norm
compare yourself to greatness if thats what you strive for

22 here. Probably around 700k in equity in a private company -- fairly illiquid, but pays nice monthly dividends. Then maybe another 10k in other currencies and stocks. No debt, graduated from college almost a year ago and working full time. I expect to transfer more and more cash into crypto (hopefully up to $25k in the top 3 coins). By 24 I'm hoping to achieve $1MM in NW. Depends how the market swings.

All MCO and ETH here.

I buy MCO every week with as much as I can.

I'm guessing you'd advise me to go with MCO instead of ICX or VEN?

Do whats best for you mate!

I don't advise, I just do my own research and act on that

I'm currently worth $630k. All I need is a x2 and I'm there.

they dont have a legit partnership with visa and american express do they?

if they do and this coin is listed on binance aswell why isnt it 500mil+ cap already.

u shilled me this coin user seems like its a good time to buy aswell lets see ill do some more research

100 grand

Anything above 5 figures.
Now crypto exists your doing well if you have 6 figures and should have a plan for 7.

On target?
Dude as long as you have a plan to pay of debts and are starting in a new job then you are on the right track


Probably $100k in debt.

34 here, just finished clawing my way up to the 0 dollar mark. I was really damn foolish in my 20s.

24 year old Virginian here, have about 10k liquid, 5k crypto, and a 4k ish vehicle, and about 22k in student loans, but I'm making 67k at work, how am I doing?

does student debt matter in the UK? It's essentially a debt you pay for as a tax from your salary.

i'd cash out at least half dude, yeah you believe in crypto and thats great, but truly- no one knows what will happen. its uncertain. hedge your bets. (and also can you give me some)

having a positive net worth at that age is better than most, op. ignore the retarded larpers itt

>What is a good net worth at age 24?
But are you happy? Do you have friends, a girlfriend and good hobbies ? That,s what matters.
There will always be people richer and poorer than you. Can't compare yourself to others

Bad since your a virgin

not really - you'll never pay it off really
they take so little out and there's higher interest now
written off when ur 50 i think

I'll pay mine back in a few years

it'd make more sense to just quote your earnings as 1% less

I'm 24 and I'm worth a little over 100k

Cant say I'm feeling happy or satisfied... I'm starting to feel old and that sweet first mil is not coming any soon

up to you i suppose.
when i had a student loan it was super low interest rates so i didn't pay it off
when rates went up i started to pay it off
just do what makes sense at the time.
what degree did you do?


Gold alone is worth a few trillion dollars

I'm 20 with 35.000 euro in cash and 7k in crypto. I've been saving since 2016.

>25k in student loans
>120k in crypto after crash, 240k at peak

will i make it?

basically me. no gf tho so idk. drive a decent car though and got a good job so i guess i cant be too mad

Same situation, where are you guys from? I'm in the Philippines


At least 72k

How much does your car cost, then a third of that that.

300k starting salary here as a Wendy’s chef, glad to see so many other Veeky Forums posters making so much st a young age! I also turned a 5 dollar bill into 2 mill worth of ETH.

>300k starting salary here as a Wendy’s chef
Lmao you have to be shitting me

>Today on baby boomer Veeky Forums

Let me give you an honest opinion.
Stop worrying about it.
Enjoy your 20's.
Work hard in your 30's.

26. worth about 200k. I feel like you aren't really rich until at least 10 million.

heyyy fellow flip here
from mindanaoo

If you're not close to conquering Persia, you've failed

t. butthurt boomer

Today's 19 year olds will rule the world. 1998 is the year legends were born. Fuck boomers

>t. 19 year old
You're not really a human being until 25, kid. Sorry.

>thinks he's something special

This. At LEAST 22. The very, very least. 21 is the last year of "childhood".

21 years old living with parents while making 70k a year, and I don't pay taxes either because fuck boomers. I've got an 800+ credit score as well and I've had my CC since 16. Literally working for cash as an unlicensed tradesman for 6 different companies. Bills are pretty high though so I've only got 25k saved up.

You're a fucking idiot.

Cash out $100k and enjoy your life a bit.

earnings and networth aren't the same thing.

15 here, going to pass over 8 figures after this correction

Elaborate shill larp

is this a meme


Hes right if u take into account the entire world (chinks pajeets and nignogs)

tfw more wealthy than burgers my age

24 I had around 30k debt. 27- 100k positive net worth. Plan on retiring by 30 maybe sooner.

Im 15, been in crypto for the last 3 years. Decent portfolio ( 800,670$). We'll see where it takes me. Probably gonna pick up a sweet civic when i turn 16.

>24 I had around 30k debt. 27- 100k positive net worth. Plan on retiring by 30 maybe sooner.

Can you really retire with 100k wtf.

You can if you plan to be dead within max 5 years

yes if you just let your crypto work and spend 100k a year to live, you can bet 500k a year not picking shitcoins.

It's pretty obvious and happens in every thread similar to this one.
>"hey guys, I'm a millionaire"
>wow you know so much, what are you invested in
>"I'm all in on this Pajeetcoin"

26, net worth of 200k. realistic goal is 2mill to retire off of and get a finance degree. quit my job as a bricklayer

>You can if you plan to be dead within max 5 years

Hmmmm i have $100k now at 24, maybe if im still depressed by 29 I'll just spend it all in Thailand and Amsterdam and kill myself after I'm done.

but to answer ur question anything above average is good imo


My holdings willl be worth at least over 100MM in 2-3 years time brainlet

-135k :'(
I'm smarter than everyone I interact with on a daily basis. I'm depressed

>My holdings willl be worth at least over 100MM in 2-3 years time brainlet

Well you're pretty optimistic, I have 60k in crypto and 40k in fiat and I still think I will have a hard time breaking 200k by 2019.

2 dollah dirty

Im 20, 53k in stocks and funds, 5m in bank. Just invest all the money you can in the market for future profits and the ways of compound interest will work wonders.

>Im 20, 53k in stocks and funds, 5m in bank

Lmao kys larper

21 and just under 400k net worth. But no gf or no friends. That part kinda sucks

i hope this is true, broke as fuck at 24 currently, but 0 dept.

when you post your net worth do not include cryptos in it please thank you

>tfw only debt is a student loan which I only pay back when I can afford it
>tfw no interest charged on it either

I am never going to take a loan in my life if I can help it. Ideally, my cryptogains will be enough to outright by a house in a few years.

This forum is 18+

finanically it makes sense to take out a loan. u could prolly make more off ur moneys interest than the homes loan percent


Don't think I've ever heard a smart person say this

Also on topic:

net worth ~200k (60k in crypto, 120k in apartment)


>1st gen polak
>family of 7
>parents split going into highschool
>was poor relative to average in the area
>fell for college scam
>partied my ass off but still graduated with engineering degree in 4 years
>gaming/gambling addict
>stuck In a rut. Go from one gambling location/website to the next
> everyone elses problems i see I can fix logically in my head within seconds /minutes
>still have broken brain and can't control impulses.

You're right I'm actually an idiot and deserve to die. I'm self aware but I'm so far in debt that I don't give a fuck until ijm in silence and alone. I know life is long and the sooner I put my nose to the stone and stop gambling the sooner I'll be free but I can't help it.

Hope you have less stress in your life

Do any of you have houses or just renting? Who am I kidding we're probably all living in our parents basement

I rent and live with my gf. I'm between a normie and a wannabe neet.

20 Australia here, about $20,000 in student debt but I have about $13,000 in crypto and another $7,000 in the bank.

Spending a shitload on a holiday skiing in Japan though. Well worth it though instead of more internet moneyz.

Also our student loans are really too forgiving on students. We only have to start paying it back when we make enough per year (~$40,000). Really fucking retarded economically but oh well.

Just turned 18 here
Have about 700k in crypto and cashed 300k 3 weeks ago