Alright faggots I'm sick and tired of all the ponzi pyramid devs that have been burning so many new investors when they...

Alright faggots I'm sick and tired of all the ponzi pyramid devs that have been burning so many new investors when they shill it late on here so I am leaking this.

Ethdiamond will be the next powh, bigger than any previous pyramid. You've all seen how shadow pyramid has done rather successfully and isn't that much different from its predecessor. There is at least one other guy from the telegram on here who would fud this post, since they haven't been passed the link yet!

We will be launching a website with price of coin in usd, a subreddit, and everything else. Pic related, our web developer and graphic designer just made this preview for the website.

First shown on Veeky Forums right here!!! Only the devs have money in this right now and there is no premine. Less than 100 usd in the contract, this is your only warning before when the devs start handing links to their other friends and whales in about 1.5 hours, then they planned to shill it here only afterwards!!

I am giving you this golden fucking opportunity to get in before 1eth. It's not going to last very long so I wanted to make you fags at least had this one chance if you have been bagholding or got rekt by the other pyramids.

Don't make the same mistake again.

Other urls found in this thread:

-Shill bot: your account has been credited with 10 shilling points

Link to contract:

Get in while you can fags. This is it.

Lol I told you these butthurt fags would be here right away. This is as legit as it gets. Most of those contracts don't even have a logo.

Fuck you

Seriously Veeky Forums don't get in too late this is for you guys. It's only small buys for devs. If you get in now before 10eth drops in you won't reget this. Don't listen to any fud just look at the op pic

This is not a bot! Stop fomo'ing into fucking shitcoins and get into this early buy! There will he huge divs especially while the token price is cheap. Website coming soon

>this pyramid is as legit as it gets

There are people who pumped contracts with no website no discord no telegram not even a picture so this is at least as 'legit' as powh and shadow pyramid

stop trying to makes ponzis legit, it's like trying to dry water

>same contract as ethpyramid
>has a discord group who will dump on you
why go with that when you could get on the real ground floor of the same contract:

Why is coinbase so fucking slow? 3 ETH incoming once transfer goes through.

If ANYONE on biz has any sense right now you would get in before this guy throws the 3 eth. 10 eth incoming from devs friends last I heard.

Moat still don't know about the thread!

Guys don't believe the fud and go into the other shit ponzis.

This contract has an actual team, web developer and graphic artists, 3 coders and a decent marketing team. You'll ve shitting yourselves by not gettin in especially before the 3eth guy

If it's less than .2eth it is most likely a decent investment and that logo looks sweeeeet so I'll give it a go.

Thanks OP

Holy shit, going up fast now!

Yeah this is about as good as it gets I'm glad biz is loading up on the floor before this really takes off when the website launches.

There still is time left before devs whale friends get in and ruin anyone else's div returns if you're too late! If you're stuck with bs from other ponzis this will definitely be your ticket back to your pre crash stack!

Discord link?

>going up fast now!
only transfer in the last 2 hours was 0.005 eth

>3 coders
this is a ethpyr copypaste, the "coding effort" required consists of 10 minutes of googling and ctrl-c ctrl-v

>decent marketing team
fire them t b h

let me help you shill because this is sad
- spread some ether onto other addresses and then send it to give the illusion of organic hype
- use 0.000001 gas prices with "large" ether amounts, this way you ensure the transaction fails yet shows as pending making people think big money is coming
- switch IPs ffs, use VPNs or turn data on and off on your phone, there's so many ways

No discord yet until the website launches. There is a telegram group but it would be way too suspicious if anyone new hopped on right now. Just buy in, and reinvest your divs. At the current conctract eth you'll be sitting pretty no matter what. This will easily surpass 100eth

Shadow did 100 fucking eth in LESS THAN A DAY this is going the same way. Still less tha 150. Already climbing so I'm glad that biz bros are getting in quick

Nothing was supposed to be lut yet this is one of the freshest contracts out there.

Tell me another pyramid with an actual logo that isn't the same copy paste pyramid, which even shadow is guilty of? Our buy page is going to be 100000x better than the other ponzis that never put an ounce of effort into their's

shill to reddit... someone make a post and let us all upvote it

Some1 just sent 1 ETH

Code changed in contract. Use diff checker. More exploit prone

1ETH! I'm glad I got IN THANKS OP

PoWH was good until it was trash, clones were always trash. Ethpyramid is good, thou art trash.

EthPy dev here.

"3 coders". The contract is exactly the same. It's a clone of ours.

y tho

Ah I haven't checked if this is the case.

Please diffcheck before putting your Ether anywhere, everyone. I really don't want anyone getting burned.

lol this is about to dump. gtfo while you can.

in less than 15 minutes this is gonna dump. there is a literal timer running against this thing. RIP ur 1 ETH

This is stupid fud. Wevsite not even out yet.

It's not even beginning. Shadow pyramid went to 100eth right after launch with a 70 eth presale this is going parabolic as well.

There is nobody with more than 0.1 eth.... there is NOBODY THAT CAN DUMP TO begin with check transactions


this shit is gaining traction with or without you.

I told you to buy at .1 eth now hurry up and buy at 1 eth before 10 if you still want to make it.

Trying way too hard here man.

It'll crash and burn like all other pyramid clones.

The best investment opportunity right now is

If anyone falls for yet another clone of a contract that's still working perfectly today, you deserve to lose your money from some pajeet that will dump when it gets to 100 eth.

Ethpyramid has been running and having the site updated with no issues for 3 days now. There is literally no reason to go into a clone unless you genuinely think you're going to be early on something that'll somehow have 500 eth coming in after you (hint: it won't)

Wh3n Lambo?

(Pic unrelated)

How can you check your dividends?

Most obvious discord shill spam ever

Enjoy getting dumped on like the last 5 clones

There are no lambos but you might be able to afford a bottle of lambic if you're lucky

would prefer a bottle of suicide poison

>Tell biz before close friends
Yeah that makes a lot of sense

Explain to me how this is any different than the rest of them mr. shill.
There's one for buying words, numbers, celebrities etc.

Imagine if all these clone shills pooled their resources together under one contract we would be getting somewhere but typical Veeky Forums too braindead to see the bigger picture just want that quick dividends and dump within few hours that's why you will never make it

yeah, i wouldn't go into that pyramid scam stuff. Crypto sports is the most promising project right now. Still early on enough to make some tasty gainz.

Literally the exact same code as
This is the new hotness? Naw, just grab a spot in the new one that actually has volume, volume is what wins.