Be the biggest bubble in the history of bubbles

>Be the biggest bubble in the history of bubbles
>Your one chance to literally become a millionaire over night
>Once in a life time opportunity, it probably won't ever happen again.
And you'll go down in history hodling bags nobody wants to buy. holy shit, let that sink in. You had it at your finger tips to become so fucking rich you'd never have to worry about money again but instead you went down with the ship because of some stupid internet meme

>Be the biggest bubble in the history of bubbles

t. retard

>not realizing ill just invest in the good coins that will survive the bubble popping and go on to be a fortune

Go trade stocks if you're in it solely for "money"

Link will be the first altcoin to die once the bubble bursts

buy my vibe bagz plz

>not trading stocks

this is Veeky Forums, gtfo

do you really think we all went all in crypto? That would stupid as shit

>Be the biggest bubble in the history of bubbles
Dotcom bubble was 20 times as big.

Why are you buying coins? Coins are a token you receive for donating to a start up. You don't legally own that company or any part of the tech

OMG will be $20k in two years

>You had it at your finger tips to become so fucking rich you'd never have to worry about money again
Barely anyone even has a million worth of crypto (even in december) and even this wouldn't be enough to "never worry about money again".

Yeah, you are pretty retarded.

Bullshit, buy a modest house with a big garden, grow food, grow weed your secret grow room, never worry about money again.

>biggest bubble in the history of bubbles
At least you've posted an appropriate image of yourself

Yeah, r-right?

>>Be the biggest bubble in the history of bubbles
Amazing. Every word of what you just said.. was wrong


>all you need in life is a mediocre house and lmao weed dude!! XD

Some of us want a little more than that out of our one opportunity to exist. And yeah OP you're fucking clueless, try checking out literally ant other bubble in the last thousand years, compare it to total gdp of the civilization it occured in and realize crypto is either not a bubble or in the very earlt stage of one. It is a fraction of a fraction of where dotcom was pre burst

>grow weed in your secret grow room
This is the kind of person that gives advice on this board, everyone.


google 'biggest bubble' and show me the results. Tulip Mania was the biggest bubble and now BTC is. Trust me, people are not investing into crypto because of the tech, they're doing it because of greed. Also, like you fucking know what constitutes as a bubble. Here, let me educate: if the chart is going up without correcting (its a bubble)...fortunately BTC had been correcting but then greed took over around 5k to 20k. No correction = bubble. Next, the chart on the weekly candles were angling around 70degrees = bubble ....look it up. Now, we may have to wait years before a new cycle starts...literally, look at what happened to gold once it was added to futures....the price was suppressed.

>"biggest bubble in the history of bubbles"

the silliest bubble in history - not the largest

Does it matters? The graphs looks the same. Time to face reality,user. I'm still holding tho

>>Once in a life time opportunity, it probably won't ever happen again.
I missed it. I missed the entire 2017.

>The graphs looks the same

>What is the South Sea Hollow Sword Blade Company?

They are talking in percentages and relatively, not total value.

Also if you consider inflation, I’m pretty sure nothing touches the south sea bubble

I know the trend has not completed yet, but at this point you can tell where it's going quite easily

I had bitcoin in fucking 2011 and lost them to cryptsy. Other people got goxxed. There have been so many scams, hacks and other bullshit in this world that even if you didn't miss your chance you probably still lost your money anyway. Shitcoins are shit and I don't regret having been a nocoiner for the past five years.

I’ve got 5k QASH and 32k CoinMetro Xcm, don’t give a fuck if nobody wants to buy them until 2020 when I’ve made it. Feeling optimistic

>"This happens every January"

It's a cool hobby, don't judge

Who the hell invests in anything besides wanting to make profit?

>hey guys there were bubbles in history therefor crypto is bubble heh checkmate

I love such posts. How convenient for you to exclude the "legalism bubble", the "trade bubble", the "colonial trade bubble", the "industrial bubble", the "stock exchange bubble", the "technological bubble", or you know, every single fucking innovation and societal advance that has happened in humanity's history and has lead to a drastic exponential increase without any corrections at all.

But hey, let's focus on the handful of bubbles which lead to zero innovation whatsoever and pretend that the monetized blockchain technology is absolutely useless to humanity and is *surely* not something that the future humanity simply cannot exist without, especially when it comes to things like AI

worth it

In 2 years while people are still shitting themselves about china fud I'll be turning a steady profit from gardening.

Haters gonna hate

Traditionally, one invests in a company to own a part of it, and hence be entitled to some of the profits that said company brings in. Today, almost all investing is based on speculation that they will be able to later sell that share of a company for a higher price than they purchased it at, with little regard for how much profit owning the share gives them. This has been exasturbated by the tech boom, where companies focus only on expansion and increasing value rather than increasing profit.

For the record, I see this new paradigm as a good thing, since it gives smart money like me the opportunity to sell high and buy low for almost no fundamental reason.

Yeah, the type of person earning real money whilst your big boy bubble bursts

u dont know jackshit.

>biggest bubble
complete retard

It's not even remotely close to the dotcom bubble............................

But the internet has more utility than internet monopoly money I'll give you that.

I think all thats left of /biz is a psyop.

Yeah, one woyak, i get it, someone is sad. But 100% woyaks and suicides? To me it seems someone wants crypto to die. Fuck yall, im holding and i advice you to do the same. This is another merchant trick.