Please help. Serious advice needed

Hey Veeky Forums, life story incoming so bear with me. You can probably tell how desperate I am by the fact that I'm turning to some anonymous autistic NEETs for life advice. Oddly though, I felt a strange connection to you retards ever since I've joined the space in October.

Anyways, I'm a 21 year old student currently living alone downtown in a major North American city. Throughout my childhood/high school life, my immigrant parents pushed me towards science, in the path of a doctor/dentist etc. This isn't bragging, but I feel like I have more intelligence than the average person, by a fair bit. For all of high school, I'd do nothing but fuck around and do work last minute/barely study, and I made it by with good grades.

Enter first year university, I'm still living at home and going to school for biomedical sciences. Very very early into my program, I started feeling depressed. I felt like there was no purpose. And on the first week of school I became friends with a huge pothead, so eventually we'd spend the entire day at school together smoking weed (keep in mind I was already a stoner at this point, but to a much less degree). After a while of this- one day I randomly came across something that would (maybe) change my life- electronic music. This was around 2014, when the EDM boom was starting. I instantly fell in love, and I wanted to try my hand at producing. I knew that if I could SOMEHOW make a living as a DJ/producer, even if it was minimal, I'd be happy.

Fast forward to the end of summer- after lots of backlash from my parents, they finally agreed to let me drop class to try working on my music for a while on the condition that I would take one class that semester. On the first week of school, me and my buddy found some new guys to smoke up with- and this was the beginning of my downward spiral. It's all a blur to me how this even happened really- but next thing you know, we somehow started a 2 month drug binge.

Other urls found in this thread:

Every weekend for 2 months, we'd basically do whatever drug we could get out hands- tolerance permitting. I was doing acid once every 2 weeks (the most I did at a time was 5 tabs), molly every few weeks, and occasionally ketamine/coke. After about 2 months of this, a bad trip finally gave me a wake up call. At this point, Jan 2016, my parents wanted me to go back to school because they could see I wasn't working on music. So I go back to school, fall into the exact same cycle of letting work pile up, not giving a shit and then eventually drop all my classes without telling them. I spent the next year working fast food and fucking around, by the end of it, my parents AGAIN wanted me to go back to school. This time, theyre like "Ok, you don't have to do science, but pick something that can get you a job with the degree".

Am I a fucking idiot for agreeing? Yes. Why did I do it? My parents are fucking impossible. They're old school, closed minded immigrant parents who don't fucking get me at all. So I agreed to go into Accounting, SOLELY because they'd be moving to a different city, and I'd be able to live downtown alone. This past semester, I got into crypto in October. I did the absolute bare minimum of work I needed to get a B/B+ average to keep my parents happy so they'd leave me the fuck alone. When in reality, I'd spend almost my entire day (when I wasnt at work) hitting bowls and browsing Veeky Forums. My courses last semester were quite introductory, and didn’t really get into actual accounting (which after it did this semester, I realized I FUCKING HATE WITH A PASSION).

Anyways, my initial investment in crypto was $1200 CAD. By the end of the December/January boom, I was sitting at $14K USD. This was the first time in a very long time I felt revitalized. Unfortunately, I fell for the HODL meme, held my shitcoins through the crash, and now have about $4K. I’m not panic selling, since that money is so insignificant I’d rather just go down with the ship. But now, I have midterms next week, and it literally hit me that I haven’t done fuck all this semester. I don’t even know the topics being discussed in class, and the thing is, I don’t even give a shit. I’ve been thinking about it, and the absolute best-case scenario that can come out of this is that I trudge through this bullshit for another 3 years, only to get the opportunity to trudge through more bullshit for the rest of my life.

One of the most painful parts of this to me, is that one of my high school friends who got into crypto with me, had access to a 100K initial investment. Now he’s living the dream, flying around the world going to all these crypto conferences, and I’m still stuck in this never ending pit of despair. It also just hit me that this time around with school, I’m racking up shit loads of debt (first time I had RESP funds from parents).

I know this all a jumbled mess, but I have no idea what to do. For the first time in my life, ive actually been having suicidal thoughts. Like, I’m not actively thinking about killing myself, but I can feel my subconscious always bring up the possibility, and how I can just end it all and be over with. I already have a cynical view on life- theres no fucking point to any of it. Just live, do your shit, and die.

What are your thoughts biz.. is there any hope for me? This is pretty much how my day goes if I don’t have any plans: wake up->gym->go home->hit bowls->fuck around on the internet->sleep. Should I just continue this, get barely passing grades, and tell my parents to fuck off until I’m eventually an empty, hollow shell?

Thank you to anyone who read all this shit, even bigger thank you to anyone who gives advice. And to the trolling fuck faces that will inevitably tell me to kms, thanks for the bump

Im going through something like this aswell but I didnt even make alot with crypto since i only invested 200 bucks..
Find a solid job that wont make you want to kys, either that or youll have to become a job hopper.
While doing that, find something that you might be able to make a job out of. if music didnt work, try and find something else that covers your interests. Like selling drugs lul no a legal thing with a future. start breeding pets with your 4k or some shit. just do SOMETHING productive as school isnt for you, like alot of us.

>bear with me

we are user

you should probably sell your crypto, pretend it doesn't exist. that way you won't have some lottery ticket hanging over your head giving you hope. you need to lose all hope so you can start getting productive again.

>But now, I have midterms next week, and it literally hit me that I haven’t done fuck all this semester. I don’t even know the topics being discussed in class

Dude, I had this very nightmare last night! Then I woke up and remembered I already finished grad school a year ago and life is good.

The thing is because you're so brain damaged when your parents gave you a chance with music you fucked that up too like a waste of oxygen, so what the fuck do you want work on music or do college, it just sounds like you're a lazy cunt who wants shit given for free calm the fuck down and so someshit about it, the world owes you nothing so don't give no fucking sob story. You even took a semester off all so you could be a crack head. Literally homeless person behaviour. Look in the mirror and know that you're a bum. Take the semester off, trade crypto make gains don't fall for memes be up 100k eoy.
Then fuck college and repeat in 2019 you literally have to be a turbo brain let not to make atleast a 100gs in crypto

yeah, im not blaming anyone for my problems. But it doesn't change the fact that i feel like im in a fact of never ending despair

Stop being a fucking pussy and go to fucking school. Your parents only want the best for you and you are too retarded to see it.

this right here.

dude, you need to stop smoking weed. I speak from experience - it has a massive impact on your life. Sluggishness and the feeling of being unconcerned slowly creeps in - you won't notice it.

Buy some Ashwagandha, it'll help with withdrawal.

>I've joined the space in October.
Lurk moar

This make choices stay away from druggies dumbass.

look, i dont want to insult you, but you are so dumb, you cant comprehend how dumb you are. because you are still a baby. with 21 your brain isnt even evolved fully. the world is telling you to have things figured out with 21 or 25 but in reality, you have to be about 28-35 till you have figured yourself out. you think you are a fully evolved person. you are not. compare your 15year old self with who you are now. pretty different, right? now imagine being 26 and having the same feeling again if you compare yourself with your 21year old now. and with 30 you will be again a pretty different person. sort yourself out. you could try to watch some jordan peterson lectures, he seems to have an helpful impact on people who feel lost. additionally, your drug-abuse is fogging your thoughts, because thoughts are related to your emotions and drugs fuck up your serotonin-circuit/emotions and it is obvious they have a negative effect on you, so get clean or cleaner, but also dont be so hard on yourself, youre still young and unexperienced and know that you still have time to guide yourself in a meaningful direction. i also was 21 once and cynical and thought i know everything. now i am old, saw loved ones dying, went trough heartbreak and relationships, missed many chances and opportunities but would kick my young ass for even thinking about suicide. life can easily getting worse, but it can also give you moments, so beautiful, words arent enough to describe them. life isnt always good, but it is worthwile to aim for a good life and usually, there are some nice surprises hidden if you try your best. good luck user.

oh user why do you have to tell the painful truth

Use your 4K to learn a skilled trade and start a business. Then take your earnings and either grow your business or invest in other things to bring in more money

>I knew that if I could SOMEHOW make a living as a DJ/producer
>hurr i want to mix already shitty and repetitive jewish beats into my own style of generic drag-and-drop "music"
kill yourself

Uh, what was your plan? Even if you hit the jackpot and your investment magically 100x'd, that's still nowhere near enough money for you to live off of by not working.

How about first you stop doing drugs. Go to rehab if you can't stop yourself.

Afterwards, focus on finding something you may enjoy doing for a living, research what it takes to be successful in it - then do it. Many jobs pay decently and don't have hard degree requirements either, so be aware of that.

...or you could just keep doing drugs, become homeless, and/or get into crime. I've seen plenty of people become degenerate fuck-ups just because they were too fucking lazy to get an education or work for a living.

>immigrant parents
why dont you fuck off back wang

I don't do "drugs" anymore you fucking cretin. Unless you count smoking weed, which I'm sure your dumbass doesn't realize that calling someone a pothead and a druggie isnt the same thing. fucking retard

Go inna woods user.
Go inna woods and live free.
Here's the hardest part: never leave.
Be a wildman. Go on a spiritual journey. Don't be afraid to suffer. Become stronger. You have it in you user.

What if... you're not as smart as you think you are, and you actually do have to work hard at stuff to succeed.

weed is a drug. not the worst, but sure it can negative effect you. dont be so delusional

>calling someone a pothead and a druggie isn’t the same thing

And you call us the retard.

I had really good grades in high school, everyone knew I was the smart guy. I went to another city to uni, first time without my parents. The first semester went well, the next I didn't go much. I read comics, smoked weed, went to bed at 3 AM. That continued for 3 years. I then proceeded to go to uni again but at my city, Everything was going well, but I felt unmotivated. I stopped attending classes, I would leave my house and wander around malls alone for hours. Just walk around. The plan of studies changed and I can't continue my studies anymore. My family doesn't know this, I still leave my house occasionally to make believe I'm going to classes but only for a bit because allegedly I'm almost done. I'm 33, I joined crypto when BTC was worth $17K. I also have suicidal thoughts or more than suicidal just not a wish to live at all, I would love to go to bed and not wake up again. I feel some people would be sad for a bit but in a couple of months it would be better for everyone. I don't know if your life is worth living but I think you're on time to not completely ruin it.

>weed isn't a drug
all that pot melted your brain you dumb nigger

You're the retard. He gave you a good advice, probably the best you could get.
Weed is what fucked up your life, syop it now, not tomorrow or in two weeks. Stop it now or kys, because if you don't that is how it'll end.

did you read what you wrote? can you read that yourself and not think you're making dumb choices over and over again? it doesn't matter if you're 'above average' smart...whatever the fuck that means. I dominated SATs, MCAT, i'm in MD school...but there were 4 yrs of my life during late college/post-grad where I was fucking around too and didn't know wtf I wanted to do. I didn't start dropping acid and think my parents were being dumbass annoying assholes. Unlike pretty much every other human on planet earth, they're worried about your fuckboi self...get your shit together ffs.

Did you think crypto was going to save you? You do know even $1 million isn't enough to live properly after you pay taxes, house, car, living expenses, etc. You're young, you're fucking alive, and living in a developed fucking country. Grow a pair, leave the things in your life that are hurting you, decide what you want to do, set a goal, and be a fucking man and work your ass off to achieve it. So many fucking pussies on here goddamn. There's a guy in my class who did 3 tours with the marines, has a wife, kids, and is killing it....way more than me. I'm over here thinking I'm not doing enough and I read sorry shitposts like this?? C'mon can do better. Stop being a little bitch and move on to reach your potential whatever you think it is. Pain of hard work >>> Pain of regret.

did I say weed wasn't a drug? I simply said calling someone a druggie, and a pothead is not the same thing. When you call someone a druggie- the assumption, by ANY REASONABLE person, is hard drugs like crack/meth/coke. Only fucking brainlets dont understand this

>When you call someone a druggie- the assumption, by ANY REASONABLE person
no true scotsman. not an argument. when i hear druggie i also think pothead, and i live in a legal state and have been smoking everyday for years. go try to rationalize your addiction somewhere else nigger.

>hurr weed isn't addictive
you're a dumb fucking nigger if you believe this

Kill yourself bro, no one's reading that autistic autobiography full of your cuck bullshit.


I wouldn't worry so much about weed but stop smoking during the day, it absolutely fogs your mind. I vape oil nightly and it helps relieve stress. Personally I would stay on track with the accounting degree, it's good money and not that difficult. I dropped out because I couldn't afford school and was having trouble living on my own (I'm autistic) and now I spend 70 hours a week selling cars. For fucks sake stop being so dramatic about having to do something you don't want to - unless you are from a wealthy family. And you should be thankful you have to make it on your own, people handed their wealth are generally faggots.

yo you wanna collab bro?

Get your truck licence TODAY!

You’re beyond saving. Seriously just end your life now if you can’t look at yourself and see how much of a colossal faggot you are and make the appropriate changes to improve. This includes cessation of weed use, which is very dangerous. It is lowering your IQ and causing brain damage the more that you smoke it because your brain is not fully developed yet. It will actively slow down and damage the neural pathways in your brain. For someone that uses their intelligence as a defining characteristic, this is a stupid thing to do.

>killing your self over money


>Step 1
Stop doing drugs of all kinds. Yes, it's hard, because you're chemically addicted and it's been part of your routine for so long you feel like you can't live without it, but your mind will remain in a permanent state of imbalance until you do and your efforts to change your situation will be screwed from the beginning.

>Step 2
Understand that, although you think your parents are just giving you a hard time for no reason, they're actually trying to keep you from ruining your life. No parent wants to see their child depressed and unable to financially support themselves, which is (ta-da) exactly where you are now, because they left you to your own devices.

>Step 3
Finish a degree. Doesn't matter what it's in, but finish something. This serves a two-fold purpose. One, obviously, having a degree will enable you to find more stable, lucrative work. Yeah, the idea of "wagecucking" might seem like a death sentence to the children on Veeky Forums, but for the most part it isn't. Second, you're going to need to recondition yourself to persevere through long term projects, something (from your posts) you've been incapable of doing. Quitting the drugs is essential to that second point.

>Step 4
Step away from crypto, for a couple reasons. One, it's subconsciously making you feel like a temporarily disenfranchised millionaire and giving you an excuse to languish, because "meh, it'll work out someday". Two, it's causing you to compare yourself to other people which is depressing you further, and it's not productive. Come back later after you get your shit in order if you want, but for now focus on today, not the future.

>Step 5
Easily the most important, find Christ if you haven't already, and if you have, return to Him. I could go on and on about how this will empower you to do the other steps I've listed, but there isn't room here. I'd be happy to discuss this part in greater detail if you'd like.

Good luck user.

holy fuck. I could have actually called this good advice until the last part. go fuck yourself, bible humper

There are no soft or hard drugs, there are only soft or hard consume patterns. You can develop hard consume patterns with smoking weed.

>find Christ

>take moral, philosophical, scientific, and cultural advice from a series of books written by 12 different primitive authors who didn't even know how rain works nor about the existence of the cell/microorganisms
fuck off with your sandnigger moon religion, faggot

>I'm 33
Dog, you've been going to university for 14-15 years?

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but school just isn't working out for you. You should find a job already.

you're a retard.

>Wow that's great advice
>Oops don't like that last part better ignore all of it
I honestly hope things go well for you friend, but this attitude isn't going to help you

not an argument, dude. so the faggots that i see doing a half-gram of dabs everyday who can barely string a sentence together aren't hard users of a "soft" drug? i smoke weed everyday but these niggers overdo it

Search aaron clarey on YouTube the anons in this post have been pretty spot on but learning from other people's mistakes can be pretty helpful on his videos(me in this case from this thread) but just give him a look a lot of people have fucked up that ask for his asshole counseling. His meaning of life video is a good one

>so bear with me.
is this some kind of sick joke to you

>What are your thoughts

OK story, reddit-ish presentation Imma gonna give you a 5/7

I won't bother with the advice seems to me like you're doing fine for yourself if you're 3x in the green on the second worst dip ever.

similar life to yours, when it comes to the college/music tip. i feel your pain user.

first off, quit smoking weed. it's actually the worst drug: a) it lingers around your system longer than other drugs, b) it kills your drive and c) it destroys your lungs. weed culture promotes a constant state of being high. i used to smoke, and i used to always feel cucked into smoking if i smoked the day prior. when i was high, i felt as if i was being rewarded, and i would laze around, and not be productive.

after you quit smoking, take up a hobby/course of self study. focus on your music. read some books. learn to code. start putting your time into something that will grow your mind and marketability.

as for the crypto, i can't give advice there...i'm strongly considering walking away with the few dollars that i put in. currently in the red and i feel like a pleb kek

Not the guy you were arguing with but it's an arbitrary distinction. I don't think putting drug use into soft or hard categories is useful. Not scientific or based on medicine.

As a person living in a 3rd world shithole, you are a total idiot. You are wasting your life and it pisses me off.

I live in Flipland. Do you know how millions of people would have wanted even a chance of going to college? To have parents financially capable enough to afford you education? Your parents are immigrants so of course they knew. But you reek with 1st world privelege so you've never experienced the hardships of living in a shithole.

Do you notice how the most dedicated, hardworking people in uni or college, or in work, are always the people from the 3rd world? Because it's the only thing they have.

If you lived here, Duterte would have shot you in broad daylight with your druggie problem. Get your shit together. I've seen people here get shot in my dace just because he was a suspected druggie. One of them was a manicurist, she was shot literally meters from me. One of them was a traffic enforcer, he was running from a guy in a motorbike and he was shot thrice.

Remember, being a DJ is NOT equal to a degree.

I am an Accountant as well. Its boring, I hated it, but you get used to it and learn to like it to some extent.

haha these made me smile a bit, thanks :)

Try to take a week off if your not a druggy. You are the cretin and dont even realise it. You can abuse weed and when you smoke it every or dont even count it as a drug, you are a fucking junky. Theres no point for you denying it

>As a person living in a 3rd world shithole, you are a total idiot. You are wasting your life and it pisses me off.

While I can somewhat understand this sentiment, you have to understand that there's a disconnect. Its impossible for me to even imagine those conditions, as ive ever been exposed to anything like it. Therefore, its hard to be grateful for what I have, cuz i feel like such shit.

What the fuck do you mean its not scientific ? Most of the populars drugs are well documented and we know their bad effects, thats why they are classified in different categories. Go try 7 strips of any Nbome you faggot

Actually just visited my family over the break for a week, didn't smoke and didn't care. I only smoke cuz I don't have fuck all else to do. But yeah, stay on your high horse and think you're better than the world

The moral of this story is, no matter how hard you believe that your parents don't understand how the world works and are very old minded, you will always end up proving them right.

Fuck off, man-up, get a degree, start wagecucking for 2 or 3 years, save money in that period and them invest it into the next big thing. These past 10 years have been a marvelous time for investors, even though we went through an enormous recession. Facebook, YouTube, videogame industry, Cryptocurrencies, etc. Next ten years will probably be alike, you just need to wagecucking for just fucking 3 years. If you can't handle that, you don't deserve to be rich.

And thats why your parents are helping you. They dont want you to experiece hardship like that. Yet you are throwing your future away, and that probably hurts your parents more than anything, because they did so much for you and you end up rejecting them.

Look, I'm just saying that you should appreciate your parents more and do something about your future, at least get a degree.

Either way, I'm sure you won't be able to manage something that simple because you sound like a fucking lazy and spoiled cunt. People like you always end up in drugs and begging in the streets.

This is actually the best advice within this whole thread. I hope OP listens

I know we don’t know each other. But found myself in a very similar situation as you and I just want to express that I sincerely wish you the best from the bottom of my heart. Cut the bowls for starters, that shit is fun when you are young but it’s impossible to take life seriously when you are hitting them everyday. In particular it fucks with your motivation and emotions.

Just start slow regarding getting back into uni. If you fuck yo your exams try to get the unit scores removed from your record via seeing the facility head/school psych “claim personal issues etc” but then as soon as you repeat those units learn from your mistakes and apply yourself to the best of your ability.

It may be hard at first but each day if you just apply yourself a little bit more, the days will get easier. Definitely keep up the gym and try to meet new people. Competitive sport may be an option as well.

Finally just remember that you are insanely lucky on the global scale to have the opportunities you have as a young person. People in other parts of the world are not so lucky. So please don’t squander them, just apply yourself.

I didn’t need to reply to your message, but I did because this Veeky Forums and the motto here is we are all going to make it, and that includes you.

>he doesn’t take a dab first thing in the morning to start off his day right

Lmao your life must suck

You're right, what do I put in the resume? Does even McDonalds want me? It's hard to convey tone on the internet but I'm not asking in a mocking tone or anything, I would like to believe in some kind of path but I can't think of one.

Thanks friend, but given OP's response in I'm not sure he will, but who knows? Besides, it's not like we're the one saving people anyway.

holy fuck are you me? except i havent gone back to college the third time and doing certs instead

There is no hope for you. I used to know a guy like you. He was a faggot that everyone grew to hate. He eventually joined a pyramid scheme and lost all of his friends trying to get them to buy into it, just like you do with crypto. He lost his initial investment as well as months worth of member fees before he cut his losses. He now sells crystals at festivals and spouts new age bullshit. This is your future. He was a shitty DJ too. He couldn’t even call himself a record player player because he would just hook up a Mac book and play nigger music for teenagers

How to fix ur life
1. No weed.
2. Exercise daily.
3. Silent mind meditation.
4. Eat healthy.
This builds the basis, strong body strong mind. Without strong body and strong mind a purpose is useless because you will just fail.

Next you need some good goals. Keep in mind what your goal is is irrelevant, ideally it should be something that excites your brain mildly but not excessively. You aren't supposed to achieve your goal. It is just something to give you something to do. In reality as you do things your goal will change.
What makes good initial goals?
1. Religion
2. Real world education (not uni)
3. Revenge
4. Art (something interesting not shirty edm(
Bad goals are to general. Get rich is bad goal. Founding a music production company is a good goal.

>pyramid scheme
actually one of my friends I got into crypto, became very rich off it. He offers to pay my rent, but I don't accept since i'm not as pathetic as some people in the board assume.

I already all of the things in the first part except "no weed". The one thing in my life that I currently feel good about is my strict habit of going to the gym each morning and hitting my macros daily

Can you tell me more about Ashwagandha?
I currently am about 2 days into quitting dabs cold turkey and cant fucking stand the psychological withdrawals

I'm not saying the categories such as phenylethamines and tryptamines aren't useful as they break the molecules into groups of similar structure and therefore function. Hard and soft are not scientific categories for drugs and therefore useless.

I’m not OP, but this thread is exActly what I needed today. Thanks OP, anons, gonna go buy some ashawaganda root and try to stop smoking so goddam much. Time to turn this life AROUND

What a little bitch you are; you're acting like your life is over just because your life isn't completely on track.
I don't even get what advice you expect to get here; you clearly disregard any comments about your weed addiction and overall laziness.
Just bite the bullet and get your BA; that's your only sensible option.

Cash out $1500 so that no matter what you'll make a profit. Ignore the rest. Then go do your mid-terms and put everything you've got into it. If you're in a position where you have good grades and you've made money, you won't feel like a failure, and you can move into something else. Is there something you'd prefer to do? Are you interested in returning to medicine? Managing a hotel? Computers? Fixing up cars?

stop making this thread

You need a complete change from all this.
1. Stop doing drugs.
2. Sell all crypto and get out forever.
3. Quit college until you get your shit together.
4. Get a job driving a truck or in home construction and pay off your student debt.


Weed is ruining your brain.

Lazy fuck like you should not blaze. Give it up. Go get an adderall prescription and just study. You can do all nighters before every exam for almost every major in college.

>find Christ

Now that’s a first. I did not think I’d ever see that genuinely suggested on an underwater basket weaving imageboard. It’s a shame so many people refuse the lord when he’s always there should you just be willing to call on him. I was once a skeptic and joked openly about religion, heaven, god, etc. that being said I have now personally physically felt the hand of god and have accepted the Holy Spirit. this isn’t me spouting off at the mouth I mean literal body numbing control as i went through it. In that moment I fully gave myself over and couldn’t have moved a muscle if I tried. excitement yet overwhelming calm rushed through me. About an hour had passed yet to me it felt like minutes. The entire congregation shared in what was happening right before there eyes. It’s the most powerful thing I have ever experienced in my life and until you yourself have experienced the same trust and believe you don’t know what you’re talking about. I genuinely hope other fellow anons will take that leap of faith as I did that night. He is all powerful and all knowing. If you sincerely ask, you might find yourself surprised with the response

first and only time ive made it? dumbass

if it makes you feel any better, i read this and saw myself staring back at me... only i'm just about to turn 20.

At the end of the day, the markets just flushing out the extremities. Think about how many normies bought BTC at 15K+. You're up what? $3000? since october i'm assuming, that's an EXTREMELY good return. I was up to about 3K usd off of a $300 initial investment and now i'm sitting at about 1K. I was obviously kind of pissed at first but i've just sat back and analyzed everything, (the market, the hype, the fundamentals of blockchain) and i've found solice in the facts that i'm still up over 300%, and if anything this is a natural correction and a great buying opportunity. Gonna watch BTC for a few days and when I feel the times right, I'm dumping all the fiat that i can afford into it. Rationality is key my friend.

lol you are just pathetic.
You think you are smarter and "more intelligent" then others. But you are lazy, proud that scraped by high school and a pothead.
I'm a smoker myself.
But at least I know I'm avarage and need to stay clear not to get lazy af.

You are a sore loser, who never explored what he likes to do. What talent he has or what work he wants to do.

If you stay lazy you get this lazy life.
Jeeesus, you even couldn't follow up on your plan on making some music. Jeeesus christ, you even gave up your education for that...

If you still think you are intelligent, you gotta be the most stupid person in your family.
I'm very sad for your parents.

>degenerate retard junkie who had the opportunity to go to med-school and accounting but dropped out twice to do drugs and buy shitcoins
I honestly hope you fail just for being such a piece of shit

You need to figure out a way to stay motivated. Maybe that means no drugs.

I smoked weed daily (still do), partied, and experimented with all sorts of drugs including crack. That didn't stop me from getting a degree in Chemistry and then Pharmacy. I was never the best student, but I was always focused on that final goal.

Put the weed bowl down since you obviously can't handle it. Go back to studying science. Fuck Accounting. It's incredibly boring and not as rewarding as being a doctor/pharmacist/nurse/etc.

Having gone through similar valleys for a decade and a half, racking up a ton of debt, fried my brain on numerous drugs, alcohol binges and nofood, I can tell you, being almost 40 now, shit only gets uglier. Your parents will die or slip into alzheimers without you ever having made up all your wrongdoings. You and your old time friends will have nothing to talk about, your life is just to different and painful. The hermitkingdom is calling but you're forced to work for food. Nothing will save you and no one will understand.

Make a change dude, make a change or regret it. Thoroughly.

not gonna deny im lazy. But I find it kind of funny how you've never met me and your questioning my intelligence. You probably feel really smart making those comments, when the reality is, you're probably a retard. Atleast you basically admitted it.

Lmfao. so many fucking hypocrites on this board, dont even know what to say at this point. I wonder if you fuckers are just trolling due to the anonymity or you actually believe your own high horse bullshit

how the fuck can you possibly defend op? He had all the chances in the fucking world, but he decided to be a loser junkie instead. Fuck him

After carefully reading this thread.
I have to admit:
There really IS no hope for you...
OP, you are a dumb child trapped in an adult body.

Haha you should actually fucking kill yourself

Find a job that requires manual skill, these pay very high in the States right now, and will continue increasing in salary every year since basically every person there has been trained to believe THEY will become a manager or another high paying position and that no one but THEY will succeed if they put their minds to it. This just isn't the case. People who did manual jobs are dying out or going into retirement, and there are not enough people coming into the industry.

Go find yourself something you might enjoy to do for 4-5 years, and if there is a possibility of doing a course in it go and do it - it will increase your wages in the area. In this time try and reconsider your life and what you ACTUALLY want to do with it, as well as if you save money during this time (living with your parents is a great start) you will be able to pay off college with minimal/no loans.

Also stop doing any drugs, find new friends - I've been in your position before, and it's always the people you've been doing drugs with that drag you into it again, giving you a higher chance of fucking up again.

Yes I AM questioning your intelligence.
And you should too!
I am not the most intelligent. But I've worked for years, I've worked on setting up companies. After that I burned out a bit and am now studying at the university. Because it's great to learn.

If you have goals, you realize that smoking week makes you clouded for days after that.

But that's not even the problem.
Your shitty attitude and stupidity is. If you look into the mirror and still think you're more intelligent then most others, you really need to question yourself.
Maybe get help, psychotherapy eg.

Man, some people on this board are seriously retarded. I feel fucking stupid for even considering making this post. 90% of the people here seem to think intelligence and laziness are the That just because I've made some poor decisions in life, im an idiot.

I think the fact that I can get a B+ average in some bullshit program I give no fucks about, while smoking every god damn day, including the day of the exam, speaks volume about my brainpower. That's something im confident about, regardless of how many dumbasses on this board tell me otherwise.

Go back to your fucking country. If you aren't white we dont want you. I'd curb stomp you if I saw your brown ass.

1. Stop doing weed. This is making you depressed
2. Sell the crypto. It's not happening. You won't suddenly become rich and you problems will still be here. This is not an answer
3. Consider your circumstances, your living in a world of very limited opportunities under the twin drivers of globalisation and technology and the world is changing very rapidly. Please consider hundreds of thousands of people do stupid degrees based on false hopes and stupid promises that turn out to be false. Many people work in industries that get sent offshore. Please Consider this thoughtfully.
3. Consider honestly your choice of degree of you want to go to uni. In a perfect world you should pick a degree that you can use to leverage an opportunity you can observe in the real world. Dad is promising you a corner office at the law firm? Fucking great! You know of an uncle that can give you a good reference doing engineering or IT? Better than nothing. Picking a degree like basket weaving or in an oversaturated field will lead to tears.

Good luck!

I think you just need some space to figure out what you want to do with your life. By fininshing your degree and getting a decent career (even if you hate it) you buy yourself that space. Unfortunately in the real world you won't find a eureka moment where you figure everything off. Even if you are intelligent it doesn't forgo having to do work.

>the fact that I can get a B+ average in some bullshit program I give no fucks about
You do realize you go to school, right?
You know that they know students are not always motivated, so school is intentionally easy, right?

Man, i specifically don't think you are lazy.
I think you are stupid, while thinking you are intelligent or smart.

You make bad choices because you have problems and are stupid. Maybe its correlated. Maybe you are so insecure about your intelligence that it backfires.
Else I cannot explain why you are defending your intelligence while being only mid-tier in the lower grade schools and failing in university.

Man, in a real university in europe, you would have been left on the sides after 6 months...

>wahhh I’m a huge faggot who values doing drugs more than working hard to succeed in life
>wahhh I’m gonna throw away the great opportunity my parents have given me because I’m a drug-addled, selfish piece of shit

You’re a faggot.

thanks for the motivation user


closing out of chans for the day and gonna open up my textbooks

i needed this. I'm 22 and probably wont graduate until im 26 but itll be worth it.

If your so smart than why are you going to a Taiwanese bread baking forum for such simple advice anyway? Is this the only option you have?

Why haven't you reached out to your friends?

Why haven't you asked your parents for advice? Have you been honest with them? If not why is this the case?