Anyone that lost their ass in crypto only has themselves to blame

I cashed-out in December because I wasn't a greedy fuck. I bought 6 apartment buildings and one warehouse and my monthly net rents are $21K.

>he still thinks he's not greedy

Yes you are. You wanted more and more for doing NOTHING. Your greed got in the way of you seeing that crypto was not only a bubble but a fad.

how much all that property cost?

A lot but most of it was leveraged. I just used my crypto gains for down payments.

>6 apartment buildings
>only makes $21k a month net

>You wanted more and more for doing NOTHING

you literally collect money from people via rent for doing nothing other than own something you got via doing nothing

>I bought 6 apartment buildings and one warehouse

how much is a lot? over a million? over 2 million? give us an idea

Greed was the reason I sold in 19000s. I saw this crash coming a mile away, ever since btc didn’t consolidate after breaking 10k. I even gave very specific fundamental reasons as to why it was coming, all for free, out of the kindness of my heart. Most anons acknowledged it, then blatantly ignored my caution.
These anons forgot they were playing the game. Or rather, they got the game fucked up thinking it was about taking down the banks, the jews, whatever else. It was never about that. It was always about transfering your personal wealth to me. Not banks’ wealth. Not the elites’ wealth.

Like a big game of musical chairs, the music plays long enough and people think it will never stop. Only when they see that every chair has been filled do they realize their mistake.


ok genius when should i buy back in?

You probably do looking at your account.

Assuming he's in North America he also has to cover costs of repairs and shit. Being a landlord isn't free. You do have legal responsibilites.

The crash was looming when literally everyone was boasting about mad, inconceivable gains and kept predicting further insane growth. This is not normal in crypto, there must always be losers and dumps. When everyone and everything are in green, you know something's wrong.

You don’t until it actually reverses with strength. Try and time the reversal and you’ll get burned every time. Might as well buy a lotto ticket.
I would avoid this market in the immediate future, wounds from this crash won’t heal on a recovery, this will be remembered and only forgotten in a year or so. What happens then I don’t know. But do look back at old price data and realize bitcoin (at least) has done this before. See what happens after every exponential run and subsequent 50-80% dip. It stays dead for a long while before returning with a fresh set of naive buyers.
Feels exactly like talking to the anons who ignored me three months ago.

ITT idiots with hindsight think they're geniuses

I hold this bag of loss
Upon my liars chair
Never made a profit
But on Veeky Forums I'm a millionaire
Between the claims of gains
The feelings disappear
I am someone else
You are still right here

What have I become
My Veeky Forumsness friend?
Every coin I buy
crashes hard in the end
And you could have it all
My portfolio of dirt
I will shill you shitcoins
I will make you hurt
If I could start again
A few years back in time
I'd invest in real estate
I would save my mind

>most of it was leveraged.
this person WILL kill themselves looking back on this post and realizing how retarded they were within the next year. govts are upping taxes labor prospects and wages suck owning property on high leverage is even more retarded than crypto but OP thinks he's smart

t. retard who bought the "dip"

I think I can show some threads from mid-late December when this crash was EXACTLY predicted by oldfags

>call an obvious bubble a bubble
>somehow it's only "hindsight" and this never could have been predicted
you should have known when npr was talking about this shit that it was a meme. if it's a meme it's a bubble. period

Sorry for not taking my 1k profit when I had it.

Check out google trends related to crypto. Note the massive uptick in interest right around year’s end.

Investing your resources into something you were one of the few ones to know is the future of money is doing a lot. Crypto will replace fiat and make it worthless. Short-term price movements are not reflective of fundamental long-term value.