Wall street is just manipulating the market so they can buy back in next week

>wall street is just manipulating the market so they can buy back in next week

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pretty much, there's not as much money in crypto as people think, the big boys can easily manipulate the market with the billions they have

they are manipulating the market, not because of that though
they're selling because the Dow is crashing and at times like this they want out of volatile markets like crypto.
If the Dow recovers then crypto will moon too.
If the dow crashes, god help us all

>its just people buying tickets for superbowl, happens every year

If the DOW crashes, all money will flow to crypto.

>guys its just a conspiracy theory
>heres whats really going on

Look at these fucking brainlets

>crypto is dead

never said it was a conspiracy or that's what was really happening, i'm just saying it would be possible

lmaoing at your delusion

>Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Meryl Lynch, JP Morgan, Bank of America and Deutsche Bank are just carefully analyzing the dip before buying in

>chinaman is cashing out for his lunar year gifts, Just HODL.

I feel like the bullrun when it does hit (and lets be real it will hit) will occur so fucking quickly

>its boomers cashing out to cover their stock losses

at least provide a counter argument you pussy. there wasn't even $10 bil of inflow when crypto reached $300b market cap for the first time and the reason for this crash is basically unknown

Nice delusion. This is Mt. Gox 2.0 and we won't recover for 3 more years.

The crash was a self fulfiling prophecy. If you guys didn't post those fucking meme bubble charts about incoming despair, it might be ok.

its just people cashing out to pay taxes you fuckin' idiots! they want a massive capital gains tax two years in a row!

Does that mean that I should invest in crypto right now? I don't have any money invested in it atm.


so you're saying Veeky Forums caused this crash with memes? doubtful

So fucking stupid

>it's just X
Zoom out niggers, it hasn't had a tested floor since 5k.

The majority of crypto investors were on edge about an incoming crash due to the volatility of crypto, so as the price falls more and more people believe it will go to zero and stay there, causing them to sell and give momentum to the crash.

I am in contact with Bigdoggg. He is legit, and this is not over yet.

that is almost definitely part of it, but do you really think that was the sole reason for such a huge crash?

I'm almost 100% certain, The market was full of normies since December. They can't handle the bad news rationaly.

Not even. If an ICO was anykind of smart they sold part of their coins for cold hard cash. If they don't exit scam they only have incentive to use that cash to fulfill their roadmaps. One or two big roadmap events brings this back. I'm buying back in before the SEC hearing

but surely the normies that started in nov/dec dont have enough capital to completely crash btc and every other coin?


No, but the general market sentiment can. Many people took this oportunity to crash it as low as possible. Just when we had a nice rebound last week, the India ban news spread. Then credit card purchases ban news. It's like some ruling class decided to time the bad announcements 2 days apart for 3 weeks to crash it as low as possible.

Good points so far.

>This always happens in non leap-years when the year ends in an even number

You forgot tether, south korea, japan and the recent heist. The FUD was too strong.

w-whats the secret of money?

>no conspiracies in finance

no its quite easy to understand once you do some research into the system. would be handy if you dropped your faggot ass bias before you do

It’s not something a Jew would tell you

Yeah its gonna happen a bit

>great gtfo of boomer stocks... got all of this cash
>the fuck do I do now
>Hmmm i could buy shiny rocks
>Oh hey I could buy up 10~% of a new emerging asset class that just hit a new low

>this thread