I have insider info. BTC will go as low as 4k tomorrow. Can't reveal much more

I have insider info. BTC will go as low as 4k tomorrow. Can't reveal much more.

I have insider info. BTC will go as high as 9k tomorrow. Can't reveal much more.

I have insider info. BTC will or will not go higher or lower than where it is right now tomorrow. Can't reveal much more.

I have insider info. 20T mcap by 2020. Can't reveal much more

I have insider info that BTC will be banned by the EU tomorrow. My life is literally in danger by telling you this.

Yeah well my dad works for bitcoin and he said that it’s going to $350,000 EOY

I have insider info too. BTC will go as high as positive infinity tomorrow. Can't reveal much more.

I have insider info. Mommy will make as many as 40 tendies tonight. Can't reveal much more.

we shorting it way lower than that goy

i have insider info, my dad thinks my boi pucci is cute. can't reveal much more

I have insider info. OP is a massive faggot

I have insider info. OP is a fag

I can reveal OP is a larping faggot

Source: my ass

I have insider info. LINK will go as high as 9k tomorrow. Can't reveal much more.

my dad works at bitcoin, sell everything by tomorrow 5pm

Your mom has cancer

I have insider info. BTC will vary in price tomorrow. Can't reveal much more.

I have outsider info. BTC may go up or it may even go down. I can't reveal much more because I don't know anything.

I have outsider info. BTC at 1k tomorrow. Check em.

hey babes how's it going. Anyone know how I can buy bitcoin with cash? I'm looking for some very low-key anonymous options towards investing.

no mas

I have insider BTC. 4k reveal will go as more much. Can't tomorrow info.

I have insider info. BTC will go as low as $0.05 tomorrow. Can't reveal much more.

I have inside her in hole it feel much tight so nice