Why do people unironically sell lower than the price they bought for?

Why do people unironically sell lower than the price they bought for?

For gains.
You have to confuse your balance. Hit your portfolio from every angle.
Money confusion.

Thanks Veeky Forums

"Gotta keep my portfolio confused, right babe?"
-Rich Piana

>buy it at 100
>it drops to 95
>realize it will drop to 60
>buy back in at 60
>when it bounces back to 100, you've made +40% profit, whereas hodling would have left you even

Are you pretending to be retarded? It's obvious why they do it, because they have to.
They're desperate, need the money and cannot afford the risk of losing it all. It takes a certain amount of financial security to ride out the storm.

Are you stupid

>They need the money
Then why is it in crypto instead of rent?

I don't think that is how math works.

If I have 2 bitcoin that I bought for $4000
It reaches a high of $19000 but I don’t sell
Then it’s going down for weeks
If I sell at $10,000 ($20,000)
I can potentially buy back at $6000 and get more BTC than I started off with

Of course you need to be sure you aren’t selling the bottom
But even then there’s people who bought BTC when it was sub 4000, sub 1000, who will only sell when it gets closer to their buy in point

Read OP
I'm talking about selling at less than you bought for

Again, are you retarded? Because they were hoping for a quick profit. They're gamblers.

Btw OP that pic is damn poorly drawn.

Because if you don't sell you will loose even more, retard

Your math is shit but the concept is correct.

Because they bought with almost 0 research, thinking it would magically guarantee a 10x-100x return. Then when price crashes, they're shocked and feel like it'll go to zero.

Dumb money.


They're trying to minimize losses it's not rocket science


Shut up darkness, you slut.

Wellll, post YOUR art then, mister picasso.

Didnt think so, f****ing owned, nerd.


when I sell half my coins every day and buy other coins the market doesn't know wether to fuck me or go up to spite me for selling the coins i sold

checkmate athiest luck-goddess

Institutional mathematician here to clear this post up:

You pretty much said
>buy at 100
>sell at 95
buy back at 60

Do you even maths kek.

Buddy called, hey youbdonthe bitcoin right..

Tell him "it isnt a good time"
Sends me 750$ to buy at 14000.

Calls yesterday "sell it all" at near 6k
I just sent him $300

Never did the transactions.

>Your math is shit
Well, I said +40%, but it'd be ~60% profit.

start with 100 at $100 ($10,000)
sell at $95 ($9,500)
buy 158 at $60 ($9,480)
bounce to 158 at $100 ($158,000)

How about I show you what's wrong with it, instead?

>head is waay too small
>mouth is ridiculously big and misplaced
>pupils are not looking in the same direction
>buttcrack is bad

lmao what a cunt

>Buttcrack is bad

Wow that actually does look better

>everyone is able to correctly predict the most unstable market world has ever seen

also your math is brainlet tier. for majority holding 'til new ATH is hit would be far better.

Nonono, the ONLY way you can criticise other peoples ART is to submit your own piece that is objectively better. Checkmate atheist.

>non-euclidean asscrack

I've seen it all now

I don't get why peeps hate on us artfags.
We just want you to see the error of your ways and thus rejoice in better and more enjoyable art afterwards.

Nah, faggot, if you believe it's "just a dip", you can sell ASAP and buy lower than you sold. As long as you buy back in lower than you sold, you end up with more than if you were HODLing from ATH.
The assumptions are:
>Your initial investment were good. It's just a little unsteady for the day/week/month
>You can buy back in for lower than you're selling today

The risks are:
>You might sell at the bottom of the dip, and end up buying back in higher than you sold
>Your INITIAL investment was bad, but at least you got out before it went completely to shit

So you can't review a certain composition by Mozart, for example, unless you're better than Mozart?

I kinda understand your point but that's just not how critique works.
I'm not saying I'm a better artist than whoever drew that, but I am saying he has a lot to learn about lineart and proportions.

Chill man, i was just fucking with you. The "arguments" I made are absolutely retarded and anyone who use them seriously should be shot on sight.

why do people unironically buy tron and link to hodl?


N-no, user, im actually normal, I swear...

>t. brainlet

Panic, stupidity.


I'm going to fuck your pussy, femanon.


To hopefully rebuy lower

i want to lick her back


Stupidity. The first rule that you follow when investing is that you should be investing the amount you're willing to lose and treat that money like it's lost.

Why not NOT sell, and just buy more?

This way you don't sell at a loss, you still take advantage of the dip, and you just HOLD until both become profitable again before selling.

Do people really ironically put everything in that they have to sell just to buy more?

Cut losses and buy back in lower