Tfw my parents are fighting each other downstairs in the kitchen because of money problems and debt

>tfw my parents are fighting each other downstairs in the kitchen because of money problems and debt

Being a poorfag sucks Veeky Forums. I just wish I could make my parents proud and pay off their debts but I am just a low IQ good for nothing pleb myself with no job... I'm trying to find a job so I can stop being a burden to my poor parents but no one is hiring and I lack the social skills to network with normies.

Any advice other than killing myself or buying some shitcoin?

Other urls found in this thread:

shitcoin is your only hope and I recommend Chainlink

get life insurance and die in an accident

>Any advice other than killing myself or buying some shitcoin?
no, but i'm a poorfag too

you can gain skills in socializing.. I was once like you but I decided to stop being a fucking loser and forcing myself to interact and now I can talk to just about anyone pretty comfortably. Your life can change in so many ways you just don't realize it yet. FUCKING DO IT

Buy a shitcoin and hope for the best

Remember that you can use anything as a weapon. Chairs, jars, cutlery.

the point is not to do damage to people, the are family. It's to give a signal that violence will not be resisted, and attempts at pointless figthing won't a an easy excuse to abuse oneanother You all have enough stress in your lifes.

cant you work in a warehouse or something.
Try to move to a city that has a port or an airport.

I know that feel, user. I just want enough money so my dad can retire.
Crypto is my way out, just need Wanchain to go to $50 (I believe it will).

i have no work history since high school. its almost impossible to get a job without prior experience

Sell drugs.

Go to the doctor and tell them you've been having panic attacks and are really depressed and they'll put you on meds that help with anxiety.

It's a bit like when you drink alcohol and you don't feel that rush of nervousness when talking to strangers. In time you gets used to people and you learn to be less of a sperg.

So work hard to get out of debt?

>its almost impossible to get a job without prior experience
Yes. Everyone who has a job, has had a previous one, and a previous one, and a previous one...

if finances weren't a problem they would find something else to constantly bicker about.

know this, if your mother couldn't get her need for drama met by agruing with your father, then she would have already left him

this is what relationships look like, constant bickering. one day you will also have a bickering nag of your own and if you cant keep her entertained, she'll leave you for a man that gives her more grief.

this is a bullshit excuse, all you have to do is get an interview and talk about how much of a cuck hard worker you are without saying "cuck" or sounding sarcastic
Good luck in your endeavors

t. virgin

this and try not to laugh too

>I just wish I could make my parents proud and pay off their debts

This is my dream. I cry myself to sleep at night thinking of the day when I'm a cryptomillionaire and I could pay my parents loans and buy my siblings cars and then take them on a nice vacation.

It's honestly what I live for. I want to do them good. For all my life I have never been able to do anything other than being waste of oxygen.

Maybe one day.

thanks but i have no money to trade

>trusting mainstream politically loaded scientism and corporate money making pill pushers to put whatever chemicals they want into your body

Humble yourself user, work your way up, even if it's at the bottom. We all have to start somewhere. Keep working hard and make progress every day by building a routine. You can make it if you put your mind to it

i've been trying to get a doctors appointment for months but they keep cancelling

i like in the uk btw

What are your holdings, user? You mind telling how much you have?

thanks delusional normie who pretends every relationship he's ever been in wasn't a total trainwreck. because he can't handle the truth that he'll never find a good woman and settle into a healthy relationship, because it's not possible

dont worry buddy, one day you'll find "the one"


yeah if only i could start at the bottom i will

its so damn hard to get work if you have no prior work history or references

buy a shitcoin. i would suggest prl.

>normie who pretends every relationship he's ever been in wasn't a total trainwreck
I'm sorry user, but they were not. You might have some disorder.

Not true. How do you think anyone has a job? Logically they must’ve had a first job.
What actually makes finding employment impossible is not trying because you convinced yourself you won’t find work. I mean really this is the conversation right now:
>get a job
>no it’s impossible
You know that’s BS.

you're just so addicted to pussy it's like trying to discuss the health effects of crack with a crackhead

women are bickering monsters, just admit it.

man im trying...i'll upload my CV and show you

>wants to be a anxious permavirgin living in his parents basement forever because he thinks pharmaceuticals is a jewish scam .

I'm from UK too.
You have to book your appointments in advance? That's weird.
I just turn up to my GP any day I want and ask to see someone the same day.




Why did you have several of them, then? And why didn't they last?

just go get a fast food jobs. you could deliver pizza and stay in your car most of the day. only have to get out to pick up the pizza and deliver it. literally any retard can do it. yea it's minimum wage but you get tips and it will be enough to get you an apartment if you want out of there.

Kek, do this if everything else fails.

This Is my hope as well. All or nothing for me, and this is the project I have the most conviction in.
I regretted, like nothing I ever have in my life, not buying ETH for sub 10$ as I read on biz every day for months. I was too retarded and pussy to dmor because I was focusing on finishing my final term in engineering. Well, this time I did my research, and I hope I acted early enough. Best of luck anons.

>literally mind control chemicals from an establishment run by satanic technocrats

Tell them to go all in Ada and wait a few months.

Sometimes you just want different things user, other times one moves across the world and she cannot come with you -- it's life.

move out, dont make the same mistake your parents made by having children (ie, you, faggot)
as you can see, they chose the more toxic and wildly unfulfilling route, as their son is upstairs crying on the internet instead of working

here is my cv

any advice appreciated
my gp is several miles away and always overbooked


My cv is here. sorry its not hyperlinked

any advice is appreciated

several miles sounds like less than 10
if it's important to you and you have no other way of getting there, fucking walk. you could probably use the exercise if you feel as shitty as you do.


So you want me to believe that you ended all of your relationships on good terms.

Like I imagine you scoring several girls and every single time you say goodbye to each other, all teary-eyed, both wanting to stay together, but circumstances prevent you from doing that.

It just doesn't sound like anything I've actually seen in real life.

No offence but that has to be the worst CV I have ever seen. You're trolling, right?

fucking cringe at the last bit

sort your cv out m8

that's not even insulting
if you're not a conspiracy theorist yet in the current year then it just proves you're not paying attention

no man, i dropped out after my GCSES in 2014 because i was bullied pretty bad and i lost all interest in studying. been technically a NEET for the past 4 years even though I've done a few online courses and certifications.

>d in math
lol and you advertise this?
>was made to do sports during gym class

Like why would you mention the grade you got for Music and Religion? Absolutely irrelevant for an employer. Or why would you mention that you got a D in math ?? That's like if I put in my CV that I spent 2 years in jail for raping people.

So how old are you? You a neet right now? You've never had a job?

i just cant socialise with people or make friends. i probably have anxiety but never got diagnosed officially

Thay only means it is in your genes and you are never gonna make it.

Which country?

holy shit, the lack of self-awareness in the cv. did you even look up a basic template online to see what the somewhat-above-average person is doing/recommends?
user, maybe i was a little mean at first but you need to fix your shit
detach yourself from all this weird emotion you've cultivated and seemingly used to build a shitty pillow fort around yourself
i mean, learn programming or something in your spare time. get into web development. there's minimal barriers for this shit, it really depends on your ability to push through

and for gods sake, write a cv that doesn't make you sound so blatantly like a charity hire
fucking google a real cv
how you came up with that when there's so many decent examples online is fucking beyond me
and probably beyond anyone you submitted that piece of shit to

>having parents and not being genetically engineered in some underground chink lab


>fucking google a real cv

i did google loads. but i just dont have any work experience to show for it. what else can i write up??

Don't take ownership of their problems.
>Be 50
>Had 34 years to work, earn and save
>Same goes for wife
>Instead I'm poor and argue with my wife about money
It's like you spend your day feeling responsible for your parents horrible choices. Do you know if they saved just $1 each per day from when they started working at 16, they'd have a combined $25k to fix their shit. And that's just 1 fucking dollar per day.



this is b8

How easy is it to get caught for lying about work experience? I've worked before but I've got long periods of time when I did some odd jobs here and there or just did some day trading and I've even gotten overlooked by bottom of the barrel places. I lost enough of my shit in January that I either need steady work or to pray that link actually isn't a meme.

focus on relevant experience
it's not WHAT you say, it's how you say it -- that's a huge part of life
think about how you're presenting yourself to the world, how you want to be perceived

if you have no relevant work experience, focus on the experience you DO have that is relevant to the position you're looking for. eg, for some kind of burger wagecuck job, it's all about being a team player, being consistent, being punctual, flexible. think about what people are looking for and sell yourself in that light.

dude, you need to be nicer to yourself and grow up a little. read more books. spend less time on the internet. it's probably time for you to start exercising too, you need the endorphins to make for the happy brain. get more sunshine. eat good, nutrient-dense food in respectable amounts.

you're young -- that's a positive. focus on building a strong foundation RIGHT NOW instead of just accepting your life for what it is. that's probably what your parents did. aim higher, user. you're not the piece of shit you think you are unless you really believe it.

beyond the bullshit i just posted, it would probably be helpful to you to stop thinking of yourself as a passive actor in life and start thinking about WHY people do the things they do, WHY you do the things you do.

and did i mention reading? fucking READ good books if you're not getting plenty of social interaction daily. WRITING is helpful too - keep a journal, even. for yourself.

Streamline your academic section down to "year XXXX, 8 GCSEs including English grade X and Maths grade X". Nobody gives a fuck if you played field hockey or did swimming when you were 16.

UNLESS you're applying for a job in a certain field (music studio; mention your music grade. Football club groundskeeper, mention your personal experience and what team you support. Keep it relevant).

Find somewhere you could volunteer to get something you could pad your CV with and get you out of the bloody house.

Anyway, I guarantee you could get a job in Tesco RIGHT NOW. There are legitimate retards and illiterates who work in retail. That would give you an income stream and crucially the experience to move to something better.

No more excuses. In the morning, log onto the sites of all major supermarkets within a 5km radius of where you live and see if they're hiring. If they are, apply for the job, no matter how unpleasant the hours or nature of work seem. Repeat weekly. Stop when employed.

Go back and get your Maths GCSE, now.

25k is nothing, though. Not enough for passive income by investing, and not enough for retirement. Fuck that.

Why the fuck are they fighting over debt

They are literally in the same boat with each other so it makes no sense to fight unless it's gambling debt or something stupid like that

A comment like this is a clear sign of autism.

>Don't start with whatever database job, you will not be qualified.

These jobs typically are typically applied by fresh Arts student, with multiple sororities and cock sucking experience. Without experience and education, your resume means nothing.

> Start with low-level jobs, physical jobs, dirty jobs.

> Go outside and get VOLUNTEER experience instead of staying at home. Get like 4 or 5 of them while you are looking for jobs. Your resume will be much more impressive after 3 months.

> Stop sitting at your desk and DO IT FAGGOT

Depends. If you're applying for entry-level work, then your employer likely won't bother verifying your work history at all. If they do, oh well. Working at Taco Bell isn't much worse than working at Subway, anyhow.
If there's a significant gap (>5 months) in your work history, just claim that you were doing freelance web security work or some shit. Give the name of a friend as a reference and have him talk about your siiiick work ethic and all the times you caught hackers sneaking off with his modem in the dead of night. Make up your own fucking business. They're not going to ask for your tax returns.