Now that the etherdelta has shit the bed completely, where can smart anons trade to fuck over normies easily...

Now that the etherdelta has shit the bed completely, where can smart anons trade to fuck over normies easily? Looking for decentralized exchanges in which you control the amount of gas you pay, you can input token contract address and trade by it and where there's no order matching.

Toddles~ And thanks for your money normies lmao.

what happened to etherdelta?

What do you mean EtherDelta shit the bed? What did they change?



no idea what hes on about, but there was something about forkdelta or something.


Order book history ain't working anymore.
There's no way those chinks will figure out how to fix this because they're money leeching idiots who thought this would be good business and went into this balls deep without any knowledge of what etherdelta is even.

can you pick any random order and buy that one out of order book? Can you control the amount of gas price you? Can you trade any erc20 token just by inputting it's address?
If you can't answer these questions, don't talk to me or my wifes son ever again.

I got 1.4 ether in that gay cunt and i don't know how to withdraw. fuck

0x protocol. Make trade orders and post here, probably in a 0x traders general. Or someone develop a dex with 0x

if you have it in the contract click on withdraw tab and choose the amount you need to take out under ETH once it goes into your wallet then use transfer tab to take it out of ETH wallet into exchange or another wallet. You need gas for this though. You learned how to use an exchange before using it, right user? Right?

0x ain't got no order book fuck that nigguh.

forkdelta and Radar relay are about your best bets.

download the repo from github and run it on localhost, normie.

Do I look like some kind of fucking wizard?


it's an EtherDelta that actually works

Etherdelta is aids

Well, the main issue is, that it actually doesn't.

but it does

The problem with EtherDelta is that it doesn't update trades, the same thing is with ForkDelta. Am I missing something?

updates for me
maybe you like penis or something

maybe we should just create our own delta exchange with only coins created by anons on Veeky Forums

The shit just moved from my 'etherdelta column' to 'wallet column' by itself. is that right? back in mew anyways. Thanks for actually trying to help.

Yeah you now have the funds in your wallet. Out of etherdelta contract. up right side is you wallet. If you want to send your funds to an exchange copy exchanges ethereum wallet address choose transfer tab and paste it there. Also choose the amount.

Is there something wrong with ED? I keep everything on there, havent checked on it for months

Nothing as far as I'm aware. But you should seriously consider stashing in a wallet if you're going to hodl long term like that.

No reason to stay on an exchange if you're not actively trading.

Idk if you can pick any order. No gas after you deposit. I don't think you can address trade but when its on ed its usually on idex. Your son lookin fine by the way