Jibrel Network

Has this project any potential? The FUD campaign is fucking strong.

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biggest scam in crypto. youve been warned.

Do your own research

If it has potential, think to yourself: “Is this potential a short-term gain or is this a long-term hold?”
If it is a long term hold, why shill it? You could wait and accumulate more in the time that passes. If news comes of a partnership or some assets being tokenized, it will shill/pump itsself.

Or it is a pump and dump pajeet shitcoin that only literal morons would fall for. Either way, DYOR and shoo shoo

Exactly this. Nowadays Veeky Forums is garbage and flooded with full time pajeets.

Wait 55 days and you will see what happens

>Every asset that gets tokenized will be reflected on jnt price increasing it proportionally (locked in tokens)
>Expect BILLIONS of tokenized assets from middle-east richfags
All of it excluding the usual price speculation. Now do your math.

Trusting sandniggers, kek

Couldn't this lead into crazy price volatility? Once tokenized assets are pooring in and out.

Strong? It's one of the most transparently over the top fudding, anyone in crypto worth their salt would be piqued by the sheer ridiculousness of it. It's pretty much reverse psychology shilling

No, nobody will tokenize it in and out.

Didn't the ruling family of Dubai, the Maktoum family, end up promising part of their $10B fund being diverted into JNT?

If they follow through on that, Arab richfags will be all over it as well.


Yeah, they will use a portion of their wealth for the pilot program. Nobody knows how much, nobody knows how long. But even 1% would be enough to have a serious impact. Not even taking in account the publicity exposure.

We will know the details in 1-2weeks though, so get ready.

Can't find any reliable sources concerning the numbers, other than in plebbit threads.

But the Maktoum family being on board is confirmed.


Yeah, I know about the SEED partnership, just looking for a source on the 10 billion tokenization pilot.

The details about the partnership are not out yet. They J-team is in dubai this week.

Then where does the 10 billion pilot information come from? Not being aggressive just genuinely curious.

It's bs. There isn't word out yet how much they will invest

That's the estimated wealth calculated of the family by some redditors, but even that is wrong.

Why do you think the FUD is so strong?

The project is complete BS and the Founders are known scanners. Do you really think the Al-Maktoum would trust a bunch of moronic teenagers with billions of their money?


People confusing the amount of money the family has to hand with the amount they will put in. 10bil is the amount of potential the family has, not what they will put into the pilot. That said, once everything is up and running it wouldn't be surprising if they tokenized a considerable proportion of their wealth as there is no risk involved (other than lost opportunities to leverage it elsewhere) and a decent potential upside for them.

Their private investment fund is approximately $10B. People are saying they will invest PART of that fund in JNT. Could be $500k or $1B.

Either way, the Maktoum family will attract other rich Arabfags like flies to shit.

Cheers. Guess we'll find out the true number soon enough.

>Do you really think the Al-Maktoum would trust a bunch of moronic teenagers with billions of their money?

Considering one of the co-founders is a Fund Manager for the Saudi Royal Family? Yeah, kind of.

>Mr Tabbaa is a private investment Fund Manager for members of the Saudi Royal Family.


I told you this before.

He managed a couple hundred k for some irrelevant dumbass prince who spends his days raping his houseboy. Also heard he managed that money quite poorly.

Anyways, stay away from this obvious scam. There are better options out there

>couple hundred k
>managed that money quite poorly

Going to need some sources on that.

managed it so poorly he has entrusted him with it again

Does anyone have the post saved where one of the admins said that the market cap would soon reflect what has been tokenzied in the pilot.

Changed his identity.
His name used to be Ahmed Bin-Selman. The irrelevant dumbass prince is after him, but lucky for "Talal", the prince is still locked up at the Ritz Carlton.

so you know this info but the ruler of Dubai doesn't?

Ruler of Dubai heard "Blockchain" and invested blindly.

Honestly feel bad for the Sheikh

The conference was proven (with evidence) to be FAKE, right?

The CEO is a video game character from LiSA: The Painful RPG. Because it will be painful for bagholders seeing this drop to ZERO

The houseboy was asking for it. This coin will grow explosively when assets start to get to tokenized. You’d be a fool not to get in on the ground floor of this.

I got 50k jib

will i make it

Yeah right!
Who would want to tokenize their assets? That's plain dumb

Sheikh of Dubai was conned and these guys will end up in jail soon

No, it cant go above 1 dollar.

(yes you will, son)

I know right. Being more than a dollar defeats the purpose of this coin. I’m surprised it even got to 60 cents with such a not solid team. Honestly the true value of this coin is closer to one cent.


Do you want to be a billionaire? Than no. If millionaire then yes.

You guys are being too obvious with your faux FUD that’s actually an attempted shill.


>it's suppose to combat the volatility problem with crypto currencies
so, if it works then its price will fluctuate like the GBP / USD rate and you'll earn like 10% if you're lucky, and if it doesn't work, then you'll lose everything

tell me, why would anybody want to buy this? price volatility is good for speculating, if the BTC price wasn't volatile, a pizza would have costed like 8000 BTC instead of 10000 BTC lol

picture unrelated

Read this: medium.com/@jibrelnetwork/jibrel-network-roadmap-618d156b884c

Spoiler: You will give up after 1 minute because you're a brainlet and buy some more XRP instead because "banks use it" lmao