Boss came to my office

>Boss came to my office
>sat down and told me i am the new CEO
Does this mean that I'm the biggest cuck in town or the sickest sociopath?
Honestly I'm not sure about it, I don't feel like being 'the Boss', but the money and comfy levels are off the chart so I'm confused....

If you don't have a grasp as to why you're getting this position, you shouldn't have it. 10 bucks says your company is about to go bankrupt and you're being set up as the fall guy for it's faults


>still uses jargon like comfy
Trip down bankruptcy soon OP

I too enjoyed the Hudsucker Proxy.

OP, is your company publicly traded?
I want to short it.

Get ready to be blamed for something.


you are never comfy faget?
what do you say?


>hey user we're exit scamming
>enjoy being thrown under the bus
sure thing boss!

Yes, it is called JP Morgan.

He's humblebragging.

this is the correct interpretation

What bus would they throw me under
I've been in the company for a year and 8 months, fresh out of uni as a business grad.
Kinda worked hard and stuff but still underqualified for that position surely, and no one is protesting.. hell the ass kissing already started as I received calls from my coworkers asking me how am I doing and walked into my office only to find a cup of tea sitting there for me.


rip, atleast you got some digits.

Maybe you should really turn down the position now. This doesn't sound promising and it surely can't be worth the risk, it's not like you get tons more money right?

what kind of company is it?
who owns it?
whats the figures?

Ya I know
But how many chances do I have to receive an offer like this in my lifetime?

Its a catering, restaurants and banquet company, and the owner is some rich dude from a wealthy family that runs a real estate empire.
And I think it might be around $120k a year, give or take not sure honestly.

also how many employees?
do you have some serious skills?
or is it possible that a son of the godfather fucked up with his own little empire while the family wont accept failure and therefore is searching someone to blame for the whole mess?
if you are considering taking the job you should do two things:
>speak to an INDEPENDENT, GOOD (means expensive) lawyer about all that shit
>demand to see all company related books IN ADVANCE to get an idea of the financial situation. when youre the ceo you have full access to all numbers and it would be just fair to have a look in before

Around 140 including the office dudes.
And yeah I do have experience both in the office and the kitchen/service.
And honestly I don't get what I can be blamed for, they they're truly diving head first with their plane then I'll be the guy that tried to steer them off before impact.

>And honestly I don't get what I can be blamed for, they they're truly diving head first with their plane then I'll be the guy that tried to steer them off before impact.
depends. dont know about your local laws but in my cunt you literally go to prison when you should have detected an insolvency but didnt report it to the court within like a few hours.
even a single day delay will send you to prison and ruin yourself financially. thats why everybody here said you should be alerted.

aside from that it could be possible that the owner thinks your smart and young so maybe you could make a great ceo for the next decades.

talk to a good lawyer and have a close look at the books before accepting anything.
also you should ask them what expectations they have of you.


accept the job, if you see company is going downhill, QUIT.
Next job you have CEO in your CV

That's insightful
Thank you very much, will see where this goes.

Nice larping, faggot.

Yes ceos, the guys that have the say over everything are the cucks.

What kind of shitlarp is this