Uses your tax dollars to play with rockets and make cars for rich boomers

>uses your tax dollars to play with rockets and make cars for rich boomers
Anyone else hate this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:

no because im not americuck

Your taxes go towards helping rapefugees and you can’t even afford cars in your country.

Musk has done more in 10 years than NASA has in 60 and for less money. He’s done more in one month than you’ll do in several lifetimes, even after you’re reincarnated as a poo in a New Delhi gutter.

he creates more jobs than the average billionaire. why are you mad?

>implying I'm from Germany/France/UK

You think people pay taxes for his companies programs? He got a loan from the government for Tesla and paid it back early in full with a bonus payment. Tax payers profited 20 million from giving him this loan, you fucking brainlet.

This. Elon Musk is a walking God. He is going to be the most influential person of our lifetimes.

Have some respect, Musk will build the first ChainLink city after linkies get filthy rich.

no problems here

When I saw those rockets landing I said to myself this Musk man is the real deal, no bologna.

Entirely subsidized by NASA funding.. Blows up rockets regularly.. Billion dollar satellite middle of ocean. Between Overvalued car company and meme launch service Russians use to launder money.

Solar okay though..actual business.

car is on a different trajectory. also great PR by not showing core footage cuz it blow'd up

lel, what a chad

10 hours 2 explain y not invest in man


i'm whiffin that brapper


I agree actually.. personification of cult of personality

He is actually memeing himself primarily through Reddit into history books.

I like him cus hes using chainlink

He's a marketing hack, an actor who just does what his marketing experts tell him to do.

>doesn't understand part of the purpose of the Falcon Heavy mission was to save money by being able to reuse parts that were previously single use
Also, pic related. But hey, you tried.

Yes, but only because his launches bring so many people to the area that it is impossible to get home after work.

The rockets are cool though

>sells meme fire extinguisher to idiots

>sells overpriced wall battery

>plebbit thinks he invented solar panels that look like shingles

his fanbase is the worst

he's just a front man for the desperate kikes trying to command their economy to not shoot itself in the head

more like making cars for rich cryptoneets

i'm surprise no one is taking this opportunity to make ELON token


I bet you also believe that he faked the launch
And that NASA is ran by alien crocodile jews

Please die in a hole brainlet

and mining with satellite


The amount of Elon hate threads on Veeky Forums blows my mind
Yeah and we've given Wal-Mart workers the same amount, 1.25 to besos. Literally never see a thread hating on those people, and they have given us nothing while Elon has delivered actual tangible return on investment.
His life work is to make us a sustainable, multi-planet species for fucks sake

Creating space rubbish for the sole purpose of marketing is one of the most sad things that has happened to space development. It is disgusting.

And while every single liberal/libertarian-esque conservative suck his dick, there are reports of tesla workers having too many accidents, but apparently caring about people getting hurt is communism or something. Cool people like Musk does not need to answer for these problems.

Oh, and Tesla cars are showing to have severe issues. Model X cars break way too much and degrade rapidly; the few Model 3 cars are showing to have horrible quality. And solarcity is a fucking mess and probably was only bought because it was run by a cousin of Musk. And Tesla strategically creates news about electric trucks and futurist bullshit only when they have PR issues. And TSLA is overpriced btw.

But nothing of this matters to the musk circlejerk.

Nope. He has normie taste. I actually feel bad for him getting scammed by this woman.

>Cars have issues
Yea every car manufacturer has a shit record if you look hard enough. If TSLA stock maintains its value for years and years it is by definition not overvalued, retard.

My whole life I've been irritated that our collective interest hasn't been in space travel. This man is advancing humankind into a space pioneer age. I gladly pay taxes when they go to projects like this and not some bullshit military money pit like the x-35 program.


millenials are the most fucked generation
cucked by boomers to pay for their stupidity and cucked by future generations for funding their space travels BS, kek

The absolute state of this board. Pathetic cringe

>buys you ice cream
Anyone love this guy?

I hate this faggot.

I love how he sold solar city to himself with my money. He should've in jail for fraud.

>the most influential person of our lifetimes
>being this normie and not knowing about Aubrey de Grey

He doesn't use your tax dollars. If anything he saves them, because the SpaceX are much cheaper than alternative launches. Regarding Tesla, that is the ONLY car company that has ever paid back its government subsidy in full - it even paid millions of dollars of interest back which went into tax payer's pockets. OP is a fud-monger with no idea of the actual facts and figures involved.

not really he is going to get what he deserves when all of his ticking time bomb companies go off and everyone realizes what a fraud he is

You're kidding about the NASA part, right?

Burger here, I actually like the guy because he is innovative and wants to go into space and doesn't suck democrat dick like Zuckerberg or Bezos