What are careers for introverts that make over $90k/yr?

What are careers for introverts that make over $90k/yr?

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Software development

Glory hole dick sucking

That's very team-oriented..and nowadays you can't really make it as a lone-developer creating stuff because you are competing with a mature market filled with effective-efficient teams and businesses (software)

Crypto trading.


Keyword for useless autist, the answer is none, you have no value and you can offer no value whatsoever to any business

Even good autists like Vitalik besides being supergeniuses can talk in public, you're just a fucking waste of space hiding behind a word when you're just actually a subhuman stunted being

buy Vechain and wait 6 months

do your own business. Even fucking introverts will suffer less if they wont be like a slave.

kill yourself faggot

I thought it was a scam?

>implying introverts are obligated to work alone

Go down the list and google the salaries

Also OP is pathetic for trying to make excuses for his failure in life. 95% are leaning more towards being introvert so get your shit together and just become what you want

Team interaction is minimal, just regular morning meetings and additional meetings every now and then.

Introvert reporting in.
IT and Infosec, about 100k atm

>following some cookie cutter list to choose your career

lol, what are you in high school?

Coding. Get into it. Very lucrative, and intellectually stimulating too

Introvert reporting in.
Don't worry about this guy, he is full of shit. Just do your best.

im making 100k programming a year and a half after graduating with a computer engineering degree

>Introvert reporting in.
>Introvert reporting in.

Im gonna puke

>Linux kernel
You don't have to work as a team. Just carry the project to a certain point and then let the rest of the world create a team

gov job for a high start then investing


as an introvert: this is true

Car sales.

software development. I make $120 and only have to talk to people like 15-30min/day. I never have to sell shit or influence people.

CCTV on some gov contracts

pay ranges from 55k for fluor tier force pro at bagram to 200k for some of the blimp contracts

lol listening to fud

>not being able to talk in public
That's not what introversion means.

Introverts lose energy from doing social things whereas extraverts live off of doing social things with people.

If you are averse to social things, you are socially retarded.

what the fuck are you even doing on this board and asking that question

an introvert would not be able to sell a single car.


where the fuck are all of these programming jobs everyone seems to have???

100K right after graduating?

Which school?

>2 posts by this ID


Eh maybe. I'm not even a developer and I do fine, not quite 90k a year but that's because I refuse to work more than 2 hours a week desu. Do about ~60-70k/year passive all from mobile apps that I outsource to other developers. Still very much possible to get into the software industry in a bunch of ways.

everyone that works with the blimps ive seen was a nigger though

Zero evidence this dichotomy exists, it's just made up bullshit. The vast majority of people feel better when socializing before, during, and after. It's not some 50/50 thing where half the population gets exhausted from having a conversation. That's just mental illness, only a small percent of the population have such an ailment and it should be treated as such.

Fuck your should

>everyone says software engineer/programmer is the best.
>literally need a 130 + I.Q to even be successful in that field or to even graduate with a CS degree.

I guess there's no hope for low I.Q introverted guys, we were really screwed genetically.

try welding, cover your face all day no talking

care to elaborate about the app stuff? i thought apps were dead...saturated hyper-market and whatnot

how would someone who's good with computers make a jump from construction into coding? right now my portfolio is not high enough to quit my job but maybe soon, would like to learn enough to be able to work for myself even if low paying


Don't do it...it's extremely hard to make it either freelancing or as a software entrepreneur. Easier as a freelancer...but hard to start (pajeets have a monopoly on most starter-jobs or jobs from amateurs (the only jobs you can get starting out)).

>implying you need a degree to get a job
>implying you need 130+ IQ to program

Patent examination but you have to stick with it for a bit. If you do stick with it then you get to work from home anywhere in the US.

t. patent examiner

This. Fucking street shitters everywhere. I had an interview where it was literally a table full of goblins and I was the only English speaking person there.