I used to be a RonPaul2012 and sort of just passively accepted the whole

I used to be a RonPaul2012 and sort of just passively accepted the whole
'end the fed' thing because it made sense that if I didn't want the
government controlling aspects of my life I wouldn't want them to control
the money supply either.

But wouldn't we be worse off without the fed? Without them manipulating
the money supply and interest rates wouldn't recessions be worse and longer?
I get that the general consensus from conservatives is that inflation is bad?
Buy why? If interest rates go down as a result of inflation theres more
investment and more people are out there buying things, wages go up, so
it doesn't even matter. Now you've jump started the economy and you don't
have to worry about high rates of unemployment and poverty.

So why does it matter if the value of the dollar goes down? People can't save?

Other urls found in this thread:




The redpill, you roastie posting faggot, Is that the FED is good. They are literally giving us free money. I WANT them pumping my stocks
Thank you FED!


>this system is obviously a crock of shit doomed to fail but its working for now so that makes it a good thing

literally made for BBC



Forget the academic angle for a minute. Inflation -- which occurs because of the Fed -- causes a wealth transfer from low IQ people (including most minorities) to high IQ people (mostly whites).

Dummies don't invest in markets or real estate, and their fiat goes down in value each year. So for this reason alone, I'm not entirely opposed to the Fed.

youre such a faggot cuck lol

Isn't that largely an education issue? Investing doesn't have huge barriers to entry does it? Ultimately those people can just as easily invest into things if can learn how?

If everyone knew how to take their money out of dollars wouldn't it be a system thats good for everyone? They're not even getting screwed with the effects of the inflation. It's not like prices go up and make them poorer, wages go up to compensate because of higher investment.

I really don't want to like the federal reserve but it sounds like they're the best system for the most people at the expense of no one as long as they act rationally.

Sssssssssssssssssss Splurt

Lesbians are cuckoldry

OP is a fag





Oh that sounded like a wettie


>propping up the 1% is a good thing. They look after us

They don’t give a single fuck. Trickle down is bullshit.

Personal Sovereignty is the only order.

Day of the rope soon.

Is this bait? Did you use to support Ron Paul without understanding the fundamental argument of why the Fed is bad?
It's low interest rates that drive up inflation, not the other way around. Artificially low interest rates induce investors to put money in things they wouldn't otherwise, an unsustainable growth that inevitably busts, it's a wealth redistribution racket, from the general peasants to those (((politically connected)))

You guys have been saying that since the 90s.

OP please stop being an absolute retard

I'm glad this thread is getting destroyed by brapoosters


Read this OP





buying things is not an investment

back to school

>But wouldn't we be worse off without the fed? Without them manipulating
>the money supply and interest rates wouldn't recessions be worse and longer?

OP, there is a short pamphlet by Murray Rothbard you should read called Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure. In short, it is exactly the manipulation of interest rates that brings about these crises. It is a bit advanced topic but he lays it out pretty fucking well for any reader:

mises.org/system/tdf/Economic Depressions Their Cause and Cure_4.pdf

is that image real? lol


dead link btw

>that image

UK, yes

>Investing doesn't have huge barriers to entry does it?
The barriers for investing are higher than for voting, and people are constantly crying about the barriers for voting keeping poe blak foke down.

>I used to be a RonPaul2012
>So why does it matter if the value of the dollar goes down?

Have you ever even read End The Fed?

You reek of shill.


(((mostly whites)))
you spelled jews wrong shlomo

If you trust jews to manipulate your money supply, you are one stupid motherfucker.