Tfw looking at historical snapshots on coinmarketcap

>tfw looking at historical snapshots on coinmarketcap

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dont do this user
it will legit make you want to kill yourself, i got pretty close a few months ago but december bullrush unJUSTed me

What are historical snapshots?

a quick way to increase suicidal thoughts

You'll be looking at today's date like this in the future too

found out about crypto in 2014
was gonna buy in but was to much of a brainlet
buy in this year
money gone, it has consumed my every waking thought and driving me into depression
i even had a dream with vitalik in it
i was in a caravan for some reason and hear a knocking on the door so i get up to open it and its fucking vitalik
im going insane

just get over it user
whats done is done


I was on here when people were giving btc away. I didn't want to end up in some list considering people were just buying drugs and cp on silk road

You're not going to make it with this kind of mentality. Don't waste your time on the past, user. Look to the present and the future.

We can only pray that we can look back on the 2018 crash and laugh at how insignificant it was in the grand scheme.

Legit kms if crypto doesn't have another bullrun though.

who cares, we're still early, if you have like $10k in crypto today, in any coins that aren't complete scams, you'll likely be worth $500k-$1M+ in like 3-5 years, maybe sooner

It took me nearly 8 months to scrape this up
10k i have never had that much money in my fucking life

>Proof why going all in on 1 coin is risky af
At least pick something that is extremely solid like ETH or EOS

this guy has the right idea:

Started with 1k and was desperately chasing moon mission to increase my stack, APPC just happen to be the coin i was in when the market crashed
I wanted to go into EOS from the start but wanted a decent amount of money in it
Im so tired of being poor bros, i keep hearing money isnt everything but those people have obviously never had an empty fridge or a rent payment they had no money for in their lifes
My cats died last year because i couldnt pay a vet bill
It really does fuck with me that i didnt buy in back in 2014
And losing all that money in the crash is pushing me over the edge
I would have been saner and richer just hanging out in other boards

I knew about buttcoin in like 2010. I thought I had missed the rocket before the first snapshot on there.

youre a retarded faggot who should kill himself, poor niggers like you shouldnt buy crypto like that

What im just ment to stay poor?
You have any fucking idea what kind of life this is?

historical snapshots like the one showing the market being 30x up from just a year ago?

how can anyone possibly be down in a fucking bull market like this?


I watched bitcoin climb from 4$ to 10$ and laughed about it with a friend. I mean I was pretty young back then but I could have afforded to throw 100 bucks at it or something like that ... well, who cares, I'd been goxxed probably or would have sold at 1000 usd at the very latest.

I knew about it in 2010 but I ignored it because 1. I couldn't code and didn't understand it. 2. I heard if people getting scammed out of their money. 3. A teacher I really looked up to said that it is likely a scam and I shouldn't throw more than the cost of a days lunch at it. So i forget about it completely as i focused on my new gf and later uni.