I made a million in Bitcoin but my sperg gf left me for someone else 2 weeks ago and I feel extremely devastated...

I made a million in Bitcoin but my sperg gf left me for someone else 2 weeks ago and I feel extremely devastated. I'm a 23yo NEET with no career or real life experience and completely socially retarded. All I ever wanted in life is to be loved and now it's been taken away from me. How can money remedy my situation?

Drugs mate, if you're as brave as retarded then watch Simply Pickup on YouTube.

More drugs,


> Study some shit that interests you



>being concerned with obtaining a depreciating asset of all things

use the money to invest back into yourself. make some smart financial plays and do shit that can secure you some income long term. network with other rich people. take some of your money and hire a high level weight lifting coach and consult with them regularly, get your body fit as fuck. buy yourself good food. dress as well as you can.

tl;dr the best way to secure love is to become the best that you can be in all areas of life and she'll leave you if you're not staying on top of the ball and keeping yourself to a high standard. girls are basically born into being able to secure sexual partners, men have to make themselves into gods to do the same.

hit the gym, take a shower, get a clue

Your a millionaire now go to a fucking proper barber and pay good money for a haircut. Go get yourself some nice clothes and go to the gym regularly.

Go travel set up a tinder account and fuck sluts

Lift bro, start at /fit - They're just as autistic as /pol, but will help get you something to begin with.

Bro I lost my gf recently AND got fucked by bomber but, I know it's cliche, consider how lucky to be alive and in such a good position at one of the most flourishing times in human history. Do whatever you want with your life bro. Fly to Ireland I'll show you all the good bars

This guy is onto it, gym OP to work on your body, psychedelics for your soul.

You now have money. Money may not give you happiness, but it gives you time to create happiness.

You now have the time to be able to invest in yourself.

Go out, be active, explore around you, get /fit, get /fa, take care of yourself and create the person you want to be. Even if that person is still a NEET sperg, be the best at it now.

fuck her.
buy a lambo and go fuck some 10s.

also join a gym... that will make you feel 10000000x better.

Use the release technique to get rid of all your negative emotions and limiting thought patterns. Confidence and happiness are the automatic result of following the programme.

This will make you stronger anyway so suck it up. You are a literal millionaire and can now travel the world, eat exptic food and fuck pussy 24/7. Your life is pretty great.

Money won't fix your internal issues. Ever. You have to gain some self esteem and that will only come from moving outside of your comfort zone. Which if you're a NEET you can start by simply going outdoors and interacting with the world around you. And that my friend, costs nothing.

Did she know your net worth? If not send her a pic of your blockfolio and enjoy the fomo.

Put your money in stocks (after the crash) and live like a patrician for the rest of your life (also can go live in Philipines and be *really* loved)

You have a lot of time to find love again user. Take some drugs. Then go to your church of choice. Find church girl. Look like you have some money. Get church girl. Take more drugs, preferably with girl. Rinse and repeat until u find a girl to father ur children.

Hookers and cocaine

Join peace corp

I know you won’t believe me and I know you think she was special but she wasn’t She is a dumb whore like all women and you need to move on. If you’re a speed try online dating. Eventually someone will let you fuck them and you can get over that worthless gash that you obsessed over.

Broken heart syndrome is real and can have catastrophic effects. I know from firsthand experience. Quite frankly I’m lucky to be alive.

But through experience we grow. That which does not kill you makes you stronger and wiser. I’ll never let any woman ever make me go through that kind of heart break again.

Does she know you're actually millionaire?

I don't need degeneracy to numb my mind.

I try to.

Yes, she did.

I'm not very religious. A pure girl is nice, but i'd also want someone that likes to meme time to time.

>I know you won’t believe me and I know you think she was special but she wasn’t
I hope you're right user, but it all seemed so good.

She does.

If you have money travel, alone it seems, if you need company try couch surfing or tinder if you're even slightly above average.
Change your lifestyle or improve on your flaws

Sorry to hear that man. Having talent or money doesn't make it easier. I'm an artist and singer and get an overwhelming amount of attention from girls but they don't love me. Their passion burns to ashes and they move on. I could play the game and keep them entranced but I'm tired of that shit.

The cruel truth is that once you've made it, you don't need love anymore. No one feels anything trying to love someone who doesn't need it. The best you can do is to quit looking at other people's lives and learn to enjoy what little you have. Stop everything you're doing to gain happiness and just do what makes you happiest right now, even if the whole world thinks you're crazy or a loser for doing it. It doesn't matter what other people think. You gotta lift to feel good, not to look good, or you'll still be sad when reality shatters your hopes.

Ah so this is why I'm depressed

I think you are mixing love and desire here buddy. The fact is that once you have made it, you don't need to be desired anymore. So yhea if you keep hanging out with subhumans who function on desires, of course you will think you don't need "love".

hookers. just fuck the pain away and then start over when the feels go away. Watch the movie Swingers a few times also. /trhead

Well user you could be worst. you could be a poor 23yo sperg virgin that lives on a shitty 3rd world country and that only has been eating bread the past two months like me

Why does a millionaire want advice from poorfags such as myself?

First thing you should do is hire someone to help you earn passive income off that 1 mil so you can live the rest of your life without working

Second thing is to maybe fly to asia or europe to find some cute wife depending on what youre into

nah its cause you're just a weak person

that graphic describes my life - except i'm blissfully happy

OP if you learn to love yourself you'll never seek it from others, its irrelevant. the road to happiness is difficult, and you have to be committed. most people aren't and they just want it handed to them - it doesnt happen.

sorry but if you think you're going to find happiness in any of the following - lovers, friends, family, fancy cars, big houses, etc you're in for a rough time.

stop being such a beta cuck and pull yourself together. go to bar, anywhere, all over you find chicks. fucking low test, you disgust me

The one person telling op to use psychedelics for his soul is the only person that posted his address trying to get some btc out of his shit answers, how ironic

Fucking hippies are so delusional and are worse then anyone else despite being so "spiritual" and "open minded"

dont be a pussy about a fucking girl
if she left she probably had enough of you and that says a lot since youre a millionaire (but if she's also rich, then fuck it maybe crypto gains doesnt matter as much) but literally 95% of women would die to have a good provider as a partner
so dont fuck it up over one girl, rinse and repeat

some tips from a chad

1) always act alpha and dominant towards your gf
2) swim in pussy

im banging multiple chicks atm unironically and both of them want me to make them pregnant.

do these steps and enjoy

Fuck you Jordan with your meme answers, the man needs cheap asian pussy

There's more love in friendship than anything. Don't waste time chasing women to be loved. It's not like you're gonna die tomorrow if someone doesn't hold you tonight. I'm not saying women and relationships are bad. It's just that you can't force someone to love you. It's not a deal you can make.

>no life
>nigga yo life ain't even start yet
>fuck outta here

I think you are still confusing the two, you don't chase women to be loved, you chase women to be desired. Chasing love doesn't make sense. And I agree that love is easier to attain through friendship. Just don't give up on love because you don't need to be desired anymore user

>How can money remedy my situation?
find another bitch, they're literally everywhere and they like dudes with money.