Trump claims success for stock market rally since he was elected

>Trump claims success for stock market rally since he was elected
>Trump blames democrats when the stock market tanks
Why are repulishits so intellectually dishonest?

You can't have it both ways. Trump wanted personal credit for the stock market, he has to own it now.

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Yes, you can have it both ways. His election caused a huge pump, but everything that goes up, comes down. He can't and shouldn't do anything about it

A new retard OP approaches.

go back to /pol/

Na he's right. I don't understand why they can't just accept they may be responsible for things.

it's all so embarrassing. we've spent over an entire year talking about russians, spying, etc.. and NOTHING has been done. it's worse than listening to highschoolers gossip about who is a stinky doodoo head.

if you murder someone and the cops find out, they arrest you and charge you. they SUPER don't like murder.

if any of this was legit illegal, surely someone would be sitting in jail awaiting trial by now.


jesus, either make america great again or don't. obamacare was cheaper for me this year, ZERO mexicans have been forcibly removed, etc..

The stock market is looking good today though?

>ZERO mexicans have been forcibly removed
Lol are you retarded

>zero mexicans have been forcibly removed.
>if any of this was illegal, surely someone would be in jail right now.

i hate this fucking meme but you are a brainlet.

link me to a story about a mexican whose been living here for years being forcibly removed. something other than what every president has done with mexicans.

also, show me a booking photo of a russian colluder from team hillary sitting in jail right now.

>Why doesn't the police just arrest the government

crimes are illegal when they're illegal. illegal things are crimes when they're illegal.

>Why doesnt the corrupt government just arrest itself

Kind of like Hillary and the email debacle?

it's just embarrassing. i've heard for well over year about all of the illegal things that they have PROOF of. "JAIL HER" i've been hearing for probably 2 years.

as if trump wouldn't throw her in prison if he could.


>Hillary owns the FBI and CIA
>"Breh why didnt trump arrest her now!!"

>crimes are illegal when they're illegal.
Crime != arrest. Doing something illegal != arrest. The rest of the world knows that you're corrupt as fuck and that the Russians control you. They have also tried to tamper with other countries elections, and will keep doing so in the foreseen future. Stop complaining or else...

Well Russia clearly did that, but cmon USA has tampered with so many country elections that its just ridiculous for them to say - oh we are white and good compared to those damn Russian hackers.

>Russia made Hillary acid wash her illegal emails

Don't be an idiot. You think the FBI can just arrest the fucking president of the US in a week? Evidence and due process takes time. Watergate took two years.

any politician blames the other...

dude, you know as well as i do that if trump could arrest and jail ANYBODY for the 'crimes against the country' (treason?) he totally would.

but he doesn't. nothing happens. whenever i see fox news they act like 700 murders are walking around the streets. and they have videos, pics, text, etc... of the murderers DOING THE MURDERS. and NOTHING happens.

how retarded do you have to be to make that argument

what trump says thinks or does has no connection with reality, who cares what he imagines

yea usa should just let them hack away i guess, good point!!


>economy is strong
>stock market still higher than its ever been
>trump keeps winning by triggering left
>left keeps losing by being triggered
yea im ok with things as they are

Noone said they should be let alone to hack. Its just that you cant say that you have moral high ground when it comes to this issue.