I blacked out last night and left some bacon in my backpack on my friends porch

I blacked out last night and left some bacon in my backpack on my friends porch

It was about 80 when I woke up at 9am. Not sure how hot it was last night or how long it's been out there. Sometime between 5pm last night and 9am this morning is the spot I don't remember

Will I get sick if I cook it? Or will that all cook out? It smells ok, but it's really wet

if it smells and looks alright, it's probably alright

food usually takes 40 hours at room temp to go bad, it's fine, especially since bacon is cured

Maybe, maybe not. Some bacon is more heavily salted than others some bacon is more heavily nitrated than others, some bacon is processed in fairly clean surroundings, some not so much. Some packaging is really effective at keeping it clean, some not so much. Some bacteria don't produce toxins that survive cooking, some do.

Given that you are prone to blackouts, I guess the question you have to ask yourself is: would I rather spend the money on a trip to the emergency room, or more cheap booze? I think we both know the answer to that. Toss the bacon and go to MacDonalds like the degenerate you are.

Not to mention it's mostly fat. Fat is a pretty good preservative.

Why bother taking the risk?

Just bin it.

If it's cryovaced packaging you'll be fine. Just get the frypan well over 40 degrees celcius

Because people have no common sense. My former roommate said she grew up thinking it was normal to sometimes feel a little "off" for a couple of days, on a regular basis. Then she moved off to college where her meal plans were done by the school, and later had roommates that had basic life skills.

Turns out her parents had this typical foul bachelor Veeky Forums attitude about food safety. Left it out overnight? Smells fine it's no problem. Meat well past its expiration date? Just cook it extra well done.

She never got hospital sick or even vomiting sick but that can't be good for you long term.

It's sad thinking about someone for whom Sysco cafeteria slop is an upgrade on what you grew up eating, but some people are just like that.

Most standard food packaging for meat like above Cryovacuum is completely safe.
There's no oxygen for bacteria to breed.
Once it's open different story but sealed in can in theory last a century.
It's like miracle whip cans because they're nitrogen propelled the cans can literally last decades and still be completely safe.
As long as the packaging is a vacuum with no puffiness or pockets of air it's fine.


>Talks about common sense
>Spouts a load of stupidity

You people are the kind of idiots who think MRSA is good for our immune systems and vaccines wouldn't be necessary if we just stopped washing our hands after taking a dump.

safe a life bin that knife!

dayum check em

I've cooked bacon that was off-colored from being open in the fridge for a while and it was good. I think you'll be fine.

>off-colored from being in the fridge
lol no, that's from slicing with a very sharp blade

spoiled meat doesn't look rainbow colored, and smelling the meat doesn't necessarily tell you if it's good or not

you people need to learn more about food safety

You're a hypochondriac who creates superbugs every time you take out prescription antibiotics for a god damned sniffle.

I haven't taken an antibiotic since 2005

Maybe it's because I'm not constantly giving myself food poisoning

Quit being a bitch. I hope your kids all get autoimmune diseases because of your paranoia

This is bait.

This is why I come to Veeky Forums

>reality is bait

>not much fluids

You'll go far kid

>prone to blackouts

I think the proper term here is "liquor controls my life, I have no self control, my life is a series of events that happen to me as they unfold", but close enough

>miracle whip cans


Here is your (you).

If it smells fine, it's probably ok if you cook it today.

My sister once made seafood but threw out the excess. My dad then dug it out of her trash and kept it in his car almost over night in the summer. He somehow had a key to his brother's house and put the seafood in his fridge early morning with a note
>My daughter made some seafood and here are the leftovers but they've been out all night so you may not want to eat it.

That was part of a crazy summer with my dad

it's going to be swimming in 300F oil, nothing is going to survive that.

Why were you carrying around bacon?
