What foods contribute to the obesity epidemic Veeky Forums?

What foods contribute to the obesity epidemic Veeky Forums?

Soda is probably #1

Animal produce in general

Sugary drinks in general.

Fat fucks with no self control

Get out vegan faggot

GMO's, there's too much food because of them.

Depression, shit parenting and laziness

Cry more, fat fuck

All the vegans I know are fat

high fat foods.

Lazy people with too much money and too much time on their hands to eat food with

Unsaturated fatty acids and fruits

Most vegans are fat flaming homosexuals

You're still a fat fuck

>and fruits

Fruit can be very high in sugar

Find me a single person that has gotten fat off eating fruit

>sugar makes you fat

Nice meme

Not even close compared to easily accessable TV dinners and candy.
Its not the food in general thats the problem, its the overabundance of it along with a sedentary lifestyle.

I didnt say anyone had gotten fat off fruit, I was just making an observation. I read recently that a pink lady apple has as much sugar in it as a bar of chocolate or something. For some it may be worth bearing in mind. Even if it doesn't make you fat, excessive sugar is linked to plenty of other undesirable health outcomes


Added sugars

Fast food definitely has something to do with it.

None. No single type of food can make anyone fat.

We are just coming off some ridiculously bad health advice like "get 8-10 servings of bread a day" and terrible fads that almost to either eating foods that were extremely high carbs or had the fat removed from them and replaced with carbs with predictable results.

There for a bit "all protein, no carb" and "some protein, a tiny bit of carb, a ton of fat" diets came back into prominence for a bit and did away with the ability to market "good foods" vs "bad foods" but had their own drawbacks and are not getting quite as much good press as one-size fits all miracle cures (thank God, cause they're not.)

tl'dr - We get fat because we're lazy and we don't think pay attention to what we're actually eating, whether it's some govt chart or just absentmindedly ordering and finishing "a combo meal." Anything that makes us think about it works for a while till we get lazy again so every diet works great for 2 months and then fails. "Convenience kills," literally.

Soda. People don't register the ludicrous amount of calories they can drink down.


Soda is probably the number one contributor to obesity.

no temperance like everywhere else in the 1st world

we are wealthier than kings and we're fat like kings as a result

Cheese and milk. Other good ones have been mentioned but for some reason americans cant process that eating cheese on everything is fucking terrible for you.

I tell them to eat goat cheese maybe 2 or 3 times a week and only maybe a glass of milk a day and people look at me lke im crazy

>I read recently that a pink lady apple has as much sugar in it as a bar of chocolate or something
Get back to me when they also have as much fat

I'd argue fruit juices more so. People know soda isn't healthy, they think juice is healthy so they chug down 500 calories of it with their meal and feel 'better' for it

Especially juices and.smoother with a fucking ton of sugar in them.on top.of natural sugars.

Soda and consuming anything with more than 6 grams of sugar on a daily basis.

Nothing wrong with sugary food, but just keep that shit under control. You might even sleep better.

People drink it like it's a energy drink.
It's not. It's specifically made to be full of sugar and calories so that you can recover from workouts.

>only one bad thing can exist at once

That's pretty ridiculous to imply Gatorade is the catalyst of obesity

That's almost exclusively a sports and hangover drink, I don't see people drinking it casually that often

I think its a combo of too much processed food and too little exercise. If you got a decent amount of exercise and cooked everything you ate from scratch I personally believe you could eat as much as you wanted and not get fat.

does it matter?
as long as we keep eating like pigs and gloryfying people on tv demand will grow enough that some sorth of food pill will be invented.
Then you will be able to eat as much as you want with no consequences

anything more than you need in a day

>a 90 calorie apple is bad for you because chocolate bars have a lot of sugar

Fucking retard

All packaged prepared foods, from cookies to soda, chips and pizza. You can have a lot of food instantly for very cheap and it tastes great.

From >For some it may be worth bearing in mind. Even if it doesn't make you fat, excessive sugar is linked to plenty of other undesirable health outcomes

But do you see obese people that often?

>excessive corn fructose* is linked to plenty of other undesirable health outcomes

>not in apples
pick one and only one

Absolutely true.

You guys ever do manual labor/construction?

A lot of those guys, contractors and employees, chug soda and energy drinks by the gallon and wolf down chips and burgers every day. By age 50 they look like absolute shit and can barely work.

That's what big apple doesn't want you to know

genuine kek

Obesity rates actually increased as more microwaves ovens where being sold. It makes perfect sense really. It's easier to make a hot snack 6 times a day with a microwave oven than with a conventional oven or a stove.

Processed sugars and carbohydrates

Yeah, but more people used to drink soda than ever did the same with fruit juice.

this meme needs to die


almost all junk food is vegetarian. examples:

I say this as a vegetarian myself. ovo lacto vegetarian. eats milk/egg products also

the easiest thing anyone can do to lose weight is to stop drinking soda.

>vegetarian ≈ vegetables
I bet you consider cigarettes vegetarian as well.

Stupid stupid stupid

Or put down the fucking Big Mac and large oily fries

All of the foods you didn't prepare yourself just about. All the things that have natural flavor/aritificial flavor/natural spices/spices/yeast in the ingredient list. That's all code for MSG or ingredients added for their natural MSG content. It's the opposite of adderall. It makes you hungrier as soon as it hits your tongue. All of the foods you think you like are because of MSG. If it didn't have MSG in it you would just be whelmed by it.

The #1 cause of obesity is car culture

When eating candy you get all the sugar at once and have a big insulin spike, which is bad. When eating fruit the sugar is surrounded by other molecules like fiber so it is dissolved slower and you don't get a big spike

Sugar (and poor willpower) is hands down the worst contributor to obesity. Foods that are "fat free" all have super high levels of HFCS or other shit, but people think they're eating healthy. People also fall for the **% less fat/sugar/calories meme.

this. combined with a sloth and materialistic culture.
Diet sodas are also just as contributing if not more than actual sugar.

>Foods that are "fat free" all have super high levels of HFCS or other shit

I don't know what "other shit" is, but this isn't true for a lot of the fat free things I buy. Skim milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, salad dressings, condensed soups (only low fat available), etc.

This one brand of dressing has two caesars, regular and fat free. The fat free does contain "sugar", but the nutritional panel still says 0g of sugar, so I assume it's a trivial amount.

As for sugar free things, I don't know really see the issue. Are there some scary ingredients? They do reduce the calories a bit and the carbohydrates (in things like biscuits), they cut the calories in half in puddings and especially in fruit preserves. Then there's syrups, ice cream, cereals, and you can just buy some sweetener (artificial or natural) and just make your own shit.

if it's a meme, it's a good one.

processed food
empty carbs
eating out

Consuming too much sugar

Not cooking at home

I'm a fat fuck too but that's more due to my depression. I'm not taking any meds, I'd rather just die. Hard to do if I'm taking advantage of medical services. I do drink more soda than I should though. I think that has a lot to do with it, as I understand they can be very habit forming. Maybe I'm depressed because I want more than I'm getting. Anyways back to dying good night friends!

Depressed people either overeat or undereat, and when food is in cheap abundance, it tends to be the former.

Depressed people also tend to be lazy because, well, they lack motivation to do anything.

And people tend to be depressed from having shitty upbringings that don't allow them to develop with a normal capacity to handle stress. That, or they grow up having terrible eating habits and no cooking skills developed and have to relearn their relationship with food.

Obesity isn't a disease, this is a troll thread, and OP is a faggot as usual.

All of them

Please happen in the next 5 years!

Calories in, calories out, people who lack self control and can't keep track of how much they've eaten and how much they've burnt will get fucking fat
The annoying ex-fatties from Veeky Forums will try to tell you that any kinds of fats regardless of whether or not they're beneficial/sugar/meat/soda/meme food is made by the DeviantArt lobbyists in DC to inflate the American population

Total fiction
>>Veeky Forums

Sauce is prob a huge factor. I know lots of people who have gone on 'diets' but smothered everything in sauce, thus fucking their 'diet' up.

dear lord THIS. my mom when i was a teen went on a diet of salad all day every day, then my dad and i sat down and calculated the calories alone in the 1/2 bottle of french dressing she'd use each day

not a fucking pretty sight guys

So true. All of these sauces are loaded with sugar, and thickened with starch. So many extra calories for just a little extra flavor. That's why I make my own "sauce" ;)

>inb4 jizz cookbook 2.0, sauces only edition?

You can easily get to over 6g of sugar just by eating things like broccoli, asparagus, squash, string beans, etc.

Do you mean added sugars?

It's not unhealthy food that's the problem, it's bad food.

I don't think any foods necessarily contribute to the obesity epidemic. Hell, we could say that all food contributes to it. Regardless of what your eating, if you don't maintain a level of portion control and eat more calories than you burn you will eventually gain weight.

goddamn dollar menus

they're looking at you like that because you're preaching against dairy in the grocery store.

Welfare and disability checks

Please don't die yet user

Nurse / diet therapist here

It's not just one factor, it's a large number of them.
>cheap food saturated in salt and sugar
>soda, especially "diet" soda
>healthy foods are deemed more expensive (even if that isn't the case)
>lack of education on proper nutrition
>diet fads
>high fructose corn syrup, even though not scientifically proven, is in everything
>people forgetting how to actually cook
>dressings and sauces
>in the south sweet tea is the preferred drink
>aspartame (as shown in the diet sodas)
>sedentary lifestyles brought on by living in a first world country
>lack of exercise or will to exercise since America loves it's get skinny quick schemes
The list goes on

I personally believe HFCS and aspartame are more addictive than heroin and just as bad for your health. Maybe even more so since it's easier to get, and there isn't a stigma attached to it. Living in the south and with my career has really opened my eyes to just how bad obesity, and the lack of education surrounding healthy eating habits are here. I'll post a story about it in just a sec.

>have female patient, white, around 60 years of age.
>history of alcohol/perscription drug abuse, smoker
>finally quit drinking and taking pain pills
>replaced with sweets and soda
>is now type two diabetic
>asking her about her eating habits
>"well, I usually have a gallon or so of ice cream a day, and drink about a gallon of Diet Coke a day"
>Mrs user, you know your a diabetic, that's not healthy.
>"oh it's ok dear, I just take two shots when I eat that stuff"
>blood sugar is always around 400 >:/

She ended up losing her left foot, then left leg, got put in a nursing home and died a few years later.

I'm glad to see those lifestyle choices changing with the millennial generation. Baby boomers I think lived like that in their youth, and their kids/grandkids saw the effects it had on them and decided to change. As a health care professional you see a lot of morbid obese cases (even in the media, hence the fat American meme), but I think it's because it's finally catching up to these people, and after a decade or two this will die off. Kids and young adults (first generation immigrants aside) don't drink as much soft drinks, exercise more, and don't smoke as often. iPhones may have hurt them socially, but it's led to them being more informed about health, which is good.

Overeating and sedentary lifestyles. Junk food being readily accessible and pretty cheap. The 'hipster stigma' surrounding healthier foods. Plus as a culture we're taught to crave all the wrong things.

Yep people seem to forget that a lot of fruit drinks can have the same or more sugar than a coke (without the fiber, etc of eating an actual piece of fruit).

Aspartame is one of the most scientifically tested substances on earth and there is no evidence that normal ingestion levels do fuck-all. Stop spreading this meme garbage.

Fructose is mostly a problem in high quantities because the enzyme used to digest it is easily saturated.

refined sugar

Not nearly as much as processed foods and sodas.

Food doesn't cause obesity. Genetics does. There is no direct correlation between food and obesity.

[citation needed]

It's not what they eat, it's the amount

Of course.


well as long you do a shitton of hard work you actually burn the stuff

Is that rich from reviewtechUSA?

I don't know fempaichi, I've been eating

Breakfast: eggs+tuna
Dinner: chicken+rice,veggies
Supper: low fat curd

For some time and lost shitload of wight

I thin kvegans might be wrong this time

Some foods obviously make it harder to do that for people who have less self control over their eating habits. A delicious and sugary treat like a cinnamon bun with frosting won't fill you up nearly as much as the equivalent in calories of fruit, and then there's still more room to eat. By sheer force of probability, there will inevitably be people who make consuming too much sugary or fatty food a habit because it's delicious and makes them feel good short-term.

Many companies count on that inevitable probability.

That work ebbs and flows and when it ebbs those guys tend to do nothing at all except answer their phones, maybe chug back a few sodas and beers.

You know, they gotta slow it down because it's not like they're at work.