Tethered up

Sub 5k eow


Can't wait to triple my stacks

>pic of red spinning tops
careful. you bears are gonna be BTFO if you sell right now, just ask all the 6k'ers. btc is so volatile right now, you're literally asking to get justed

>implying I didn't sell at 17k
not buying back above 6k

just cancelled an ordder I"d been sitting on since 530 am to buy tether

it's dropping homie

bulss need to give up so the market can correct

>implying tether won't be shut down by then
enjoy your gains disintegrating into the ether

OMEGAY pls, you have like 3 more threads open.

too late you dingus

I tethered up at 8980


The big sell offs have been spaced just under 3 weeks apart. If that trend holds we still have 2 weeks until the next big drop. I'd love for it to happen sooner though

Yeah Jesus this guy is giving me an ulcer for him

why does this kid keep getting posted here? i get that he's ugly, but what else is there to it?

Get out while you can. Or don't and lose money. Your call.

He is some kind of big whale from Russia

Yes, tether up and don't come back into this market until 11k.

its satoshi nakamoto show some respect

He is Veeky Forums king
Show some respect you fucking redditor

put his savings into btc early now he is worth 1.5b



Paid FUD rat detected.


Bitch what's wrong with your eye?

and we are going to moon soon.so op did the wrong thing again