Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums
I'm feeling pretty sad today
What do you guys like to eat when you're sad?

Your mum

My feelings.

Pulled pork


That sounds nice
It's a shame the best place in town closes before I get off work

Bleach soup

I'm sad, not suicidal

Nachos. When I'm really depressed I go for that shitty processed nacho cheese, especially.


My Tears

Pain killers

A bullet

Well, I'm feeling pretty sad today myself, so I'm going to go to my favorite Indian place for dinner, and then go see the new Jungle Book movie. Going FULL KIPLING.

A mug of hot milk, with a splash of vanilla and a bit of sugar. Tastes like liquid marshmallows.

Don't forget to poo in the loo.

scramble some eggs with a little heavy cream, onions, cheese, bell or pablano peppers, salt, pepper, garlic powder, cumin, chili powder
cut a good sausage like chorizo or andouille
heat some tortillas
put eggs, sausage and shit in tortilla with sour cream, guac if you have it, hot sauce and green onions.

the simple version of this with just good scrambled eggs and whatever meat i have is my go to drunk snack. tasty

Sometimes people make Indian food outside of India, just so you know.

You go get that loo.

Poo in the loo? I always doo!!

A pancake (the normal, thin kind) with nutella and crushed biscuits inside.

"normal thin kind" you mean crepes?

An ice cube that gets mixed in while chugging down vodka tonics

Don't provoke him, this guy started slinging shit in a crepe thread for no reason

Dude, it's nbd. We'll help you. Grab a pork shoulder at the grocery store on your way home from work. Also grab chicken broth, maybe three cans. And grab a jalapeƱo and a bell pepper too.

Now when you get home, chop that pork shoulder into bite-sized pieces and put it in a large pot. Now, add the three cans of broth, some cumin, some coriander, some oregano, and bring to a boil. While it boils, put the peppers in your oven or toaster and roast them. Roast until charred on top. Now, out them in the pot, whole. Yes, whole. Now reduce to simmer and simmer until the meat's falling apart and the liquid is almost all gone (about 2 hours should work)

Remove the peppers. Stir. All those bite-sized pieces of meat should break apart into delicious pulled pork. You can now add BBQ sauce if you want to, or eat it as is - this recipe makes a pretty tasty (and slightly spicy) dish by itself.

What kind of biscuits? Homemade of the kind that come in a can?

When in feeling sad, sometimes I'll make homemade biscuits, cut them in half, and put bacon and some jam in the middle. Breakfast comfort food :)

Same things as usual but eating them slower.

I miss you so much, grandpa.


I don't have the will to cook something more complicated, it keeps me nourished until I either feel better or die.

(I got a European brand that probably taste slightly less bland than the original.)

quantity over quality for me

eating a whole bag of chips is horrible, but more cathartic than cooking a nice, healthy meal like I always do

basically something that breaks my usual eating habits
