We all know biz hates ripple...

We all know biz hates ripple. But if they do what they're set out to do (free up frozen funds internationally and provide trillions in liquidity) isn't it obvious that this money will pour into other cryptos as well? Don't sleep on the possibilities user. This could be a rising tide that lifts all yachts.

Ripple will consume all.

Only Ripple and and Monero will remain...

XRP is a fucking shitcoin. You should be banned for posting it

This will go up to ~13.5k SATs in the next 36 hours at most.

Screenshot this.

I screenshotted it. Meet me back here I’ll give you something if you’re right.

No larp.

Very well.

Do note that it's following fib levels at the moment and it might go as low as ~10800 before starting the jump to 14-15k (the user from the thread yesterday agreed with me on this and has his buy walls on 11.5k and 11.2k SATs). I myself expect it to go to ~11200.

After that, it will probably dip to around 13.5k before doing the ~17k run.

That's ~33% profit in like less than ~10 days.

Feel free to send me some ETH if this actually happens.


Interledger is literally the future of payments and will give XRP the mother of all moon missions. XRP will be used by banks, institutions and people around the world.

First implementation is coming out soon. Anyone who's not holding some is retarded.



If not then you owe me 10 FUN.

Or whatever shitcoin.

I will never buy ripple. Never. I don't care if somehow due to some fucking miracle the market cap ends up in the trillions and I miss out on becoming a multi-millionaire. I will not regret not buying.

cripple the ripple

1.) The opening blocks are missing! 0 -32K (The transactions are still there, the ledger headers are missing)
2.) Ripple Network is Centralized! (No it isnt. Those people dont know how Nodes/Validators Work. Hint: Ripple 0.81)
3.) XRP Coin is Centralized! (Sort of, but ripple keeps it in escrow and its really no more centralized than BTC)
4.) Its not a real crypto! (Its premined and doesnt use POW/POS it uses a concensus algorithm, just as real as BTC/ETH)
5.) Its vulnerable to a 51% attack! (Yeah, so is democracy. The difference is that at 51% attack, the ledger would pause till validators/nodes chose other trusted nodes, BTC frex would just be f--ked)
6.) Its a Bank-sters coin! (Partly but generally we're more for large Financial institutions, including banks and multinational corps, trying to settle cross border payments)
7.) Banks will NEVER use XRP (They already use Ripple's services in which XRP aids in reducing costs even further, something some already do today)
8.) Whales control XRP (No, they dont. We've seen the ledger and who owns what)
9.) XRP will never be over $X because ther are too many coins/marketcap (XRP is trying to solve a Quadrillion $ (yearly) problem. the value of XRP can litterally be anything, no limits)

>I will not regret not buying

you will, because it will suck money from your favorite shitcoins.


That'll show em.

I cannot even fathom how it must feel being this pathetic.

Haha, he literally created a whole new level of cuckdom on his own. Cringe.

This. He's probably a brap-poster as well.

Fags that say they'll never buy Ripple are going to be pissed they missed the moon mission when the fed announces they are using it

smart contracts this year