Vegan general

I didn't choose the vegan life. The vegan life chose me.

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So what's the one vegan dish you eat the most?

short grain sticky rice for breakfast most days, usually with some fried chili oil or seaweed on top

I've bought soya granules, but i don't know what to do with them. Any ideas? Heard they taste like shit without spices

kill yourself you useless sack of dog excrement

Welcome, was beginning to wonder when you'd show up.

>how do you know someone is a vegan?

They're a flamming faggot

>straight outta whole foods
>still having bills

A whole $14 wowow

bargain bin shittergun, too

Dolla, Dolla Bill y'all.

Mah nigguh

Guess you would know xd

Kale rules everything around me.

I think being a vegan is an eating disorder, one which I have. My stomach hurts all the time and I cannot work. I am a 25 year old man and I live the NEET life with my 72 year old retired father. I wish I were dead so I would not have to eat and would not get hungry.

Back in college a girl in our circle of friends went full vegan, she never did tell any of us why. She gradually became hard to deal with, everything from preaching veganism to utterly random statements. Her roommate complained about the stench in the bathroom.
In a few months she had slimmed down so much her bones were becoming visible. Around 4 months she was found dead in her car at the college, vomited blood all over.
We promised each other to eat healthy in her memory and never go vegan.

False. You can not escape Whole Foods with a purchase and cash.

>Pick one!

troll thred kek

Was there an autopsy?. If so, what was the cause of death?. What exactly did she eat?.

did you know bullets are vegan? also a great source of minerals!

Bullets often are not vegan. Some ammunition manufacturers test bullets on live pigs.

That's ok, I don't eat bullets.

Let's be serious for a second. What's a good vegan source of protein other than legumes? Legumes are around 50-70 grams of protein per 1000 calories which is OK, but I can't eat beans all day every day. I have a soy allergy too

get out pasta shill


Rice with either beans mixed with hummus or rice mixed with a vegetable normally broccoli.

Recently I've been cutting down on the broccoli. The amount of gas that vegetable produces is crazy. I'm gassy for like two whole days after eating an entire bag of the shit. Plus the smell is horrid.

Someone recommended activated charcoal, but to absorb the amount of gas I produce when eating the green I had to take an entire bottle.... Not sure that's safe.

If you eat broccoli frequently enough it becomes less of an issue

Of course eating an entire bag will probably give you some gas

None of the moral arguments hold weight. This isn't the place to go through them but anyone with the capacity to think critically can work this out.

The environmental arguments largely rely on falsely assuming the rest of the world is as retarded as the USA in raising an inefficient animal on fucking desert or on prime farmland. Sheep on, say, the Scottish or Welsh highlands are nowhere near as wasteful as the land is worthless for much else and the animal more efficient than beef cattle. That doesn't even begin to touch on seafood, fish and chicken either (eggs are top tier and produced properly, rather than in batter, chicken will provide you with shit like capons).

Even if they did if we're going for maximum efficiency in land usage most vegan diets are actually pretty wasteful since they go for taste and variety as much as anything else (not to mention the need for mass production of certain supplements). Anything shipped in from abroad will be an environmental issue too and you better believe it's more difficult to provide a fully vegan diet in some countries.

Now assuming you mean health benefits then yes there are some but comparing a sane diet including meat to a sane vegan diet rather than to the average fatfuck diet will show you it isn't huge. Most value enjoyment in life over a few years at the shit-end of it anyway, assuming you are lucky enough not to die of any other random chance (disease, accident, violence etc). Same reason people binge drink.

Basically most arguments come down to mild benefits or smugness.


Peas hurt my stomach.

A cute halter top would go with that.



Corn is fed to animals, thus corn is not vegan.

It's safe.

It's just expensive.

Quinoa, veggie mix, beans...can't go wrong.

what was the last non vegan meal you had?

Do vegan swallow after sucking a dick?

would you eat an animal that died from natural causes? how about an anima that died in an accident?

Almost a decade ago I think it was a cheeseburger.

How do I make this tofu not taste like dogshit? it's natures promise extra firm btw.

Yes. Not sure if trolling but at the same time I never understood this question. It doesn't go against vegan lifestyle.

I would not personally as I have no desire for flesh, but if someone absolutely MUST consume animal products this is the best way, though not realistic or even practiced in today's world. I still find it very disturbing on many levels, much how many who are not vegan would view cannibalism if a person died from accident/natural causes.

>None of the moral arguments hold weight. This isn't the place to go through them but anyone with the capacity to think critically can work this out.
Expand on this or don't bring it up at all. I'm not even a vegan, but saying "all moral arguments for veganism are wrong and I'm not going to go into it but if you don't see why then you're stupid" just makes you look like a douche.

would you drink milk from a cow that you got to milk yourself the traditional way?

I was a vegan for 2 years but gave it up when I realized bulking was impossible without spending ridiculous amounts of money on protein powders. I tried for 6 months and my gains were mediocre compared to when I was younger. It's impossible to get enough protein without greatly upsetting your stomach with the fiber/difficult to digest food that comes with high protein plant foods like beans, broccoli, lentils, etc. I was literally eating a loaf of bread a day to bulk, and I'm sure that was just as unhealthy as any animal food.

So because you were unable to do it, but others succeed it is impossible? Bad mindset to be in user, you wont get fat that way.

However fat works too ironically.

Yeah user, every vegan knows that fof easy digestion you need to eat the vegan food pre digested already


You get a vegan friend to consume and digest the food and then you eat the food. Every vegan does it, what do you think supplements are for?

That video is fucking great; I don't care what your stupid food politics are, that video is A+.

>I think being a vegan is an eating disorder

>We promised each other to eat healthy in her memory and never go vegan.

Daily reminder that "vegan" means absolutely nothing in terms of how healthy a diet is. If you decided to eat nothing but potato chips and mountain dew then guess what, you're eating vegan.

A well researched vegan diet can be extremely healthy but one with little research or little effort is guaranteed to be shit.

The cause of death was being in a fake story about her dying.
I mean c'mon man:
>We promised each other to eat healthy in her memory and never go vegan.
This isn't real.

Grains and legumes are about it, son. Eat a couple pieces of bread with every meal. A no-bullshit whole grain bread can have 6-8g per slice.

I do not eat potato chips or drink Mountain Dew. I guess I am too stupid to figure out what to eat to be healthy enough to work so I have to either become a corpse eater or live the NEET life until my father dies and then go to a homeless shelter.

>veggie mix
What veggies?. Quinoa and beans hurt my stomach.

That is my life story.
