Animals you've always wanted to eat

I wanna try a gazelle

i'd try long pork if the opportunity arose


Second. My ex girlfriend has really thick muscular thighs and I used to tell her if she left me I would kill her and eat her legs. I might still

The hair follicle mites from Kate Middletons bumhole.

Don't you judge me.


shark and dolphin

shocked but not disgusted, user may have a chance


i'd try them
i'd probably vomit but i'd try them

literally all the herbavoires

I've heard it tastes like pork in general, but the taste varies from person to person.

what the fuck is going on with that cheeto?

Bad photoshop.

No just really bad taxidermy

I would try bear


if i ever go to korea i sure as hell am gonna try eating dog

shark is very much like swordfish but a little less tasty

That's a tubeopard, a very rare and almost extinct species, you pleb.

Tyrannosaur, ever since I was a kid I just wanted to rip one apart with my mouth.

Penguin. Who the fuck has ever eaten a penguin? Do you know anyone that has? I sure as hell dont. What is it supposed to taste like? Really fatty chicken? Fishy chicken?


I have a dick you can choke on, is that good enough?


w h a l e

Human. Dead serious.

Fuck off, Hannibal

I WANNA EAT DOG i heard it's like savoury beef
mm beef

Some sort of monkey. One of the little jumpy ones, not great apes so much.
Had it in nipland.

well that's easy, just bite your mum

i'd like to try sea pineapple but i've heard it tastes nasty

look at this shit though

I'm interested to taste an Australian. It's probably a lot less tough than it tries to look, but it might be a bit too filthy for safe consumption.

Ate shark before, the meat was tough and bland, we cook it with ginger and fermented beans to enhance the taste.

I want to fuck giselle

quality bantz m80


Chicken. Ever seen a featherless chicken? That's proof of evolution

Pufferfish but dying would suck

Dog is tough and stringy and doesn't taste like much.

I have a dick and im a girl
eat me for dinner :^)

So... go eat some fucking gazelle. If I wanted a Whopper, I wouldn't start a fucking post about it. You are suffering from Face-Bookitis. You feel obligated to share every stupid fucking thought or action in your feeble brain.


Giraffe ribs, zebra

They are actually quite inexpensive and taste amazing.

its alright, really lean and best minced. bolognese with roo is the best use for their meat

Zebra tastes the same as horse, which is like really REALLY lean and more mild beef.

>went to GWAR show when I was maybe 16?
>they chloroform or something a penguin on stage and proceed to grill it while playing
>always wanted penguin since