Debate this

debate this

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I see nothing inherently wrong with that distribution

Investing in cheap foreign labor makes the investor wealthier and leaves less jobs for the plebs in america that become even poorer.

If you're not ok with that leave this investment board immediately.

Pretty fair distribution tbqh

>implying the world was just born the way it is and no one had to actually build it

>If you're not ok with that leave this investment board immediately.


How about you post it from 2016 after Obama fixed the wealth disparity that Bush created?

Because that belief is indicative of a more cancerous ideology that espouses equality as a moral good.

Because as an investor you have to think about how to invest your money wisely not about gifting money to unproductive leeches

Looks pretty natural IMO.

Care to explain that further rather than relying on assumptions?

If people don't have jobs available to pursue, how can they be productive?

Pareto distribution.
It’s how things work.

If you start with the assumption that equity & equality of outcome is the ideal and natural economic state, and any deviation from pure equity is unjust, the only conclusion is that anyone with "more" must be immoral and deserves to have their property given to those with "less" until equity is achieved.

Huffpo go

You are arguing axiomatics but I don't hold any of those axioms to be true.
I want to know why it is beneficial for society to remove jobs from the economy, eliminating wealth for many men, in favor for the accrual of wealth for one man. I don't care about foreigners. I am talking about domestic.

>I want to know why it is beneficial for society to remove jobs from the economy, eliminating wealth for many men, in favor for the accrual of wealth for one man. I don't care about foreigners. I am talking about domestic.

No one here is arguing that it's beneficial to actively concentrate wealth. I'd argue that the system is rigged for rent-seekers to use legislation to solidify their wealth and make it harder for newcomers to build wealth.

interesting. The 20% richest have 80% of the wealth, and the poorest 20% have the inverse of 80% lol (1.25%)

People could have stopped it by fighting immigration and taxing imports
But they were "convinced" not to, so now they get to face the consequences, simple democracy in action

>No one here is arguing that it's beneficial to actively concentrate wealth. I'd argue that the system is rigged for rent-seekers to use legislation to solidify their wealth and make it harder for newcomers to build wealth.
literally from >Investing in cheap foreign labor makes the investor wealthier and leaves less jobs for the plebs in america that become even poorer.

it reflects percentage of IQ

>Don't allow the leeches to legislate theft from property owners
>Don't allow the wealthy to create virtual monopolies through legislation

Pick Both

Good luck getting that to happen with 'career' politicians.