Tfw your in the mood for some good ol classic dank-ass crunchy taco supremes and you get home and all the shells are...

>tfw your in the mood for some good ol classic dank-ass crunchy taco supremes and you get home and all the shells are broke

I don't know why I even order these, should have got double decker or burrito or anything else. sometimes a man just needs a classic though

That's what you get for getting taco bell faggot

I could never understand how people eat hard shell

the only solution is to eat only soft or do the thing where you wrap the hard with a soft and cushon it with cheeese

fucking kill yourself piece of shit faggot

You're the one who had such high expectations from taco bell

End your miserable existence

nostalgia. growing up mom made tacos exactly like taco bell crunchy supreme, we never had soft tortillas. I know they are shitty on several levels outside of shell strength integrity but occasionally I just want one. they're a challenge to eat if you haven't eaten hundreds of them but I'm good there, and usually the shells aren't broke.

I did fggt it was good

hard taco bread is retardedl it just crumbles after you take the first bite

with soft taco bread you can wrap it so it forms a burrito, and nothing spills out

Except they taste nothing alike. If your getting a soft taco might as well eat a burrito, same taste. Hard shell has a distinct flavor and texture.

>taco bread

>hardshell tacos from Taco Bell

Bell is only good for their specialty items. Taco Bueno's tacos, burritos and nachos stomp Bell and Del Taco.

>crunchy tacos
You have to eat them right then and there. Otherwise get soft shell nig

I've always thought nachos are the better alternative to hard shell tacos. Although nachos are perhaps the worst thing on Taco Bells menu.

How fat are you?

I just crunch them up and make a good, hot taco salad. I gave up on actually eating shells as is a long time ago.

>buying shitty hard shell anything

You're fault for having such bad taste.


Taco Bell Grunt here. Reminder that is you order a crunchy taco with no lettuce then you deserve to have then broken. OP I see that you have lettuce on yours. Just ask for another one.

>taco bread

Don't fall for the viral marketing.

>sometimes a man just needs a classic though
that's a pretty dubious "classic". that's like calling a sloppy joe a classic when it's really just trash.

>not putting lettuce on the taco is hard
>having to read makes me angry

>he's never had to wrap a crunchy taco with no lettuce
They are so fragile that it's hard to not break it.

tastes the same bro, just enjoy it.