What is Veeky Forums's diversification & hedging strategy in crypto?

What is Veeky Forums's diversification & hedging strategy in crypto?

I don't want to get rich quick, I want to make investments I can hold for over a year that will conservatively beat the market over that period (which isn't that hard since a lot of the market is PnD and shitcoins which will die off)

I won't list coins since that makes thread quality worse

>Most important for me : Diversify across use cases, including
>smart contracts & blockchain infrastructure
>logistics / supply chain
>oracle solutions
>Tokenization of regular assets
>pure hype coins
>a small bit in 'store of value'
Am i missing any?

>Diversification across markets
>20% in chinese coins
>Bulk in Western coins
>Maybe a bit in korea coins or japanese coins if they come out

I wish crypto had an index fund

Literally does look at Iconomi

I think RLC REQ LINK ETH and MKR cover a very good portion of the market.

It's definitely not all "blue chip" but IMO it's a pretty good balance.

Don't ask biz. Half the retards here are all in on 2 coins and their hedging strategy is "le hodl :^)"

>100k in crypto
>Holding about 35 different coins with unique selling points for mid-long term

Feels good to be properly diversified, way less stressful. I'm only holding a few coins within top 50, the rest are calculated risks as only a few of them have to really make it to get a great profit.

I need to research REQ

damn, i got 600k and i only hold about.. 12 or so.

Also worth noting that I'm not invested in currencies and less invested in supply chain tokens as the competition is so fierce. I've tried to find projects that really offer something others currently can't or are clear first movers in their fields.

I feel very similarly

her'e's my portfolio by proportion


way less invested than u if u really have 600k tho.. not afraid of chinkcoins either lol.. hows my diversity biz?

not a daytrader lol except when i do

Most of my stack (75%) is in three projects that I believe in (ETH, ZRX, LINK) and did research on.

The other 25% is spread between different platforms (IOTA, XLM, ADA etc.). These are just fomo insurance so if they actually become the dominant platform for dAPPs I don’t A) panic buy into a moon, or B) neck myself for not buying at least a little when they were cheap.

Currency coins are a trap imo because we have no idea which will succeed. They all basically do the same thing - just hold value if we all collectively decide they have value - and that could evaporate overnight. Also which one wins is going to be so fucking random. Think Blu-ray. It’s not the tech, it’s adoption and network effects, and big players in the space could arbitrarily choose a coin to make it succeed. I.e. “oh Raiblocks is superior” —> “McDonalds announces all stores worldwide accept bitcoin” —> “well fugg”

>fomo insurance
good way to put it

i was forced at logical gunpoint to put 5% into LINK because i would have to kill myself if it mooned

3-4% Gambling on Futures and games
10-20% Moonshots on shitcoins I need to believe it can bring at least a 2X before I bother.
Major Stinky.
20-40% mostly top 100 coins that I buy/sell based on forks, hype, news...
10-30% blue chips for stability and when I move from one to another the one I sell moons
10-20% kept on Kraken in case I need cash/want to exit. Although the times I've left I've usually ended sending more so I'm probably not that smart.

ok apparently this makes thread worse.. let me break down by type:


vitalik is fucking based

What do you consider a blue chip?

Keep at least half your shit in BTC, ETH, and XMR. Anyone that tells you different has lost touch with reality.

Fuck BTC

XMR yeah


Looks solid. I would add ENG and Nano

I hold NEO but i do not consider it a blue chip

You may be right it probably hasn't earned the honor yet but it feels stable enough.

BTC controls the entire market, whether we like it or not. You don't have to like it, but you should have it.

When everything else shit last month NEO was still green for weeks until it finally gave. I'm holding 15 coins and it was the only one keeping above the water by comparison.