Recipe calls for a can of ingredient

>recipe calls for a can of ingredient

Not everyone wants to spend three hours making dinner, user. Sometimes using canned ingredients is just darn useful.

Kill yourself, faggot

You started this thread yesterday dipshit.

In civilized countries cans come in standardized sizes.

>using a recipe

Have you ever heard of using your heart and soul to cool?


>coconut oil
>green beans
>everything else wrong with that culinary abortion

Makes me rage every time. Now if you fine gentlemen will excuse me, I must go down to the river and punch a manatee in the face.

damn. could this be the beginning of a Veeky Forums cringe thread?

>throws out that shit McCormick chili dust
>makes shit chili seasoning mix out of various kinds of McCormick spice dust

Believe it or not this fucker made thousands by publishing a book full of these cringefographics apparently normies buy it up and love corn/green beans in their "chili".

>Spending 5 hours processing shitty off-season, expensive tomatoes from produce instead of standardized canned yummy tomatoes



That's not a bad beginner recipe. Just because it's not advanced doesn't mean it's bad.

The chili one is shit though.

It's still a terrible thing to read.

>remove skin
>no browning
>literally uncaramelized brown sugar
Back in my day you just fried an egg and added a slice of ham to start.

Congratulations you've just made hamburger soup.

Yeah, but that's because you're not 14. As far as I can tell, it targets the age group that should be learning how to cook.

It's hard to sell cooking to young people with the culinary equivalent of that "you have to eat all the eggs" image.

The skin would just end up chewy and unappetizing
The sugar gets caramelized after 8 hours in a crock pot with the heat and the pressure
It's not a great recipe because instead of buying food and throwing away parts of it, he could have just used boneless skinless thighs, which are even better because then you can use the meat for other things

>recipe calls for ketchup, sriracha, or another sauce, before throwing it into the oven

>Wanting to spend an extra 30 minutes preparing crushed tomatoes when you could just buy them in a can?

So omit it?
If you absolutely have to follow a recipe down to the letter, you really shouldn't be on Veeky Forums.

Why bother with that recipe at all if you're just going to not follow the directions, let alone it involves doing something you dislike
Is probably what a more correct response would look like

>Why bother with that recipe at all if you're just going to not follow the directions

You obviously need to learn to cook, so this is a practice you should look into.

The chili one is just a standard chili recipe, just formatted in a lame way. Actually followed it several times now with a few differences, breddy good senpai

wouldn't it make more sense to practice recipes as they are instead of telling someone to just skip steps or not add ingredients, if they wanted to learn and not just futz around in a kitchen making food they didn't want to eat anyway?

You obviously don't know how to cook, so learn that before trying to teach others how to do so

It is a standard chili recipe, but because it's presented in a format in a way that makes it seem like it should be amazing, it sucks
Why wouldn't he tell people to season to taste instead of just recreate his own brand of McCormick chili seasoning mix?

>I followed the recipe, but I changed things and now it actually tastes good

>wouldn't it make more sense to practice recipes as they are instead of telling someone to just skip steps or not add ingredients
Depends on the recipe and the person. If the recipe calls for a sauce before going into the oven, and you don't like that sauce, why would you add it?

>You obviously don't know how to cook
Uh huh, go back to reading up on that Betty Crocker meatloaf recipe. You don't want to make a mistake in the kitchen, do you?

>Depends on the recipe and the person
>But despite not knowing anything about anyone, I'm going to give you advice
Terrible, just terrible

>You don't want to make a mistake in the kitchen
B-but I thought it depended on the recipe and the person, don't tell me your pitiful excuse for teaching skills have failed even further than this?

Here ya go.


still applies.

Actually applies and is helpful

>waaah don't tell me how to cook
>that's what this recipe i don't like is for!

>I don't like a recipe and I will criticize it
>I'd rather just not make the rec-
>no bu-

You're hitting that keyboard just a bit too hard. You might want to take a break, champ. Don't wanna break it.

>today i won on the internet

Stop telling people to make their own changes to recipes. Not only are people going to learn how to actually cook, but 90% of the people on Veeky Forums won't have anything to shitpost about.

You're either too stupid to know what caps lock is and how it works
Or too poor to afford a functioning keyboard with capslock

either way, you've gone from pathetic to pitiable
no wonder you pretend that you know things on the internet and try to teach strangers things, it's because your life is so empty and pitiable that there's nothing else for you
because honestly, who else could be this undeniably wrong besides someone like you

Whats that space game called?

>recipe calls for premade dough