Vegetarian Meals

How did I do?

>memes: the meal

what's that orange stuff on the bread under the tomato

beans & rice, you did A+ good


didn't say vegan. learn the difference.

Are you british...

Commercial chicken eggs aren't fertilized. It wouldn't have become a chicken.

Not with that attitude it won't

how many carbs do you need in one meal? are you on a bulking phase?


is your name julie?

you have the same utensils/hotsauce/table as my ex.

ynever know.

Carbs should make up at least half your diet.

The egg industry grinds male chicks alive just after hatching. Or throw them into large bags to suffocate.

Holy shit, Edgar is that you?

Those are the eggs they purposefully fertilize to make more chickens (to lay eggs). The eggs you eat aren't fertilized.

i wonder who buys the ground up male chicks. no way poultry producers just throw that away

Are you retarded ?


This meal is screaming for some cabbage.

Not everybody is vegetarian because "think of the animals!" and if you're going to kill the chicks, that's a pretty painless way of doing so. Eventually technology will catch up and it will be unnecessary.

Probably used in animal feed.

Most meals are. I could eat cabbage every day. I guess I do, in some form or other (brussels sprouts, broccoli, etc.)

Probably. What point were you making?

farmers buy it to grow plants for vegans