Why is biz so lacking in self esteem that they need to post pictures of boys with deformative issues to feel better...

Why is biz so lacking in self esteem that they need to post pictures of boys with deformative issues to feel better about themselves?





Can I fuck her in the ass?

Fuck off Pajeet



want you guys to know that those little hairs women have (peach fuzz) feel fucking amazing.

srsly, i am totally turned off asian women now because they don't have peach fuzz.

feeling smooth skin with some peach fuzz on it gives you an instant boner.

srs i have a boner just typing this.

Sminem? He’s our mascot.

little white girls are the best amirite bois


jeez who is that man eyeballin the cameraman?

milfs ~50 w dark hair are best on the side of their face
each one of those hairs is connected to a nerve ending btw

how dare u talk about the bogs like that

Those hairs mean that she is unironically anorexic. Your body starts to grow that when you're starved because it's doing whatever it can to keep you warm

boner gone, but you are right

how about Lanugo

that doesn't mean that you can't have them naturally. your body extends your eyelashes if you have allergies...that doesn't mean all people with long eyelashes have allergies.

enjoy being a Pedo fucking retard.